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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. We need names or this thread is....racist or something.


    Billy McScot.

    Ginger Tartan.

    Haggis McThistle.

    Scott Bagpipery.


    hehe. Cheers


    Jock McHaggis




    Apologies to the Scotch mags ;)



    You mean Scottish, Scotch is a Whiskey.


    I know. Do a youtube for Stewart Lee - Identity. I challenge you not to laugh.

  2. We need names or this thread is....racist or something.


    Billy McScot.

    Ginger Tartan.

    Haggis McThistle.

    Scott Bagpipery.


    hehe. Cheers


    Jock McHaggis




    Apologies to the Scotch mags ;)



    Who cares, if people want to leave thats their business.


    Just imagine you went cinema, and some cunt sat next to you decides that he has to go for a hotdog three times during it, and five minutes before the climax of the film, he decides he's seen enough. But as he stands up, something exciting happens in the film, so he walks at a snails pace, gawping at the screen whilst obscuring the view of the people who aren't incontinent or have some blood-sugar problem where they can't stop filling their face for an hour and a half?


    Totally, what with people arriving late, nipping off for a pint and a pie then leaving before the end you're up and down like a whore's drawers


    Just stay stood then.


    The bitches that complain about me standing up are worse than early leavers.


    Booers<Non-Singers<Bitches<early leavers


    The 'sidooon!' people were in full voice as well. Like one second after kick-off.


    Who cares, if people want to leave thats their business.


    Just imagine you went cinema, and some cunt sat next to you decides that he has to go for a hotdog three times during it, and five minutes before the climax of the film, he decides he's seen enough. But as he stands up, something exciting happens in the film, so he walks at a snails pace, gawping at the screen whilst obscuring the view of the people who aren't incontinent or have some blood-sugar problem where they can't stop filling their face for an hour and a half?


    Totally, what with people arriving late, nipping off for a pint and a pie then leaving before the end you're up and down like a whore's drawers

  5. Rather unfortunate is how I'd describe this disaster. Bit of a bitch for Ashley, but he knew the risks.


    He seemed quite relaxed about it yesterday from what I could see. Took some grief from a lad two rows back, one of his minders sang along, bit enigmatic I suppose.


    Ashley has made his decisions like sacking Allardyce so he will have to lump it and try to put it right. Would be an utter twat if we get relegated and he bails out and seels us to any old fool.

    Would like to think he is prepared to take responsibility for his actions on the chest and to want to put it right. Seems like the kind of bloke that does. Lets hope so.


    He'd have to be mad to sell a relegated Newcastle, he'd be taking a big loss.

  6. All of this is irrelevant anyway because we are never going to have any success, never going to win a cup, we are never going to have a manager that is going to get us back into the champions league and world class players arent coming here ever again.

    We are a shite club pretending to be otherwise and any manager who comes here is going to fail


    hehe. Cheers.



    Realistically, we're shit, and nobody else decent will want to manage us. This will all be a bad memory in a year or two *crosses fingers*

  7. As I say, I fucked off before the final whistle, hardly super, just fancied getting home. Just don't see why you'd hate people for showing some support. It was far from the worst performance this season for a start.

  8. Shameful?



    You read the negative press about this club do you? Because on the whole it emphasises how we'll turn on a manager/player at the drop of a hat. Which is true in your case.

  9. I sit in front of two of the most miserable cunts in the world. 90+ minutes every game about how shit everything is. Yeah, we have eyes as well. The press is right, we are fickle fuckers and deserve all we get.

  10. If you boo. Just fuck off, stay away, sell your ticket. Don't come back. Ever.


    Not being high and mighty, I left in stoppage time, mainly as I feel physically sick on hearing the boos of slack-jawed twats.

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