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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. Celtic bring loads down, simple as that, we won't fill SJP alone, and if we play some Spanish team they'll bring a handfull for good reason. I'd be happy to play Rangers for the same reason, just to show I'm not bigoted ;)

  2. You can talk about bigots, and I'm no fan of the old firm nonsense, but saying "all Celtic fans are bigots", and saying they all support the IRA, which let's remember are now dormant, that speaks of another prejudice.


    And thats the point I was getting it.  It was not aimed specifically at NE5 its just that anytime any of the Old Firm are mentioned on here they are all tarred with the same brush.


    Take my points on face value SM.


    They are nothing more or less than that.


    I am disappointed that you have not replied to my reply.


    In my experience the vast majority of Rangers and Celtic supporters - however good lads they are - have an attitude which engulfs bigotry. They may not realise it, in fact they don't. I'm not castigating them for it if they know nothing differently, I'm pointing out the problem, which is deeper and outside of football. I suspect you know this already, so why not admit it instead of defending it ?


    I don't like NUFC playing these shitbags, and I think all other clubs should avoid them too and alienate them for this reason.


    I think that its all about standards. For instance, if someone, or some sets of fans, made racist comments or whatever, the rest of football would take them to task for it. I think the obvious support, bigotry,  and backing of terrorists is 10 times worse.


    In terms of sheer bloody-minded prejudice, the sort of sweeping generalisations you're indulging in here are just as bad as the sectarianism you're banging on about. Amazed you can't see that...




    I'm guessing you're not really amazed.

  3. Slightly at a tangent, but two friends from NI, the prod said to the left-footer "what school did you go to?"



    Which can be a dangerous thing to ask, but he's just a drunk who was having a laugh. Took some time to persuade the softer bloke it was only meant in jest, which it was.

  4. You can talk about bigots, and I'm no fan of the old firm nonsense, but saying "all Celtic fans are bigots", and saying they all support the IRA, which let's remember are now dormant, that speaks of another prejudice.


    And thats the point I was getting it.  It was not aimed specifically at NE5 its just that anytime any of the Old Firm are mentioned on here they are all tarred with the same brush.

    And thats the point I was getting it.  It was not aimed specifically at NE5 its just that anytime any of the Old Firm are mentioned on here they are all tarred with the same brush.



    Exactly, myself I'm a lapsed Catholic, but I've had good craic with Rangers and Celtic supporters, for most of them it's just about football rather than sectarianism, as it should be.

  5. You can talk about bigots, and I'm no fan of the old firm nonsense, but saying "all Celtic fans are bigots", and saying they all support the IRA, which let's remember are now dormant, that speaks of another prejudice.



    I'm not happy watching England play for similar reasons. We have to move on.

  6. Jose's face says it all, he knows it was s****.


    I was thinking more that he knows its going to be his last game for Chelsea


    But he said......




    You could be right. I'd miss his weekly insanity, only reason I have any time for Chelsea.

  7. Doctor Who is on at 7:15 though. Jose should be the next Doctor.




    The Daleks can always get an exterminate, the Time Lords, never get an exterminate.


    Not to mention the tear-jerking episode where the nasty aliens try and take K9 away from him.



    hehe, someone should be bored enough to photoshop this.

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