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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. Thanks Glenn for your time here, you provided us with entertainment at the end of last season. thanks for getting us into europe and bringing Martins to the club.


    good luck glenn in the future!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


    your embarassing mate



    His embarrassing what?

  2. It smacks of Roeder though doesn't it, a cautious manager lacking in ambition. He really doesn't inspire me at all as a fan to believe that he will lead us to great things. Some would say that's what we need, a 'calm head' and all that, but I disagree. Neither his words nor his football inspire me and what you have highlighted is just one example of what you get from Roeder. He's trying to lower expectations at this club to such a level that mid-table "stability" is considered acceptable.


    In the grand scheme of things a point wasn't a bad result today but knowing that we had Arsenal where we wanted them it must be seen as two points dropped. I was happy to see a clean sheet but felt frustrated as yet another 90 minutes passed by without us scoring at home. How long is it now since our last goal at St James?



    AZ I suppose, in the league I'm not sure.

  3. I didn't imagine the anti-Roeder chant today did I?


    I didn't hear it, but I heard a pin drop on the other side of the stadium.



    It was brief but noticeable from the Gallowgate. And yeah it was a bit quiet, I was up for making a racket simply as I was in a good mood, but it was hard to motivate anyone.

  4. I'd rather masurbate with a cheese grater than see those f*ckers win a match, never mind get promoted.  How many of the yes brigade attend the matches and have to witness the white knuckle ride of derby day first hand?

    I said yes and I'll be there for the home leg at least. It's white knuckle because it's important, games you remember no matter what happens.

  5. "However, for Parker to do this is unacceptable and inexcusable, even if he were to cite frustration as his justification.


    "Many, many fans were left devastated about the incident."


    f*** off and die.




    "However, for Parker to do this is unacceptable and inexcusable, even if he were to cite frustration as his justification.


    "Many, many fans were left devastated about the incident."


    f*** off and die.

    :D Cheers.

  6. seriously, what the f*** has he done, apart from inspire confidence?


    he inherited the spine of a good team, he's had the luxury of signing anyone he wants, and more importantly he hasn't suffered for bad buys, or even had to sell them (Duff, SWP), he needs no special skill to persuade anybody to sign, the young buy's he has made have been found out (Mikel), he came out of the Cole saga smelling of roses, somehow making Arsenal the villain, he's had no real competition - the first time a team has got their act together in the Prem he's been found wanting, the team itself needs no tactical direction, these players are good enough to know how to play to a system and grind out results, the first time he's had to adapt to injuries he's moanded like a c*** and been found wanting again, the first time he's had to accomodate players that don't fit the's found wanting


    All he is a confidence and self belief mechanism for a self sufficient team with no money limits, with along with having the negative aspects of being an arrogant cock and ingracious in defeat. You could just aswell give Big Ron that job, he'd do just aswell.





    :D You just keep getting better and better, another classic from the internets most clueless c***.


    wouldn't be surprised if the point of the post eluded your intellectual abilities steve. Don't feel bad if you feel everyone else is ahead of you in the class, you can't help it tbh

    Oh dear :D


    you finished?

    I don't know about him, but I have, all over your dirty thread.

  7. Off-topic but it will interest some of you, 7:40 BBC2


    The Culture Show

    On: BBC 2 North East (2)   

    Date: Saturday 7th April 2007 (starting in 28 minutes)

    Time: 19:40 to 20:30 (50 minutes long)


    Arts and culture stories of the week, presented by Lauren Laverne. Frank Skinner celebrates 50 years of hell-raising with the Fall's irrepressible ringleader Mark E Smith.

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