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Posts posted by SUPERTOON

  1. 8 minutes ago, wormy said:

    :lol: Wasn't that picture proven to be photoshopped by a mackem or something? 

    Even if it wasn’t, sure that was the summer? Up until November/December time, he was playing the best form of his career.

  2. 18 minutes ago, 80 said:


    There was talking of him putting himself forward for the position and being taken seriously due to the quality of his performance in other areas. He's handled some negotiations for us before and since Ashworth, seemingly well. 


    It's conceivable they'll promote him, everyone's got to start somewhere. Particularly as they're now looking at splitting the position and having a separate Performance Director. 


    I like the idea of getting a vastly experienced guy in, but I think the quality of the person is most important, and my suspicion is the marketplace of sports directors is riddled with charlatans. CVs pumped up with hot air and salt water.

    Im comfortable either way, I do think having a sporting director with a track record in the transfer market is the war for us to go.

  3. 4 minutes ago, 80 said:

    They might sound exciting to us, but the club might not have been impressed in reality. I wouldn't be stunned if we stick with Steve Nickson.

    We apparently want a sporting director and a performance director. Not sure Nickson is either one of those? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    I'm confused by Craig Hope. So many people on here saying he's useless and to mute/block him, yet it's his word they're using as Gospel with the Ashworth story. 


    Which one is it? :lol: Is he a good journo or not?

    Good when it’s positive news, bad when it’s negative news.

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