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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. So what was the good news from SSN?
  2. How frustrating is all this. So many contradicting stories from every media source. Why doesn't the fat twat in charge come out and finally be honest with us, and tell what is happening.
  3. Looking more and more likely the longer this takes.
  4. So what is the time frame for this supposed new development? End of the week?
  5. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/simon-bird/Why-Mike-Ashley-has-to-sell-up-now-to-save-Newcastle-United-article108417.html Why Mike Ashley has to sell-up now to save Newcastle United Do the right thing Mr Ashley, and strike that deal. Sell up. Do us a favour and hand over control. It is 77 days since Newcastle were relegated and precious little has changed. But hopefully this will be a pivotal week in the history of Newcastle. Summer has been a confusing whirls of misinformation and lies. Trust with those at the top of the club has reached an all time low - and that is saying something. We’ve endured week of mind-numbing analysis of overdrafts, due diligence, inflated player wages, and a procession of chancers, self-publicists and spivs claiming they want to buy the club. But today Mike Ashley stands at a cross roads after returning from a holiday in Hawaii. Option One: To accept a big loss and sell up to Tyneside businessman Barry Moat and his as yet unknown US backers, and therefore allow Alan Shearer to get on with the job he started. Option Two: He is considering this seriously, take the club off the market, appoint a new boss (which won’t be Shearer), pump £40 million in to keep it afloat. There can only be one word of advice from this column. Just go, Mike. We’ve had enough. It is time for a fresh start, and some direction and leadership. Accept your reign has been a disaster than can be endured no longer by a Tyneside public who have stayed loyal to their club (25,000 season tickets sold this summer), and get out. We’ve never known or understood why you bought Newcastle. You’ve never taken the time to connect with the fans and communicate your vision properly. You’ve made a series of disastrous appointments that ruined relationships inside and outside the club, and you clearly have not got what it takes to be in charge. We’re sorry it’s cost you £258 million, but you’ve helped a city lose it’s pride and brought a club to it’s knees. It is time for a fresh start, and the one good decision you can make it accept Mr Moat’s offer. Let him have a crack at rebuilding trust and restoring faith at St James’s Park. A decision needs to be made this week, because the transfer deadline is approaching. A permanent boss needs to be put in place. A plan, yes a plan, needs to swing into action to clear out players who are earning too much and who will not suit the Championship battle. And most importantly to bring new players in to a thin squad. Another year of Ashley will only mean more of the same. A belligerent lack of communication, people we can’t trust in charge, and the frustrating prospect of next summer turning out just like this summer.... a club up for sale again and powerless to sort itself out. And a word of advice for Mr Moat if he can push a deal over the line. Give Alan Shearer his head over the next few years. Let him build a club, ride the ups and downs of management. And most importantly blow open the culture of secrecy, suspicion, paranoia that has dragged down St James’s Park for years. Open up a couple of boardroom seats to elected representatives from the fan base. For every bed sheet carrying nutters on the television there are hundreds of eloquent in touch Geordies who can provide a fans’ perspective at the highest level. Immerse the club in the community again. Contractually oblige players to do a couple of hours of work on Tyneside every week so they understand more than the training ground and the drive back to their houses in Darras Hall. Newcastle fans want to start believing again and only a new owner can start that process. The week could herald an exciting new era at Newcastle. Or it could perpetuate the status quo, and I don’t think I can bare that much longer. Do the right thing Mike, and strike that deal.
  6. It isn't reported anywhere else so i think/hope so.
  7. Difficult to say, would depend on if we think he could keep us in the premier league, which at this moment is a no.
  8. I dont believe it would be an improvement at all. I don't see any redeeming qualities in Hughton that suggest he's ready to manage this team to anything but abject failure and humiliation, so I'll assume you're just making a comparison between Kinnear and O'Leary. For me, Kinnears health is always going to be a problem but more than that I don't think he's that good of a manager. O'Leary had a lot to spend at Leeds, fine, but not so much at Aston Villa, and I think did well enough for both clubs considering. Not my first choice by any stretch but in what ways do you feel Kinnear, or, God help me, Hughton is a better manager? Isn't he saying O'Leary would be better?
  9. Wonder if Ashley would give him money to spend, and how much?
  10. Gutted that we haven't been taken over. But We knew if Ashley stayed Shearer wouldn't get the job, and O'leary is better than Kinnear and Hughton, i think.
  11. A surprisingly good match. Pretty decent, and if we could make one or two signings in the right area then we could have a good season, providing we get a proper manager.
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/8192035.stm
  13. So that is saying he doesn't have backers yet, which goes against everything already reported. Would think Moat would at least have some insurances of possible backers before even thinking about taking over.
  14. Either way we should find out this week, there has still be no denial by Moat, which is still good news. Still wouldn't be surprised to be in this situation next week.
  15. Any link, or did you buy the paper?
  16. Seems from the reports in the papers, Ashley will deicide when he gets back from holiday, whether or not to accept Moat's bid, which Harris clearly thinks he should, or to take the club off the market and appoint a rubbish manager.
  17. If Barton is ok to be on the bench, he may should have just started.
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