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Posts posted by Mugatu

  1. I'm saying it's positive because if it's true we went back for him it suggests there's money to spend.


    :lol: There f***ing well better be. We haven't spent anything!

    AGENT FEES! Come on man.


    Plus gas and electric is going up by 20% or whatever so that's another £10 million gone I'm sure.

  2. Did we ever find out who the "big name" striker was that Douglas tweeted about a few weeks back? Surely he wasn't referring to Erdinc as he's hardly a massive name? Sorry if it's been mentioned before but I can't be arsed going back through all the thread.

  3. Do you think there team to get into Europe League?

    You never know but it is very difficult. That was the first goal of the season,


    What?? Our goal for the season was to get into Europe?  :dowie:


    Now it becomes clear why Hughton was sacked, we were sitting midtable when he went.

  4. sunderlandare lucky bastards like



    and again


    I swear Sunderland have some forcefield around their goal this season. Never seen teams miss so many nailed on chances than at the stadium of slight recently. It seems that in every game their opposition manage to miss from 2 yards, hit the bar 16 times or have one of the Sunderland players palm it off the line for everyone to see apart from the ref. Really pissing me off now.

  5. Would be madness to go and buy another striker right now. We'd end up over paying and could easily end up chucking £10m plus down the drain on a flop. Think we've still got enough to stay up and we'd get better value in the summer. If we can get a decent loan in however that would be great.

  6. Undecided over this. £35 million is a stupid amount of money for someone who's only done it for half a season in the premier league but we're not going to be able to get anyone as good even if we splashed the full lot on a replacement. Other players of his standard won't want to play here and even if we do manage to scout a youngster who turns into a world class striker then they'll want away as soon as the big boys come knocking. Carroll seemingly wants to stay and therefore we should be keeping him.

  7. Neesy has a a fair point I reckon. We really need to see how Ben Arfa is after this injury before committing to signing him and labelling him as the best thing ever. There's a chance the injury might have affected him mentally. Prior to his injury there's no doubt that on top form Ben Arfa's the better player (on paper) but we don't even know how he'll adapt to the English game yet, I don't think you can tell after 3 just appearances.

  8. Currently a thread on there comparing Gyan with Carroll. In one of the posts it claims Carroll's not a good header of the ball and it usually just "bounces off his head".  :facepalm:

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