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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Dzeko, such an oaf. This team is all Aguero, that's it.

    Toure has been better than Aguero. I presume you aren't counting Silva either


    Love Silva, but he's absent today.


    Yaya has seemingly lost his mind this season. Has been very average. Don't think he's been that great today at all.

  2. Sissoko finally being given freedom in centre mid is also something we've waited too long for.


    Gouffran, finally out of the team, as he couldn't attack from out wide.


    Ayoze getting more pitch time.


    We've all been crying out for these thigns for ages, as they were so obvious. It's the most worrying thing about Pardew. So irritating he's now acting like it was part of some master plan.

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