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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Its a shame, he had surprisingly actually started to win me round.


    Take a stiff drink and have a long word with yourself.

    He's s***. Has always been s***. Always will be s*** and is shamelessly blagging a career at our club, on a ridicuous salary, at about two levels too high for his 'ability'.


    Anything that keeps this clueless, useless cretin away from our firts team is good news. Irrespective of who we sign/don't sign.

    Awful footballer and a charlatan.


    Sorry, but this is ridiculous  :lol:


    The guy isn't a bad character at all.

  2. So worrying man ...


    Look at how this kid has performed lately, and yet no one in the staff could see something in him.

    Absolutely terrifying.


    If he had been sold, people would have written him off as a failure, but these kids aren't given enough off a chance. It's very annoying.



  3. This guy has been okay lately.


    He's a lot more tolerable, when playing a forward thinking player ahead of him, rather than Gouffran, which was rendering the left side completely worthless attacking wise.

  4. Another plus point for Pardew was the sub appearance of Remy Cabella.


    Pardew said: “He had a nice little cameo.”But Pardew joked that it wouldn’t have been Newcastle had Cabella not missed that late chance to seal the game.


    He said: “Of course, it’s always difficult here!”



  5. If Dier is playing, certainly.


    Worst defender in the league!


    Relentless indeed.


    Apart from anything else, he's a CB who's been asked to fill in at RB when we were expecting him to warm the bench for a year. He's done amazingly well in the circumstances.




    That was for KI, chill.


    Dier is a good young player. I know that.





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