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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Never mind the diving. The guy has ability, and is a talent, and we've managed to completely crush his confidence already. It's quite incredible really.


    Why couldn't they see he lacked physicality when they were scouting him? Just watching his YouTube videos you can see he's that type. However there are numerous players of this type that have still managed to be very productive in this league.


    So annoying that the manager immediately writes players off on this basis.

  2. This guy compared himself to Alex Ferguson, while slagging off Wenger, Rodgers and Pellegrini.  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Allardyce is literally f***ing insane.




    I didn't even get it right. He actually compared himself to Ferguson AND Mourinho, while slagging off those three. Incredible stuff.

  3. Charlie Austin over Lambert surely!


    Also, why on earth would you start messing around with Theo for goodness sake. Let the guy get some games under his belt. Disgusting thing to do. I'd not let him join up with them at all. Forget that.

  4. Keegan actually congratulates the board for sticking with Pardew. The same board he feuded with, he now gives credit for sticking by Alan Pardew. That is beyond upsetting man. Why on earth would he say that?! Man ...

  5. Im so very sad for him and his ability to now go out and get mortal 4 nights a week instead of 2.


    :lol: my goodness. What a silly thing to say. That's blatantly what you would do, clearly. Not everyone is obsessed with drinking all the time buddy.

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