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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Don't think Wenger rates him. None of the Champion's league clubs want him to come in and start for them, and so he has settled for being a bit player at Chelsea. He's never playing ahead of Cpsta upfront, and he won't do the grunt work Mourinho wants from his wide men. They're already carrying Hazard as it is, as he doesn't always get back.

  2. Allardyce is such a moron  :lol:


    I feel sorry for Gus Poyet's son. Don't know what he was thinking going there.


    Was just reading today they are the 5th highest net spenders in the PL over the last 5 years, and they are still starting with Carlton Cole :lol: Got to love Big Sam.


    I was in stitches when Valencia missed that penalty on Tuesday. Allardyce will bench him into oblivion. He'll just become the new Modibo Maiga.

  3. That's him off my FF team then. Damn.


    I was going to add him as one of my wildcard moves, before opting to wait till next week to wildcard. Thank God!

  4. Just watched a pretty harrowing interview with Gabriel Batistuta. He has had several mobility problems due to the constant injuries, ops, and rushed recoveries during his playing career. He often peed himself in the bed because of not daring to stand up to walk to the bathroom. He even said he considered amputation given the pain he lives with.



    No way  :(


    Love Batistuta. Was it a particular part of his leg?


    He said that many injuries and ops have left them without cartilage in his joints, which makes simple movements very painful.


    Man ... sounds terrible. Good to hear he's doing better. Pro sports is no joke, despite how much these guys get paid. Takes a toll.

  5. We cannot handle teams with pace out wide that run directly at us despite having two full backs on each side. Hangelaand will also have a field day heading away our stupid aimless long balls. We're going to lose this one.


    Explain how we beat them twice last year without conceding then?  ;)


    God knows  :lol:


    None of the players that scored for us against them will be playing, that much I do know. Well except O.G. who has already bagged one for us this term.



  6. Just watched a pretty harrowing interview with Gabriel Batistuta. He has had several mobility problems due to the constant injuries, ops, and rushed recoveries during his playing career. He often peed himself in the bed because of not daring to stand up to walk to the bathroom. He even said he considered amputation given the pain he lives with.



    No way  :(


    Love Batistuta. Was it a particular part of his leg?

  7. I agree with you on those players - the last 3 at least. I just think England are bang average as is wor Jackie. So on that note it makes sense.


    I'll never understand how Colback gets picked ahead of Huddlestone. Absolutely non-sensical.


    It's rotten to the core regardless btw.  But Colback encourages the right behaviour. Playing pretty regularly in the PL. I think Rodwell has to pay some dues. Hughes has to play in the PL.


    Would love for Cleverley to move to La Liga and make something of himself.  LOL @ him replacing Rakitic though.


    How exactly does (the inclusion of) Colback encourage the right behaviour? :lol:

    he's played fairly regularly for two Pl clubs. That's the minimum a England international should be. The bench warmers or players in a lower division should force a move to Hull and prove themselves.


    That's the problem though, they can't force moves to clubs like Hull. I think these championship clubs need to bring their fees down, as this is the main hinderance to these guys getting opportunities at the top level IMO.


    So many more of them would get bought. I mean look at Hull's attempts to buy Rhodes. They had a £12 million bid rejected, and ended up getting the Uruguayan instead.


    Maybe if they looked at lesser fees, with much bigger rises if these players performed at a high standard. I don't know really. It's incredibly tough.

  9. If Hughes plays for England now, a top 4 club buys him for £20m, sits on the bench for 2 years, stagnates and ends up at Sunderland.


    Well it would be up to him to make sure he went somewhere he would play ultimately. If the likes of Spurs/Liverpool rather than Chelsea/ Man City came in for him then he'd have to be smart about it.

  10. Lyon got knocked out last night didn't they? Maybe they'll budge on their valuation of him and just let him go from now? I can see this being a January signing though.


    Oh they did? Hmmm ... we might have a chance then. Seeing as they haven't managed to shift anyone else this summer too, and they apparently need to do so.

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