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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. With Tiote and Cabaye back, Ben Arfa has to start on the right. Tiote and Cabaye's presence will offer more protection, as they will both be able to cover for him better defensively, and also in instances where he loses the ball. Will be very dissapointed if anyone starts there today.

  2. He's playing like he's given up.


    At least that would make some kind of sense, and would be far more acceptable. You are giving him too much credit! He is playing like what he is, an awful footballer.

  3. The figure of speech I was on about involves giving him rope. Can't possibly see Pardew being happy with his performances, and I'm hoping this is his way of saying 'well you had your chance and you weren't good enough'.


    He's playing a better striker, who scores more consistently, who holds the ball up better, and who wins more headers and is offside less, on the wing to accomodate Shola. Pardew rates him, and it is sickening. Only Keegan saw through his crap it seems, and for that alone he is truly a legend.

  4. Poor game, almost cost us the 3 points by totally losing Dann for that header too.


    Don't think we'll see much of him once the Dembas are back. Except against the mackems of course!


    Don't think we'll see much of him? Do you realise Pardew thinks he is our first striker of the bench. Get used to seeing a lot of him, as it will help numb the pain just a little bit.

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