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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Kenny has obviously gone into look out for number one mode. He bought players that aren't good enough. Simple. Worse of all you just know Dalglish must be the worse manager to have once things get a bit tough. He is ultra negative and doesn't inspire any confidence or self belief ever. Liverpool are done.


    I bet that dig about players not being in Red shirts much longer is aimed mainly at Carroll. He will be an easy scapegoat, as the media are already centred around his struggles and his lifestyle. Kenny will throw him under the bus to save his own skin.


    Throw him towards a bus near newcastle. Carroll would be great as a Shola replacement.


    The bus would be great as a Shola replacement. I'd take either.

  2. In Shola's defence he was on a hiding to nothing today. We know that if we launch high balls towards Shola, and he's isolated, nothing good will come of it. Yet we kept doing it again and again.


    Agree.  Shola was poor - but pumping the ball up to him as a lone striker against Hangeland is brainless.


    No more excuses please! Not a single one. He is terrible. Best should have been through the middle fromt he offset, as he is the one most likely to score, anyway. Shola is useless at this point. He doesn't even look like he is fit enough to be out there running around.

  3. Kenny has obviously gone into look out for number one mode. He bought players that aren't good enough. Simple. Worse of all you just know Dalglish must be the worse manager to have once things get a bit tough. He is ultra negative and doesn't inspire any confidence or self belief ever. Liverpool are done.


    I bet that dig about players not being in Red shirts much longer is aimed mainly at Carroll. He will be an easy scapegoat, as the media are already centred around his struggles and his lifestyle. Kenny will throw him under the bus to save his own skin.

  4. Think it is already going to pieces. The players were all yelling at each other out there. It's only going to get worse. The next  thing is going to be noises about Suarez wanting out.


    I watch Jordan Henderson and I just can't get my head around how much people in football seemingly rated this guy. Mark Davies looks 10 times the player. Henderson doesn't do anything. Just runs around and plays backwards and sideways passes. It's unreal.


    Absolutely nailed on to fall out with Hughes and end up going to a promoted team in the summer.


    Wonder what odds I can get for him joining West Ham in the summer ...

  6. It is quite sad some folks won't quite be able to enjoy the progress the team is making at the moment due to this Mike Ashley stuff.


    Oh well, sucks for them I guess.

  7. Can't really bring myself to hate anyone really. I'm just not that into ultra negativity.


    Amen, brah.  :thup:


    Although I do hate Shola's guts. Just his guts, though ...

  8. Mark Hughes better sign some damn good central midfielders. That Faurlin is quality. They're dead meat without him in there. It's unreal how bad Barton is in the centre now. Would love to see Wigan whup them this weekend.

  9. I still hope the fat c***'s heart stops one day.


    Hughton was clearly sacked because he was a players' man and refused to play politics. Pardew is a snake, he is a players man and also a boardroom man. He'll basically join in whatever game is being played whatever the side. That's how he got the job. f*** chris Hughton, a fellow manager, a fellow LMA member.


    I still believe Hughton is the better manager or coach rather and a far more likeable man but Pardew is more street wise and able to deal with the board and the players in equal measure which at Newcastle is the only way forward.


    Apparently after not getting in a striker during the summer after telling the world we would, Pardew kicked right off with Ashley and co and threatened to walk. He demanded that the club start communicating with fans more and trying to get them onside which would help them.


    From what I heard he basically told Ashley he was the only man capable of getting him his money back while also making sure fans would be reasonably happy with the results and the football. I gather from that he pretty much would not stand in the way of any player sales whereas other managers would, something Hughton did or would have with regards to Carroll, Nolan, Enrique, Barton et al.


    Pardew probably holds the most power anyone has had at NUFC since Shearer under FS and I reckon Ashley might have met his match with him which could bode well for us, and indeed is at the moment.


    I don't ever see Mike Ashley giving in to anyones threats. Think that's rubbish tbh.


    I also doubt Pardew would walk away because of a striker. He hit the jackpot with this job. It would take a hell of a lot for him to leave.


    You need to let it go buddy. I know you hate them, but you're just going to have to accept that they are doing very well right now.


    Santon, Cabaye, Tiote, Demba Ba, Ben Arfa, Papiss Cisse all have come in, in just over a year, for a relative pittance. They're killing it.

  10. Warnock slurped him too much when he got him to QPR, made him captain straight away after ripping Taarabt off. English passion, committment etc etc etc. How'd that turn out for ya Neil?


    Barton is an utter disgrace. I don't even like Warnock, but what Barton has done is the lowest of the low. Pathetic guy. Absolute masterstroke getting rid of him. Hope Mark Hughes drops him.

  11. I would be surprised if Krancjar went there other than a 6 month loan.


    Would be very disappointed if he left....unless they paid us 15M for him, of course.


    Wh yon Earth would you be dissapointed? He never ever gets a game or even comes close. Strange statement.

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