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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Very proud of the team so far.


    Alan Smith from now on should be played upfront . I love the way he links up and plays little passes quickly without dwelling on the ball. If everyone on the team played the ball as quickly we would be a much better team.


    We should keep Smith upfornt and continue to work with him to get him into dangerous scoring positions a bit more often and maybe he will even start scoring a bit more regularly.


    Well done on the whole :clap:

  2. This for me has been the biggest problem at Newcastle for years. The players have been ruling the roost. It is probably why, if for no other reason, Sam was a good appointment. These players disgust me.


    They are in the entertainment business and for the money they get paid I don't think they have the right to even question staying in London at all. The nature of their jobs means they are at home all the tie anyway and are hardly ever away from their families. Shut up and get on with it. NBA players for example actually play games on Christmas day!


    I know a lot of people are unhappy with Alan Smith and even Barton but I think it was important to bring players like them to this club as there is no doubt in my mind that their attitude and commitment will be far more positive in these types of situations.


    Given it seems has another agenda and has been acting up since Sam let it be known that he wouldn't be the number 1 goalie by default.


    Given out! He hsould concentrate on his game as he has been crap lately anyway.

    and you know it's all true because ?



    kaka out,tabloid believer.


    madras out!


    prima donna sucker upper!

  3. This for me has been the biggest problem at Newcastle for years. The players have been ruling the roost. It is probably why, if for no other reason, Sam was a good appointment. These players disgust me.


    They are in the entertainment business and for the money they get paid I don't think they have the right to even question staying in London at all. The nature of their jobs means they are at home all the tie anyway and are hardly ever away from their families. Shut up and get on with it. NBA players for example actually play games on Christmas day!


    I know a lot of people are unhappy with Alan Smith and even Barton but I think it was important to bring players like them to this club as there is no doubt in my mind that their attitude and commitment will be far more positive in these types of situations.


    Given it seems has another agenda and has been acting up since Sam let it be known that he wouldn't be the number 1 goalie by default.


    Given out! He hsould concentrate on his game as he has been crap lately anyway.

  4. All seems okayish it appears :thup:


    We really do have to get rid of some of the players who are being disruptive though.



    Sam Allardyce faces revolt in the ranks


    George Caulkin


    Sam Allardyce has conceded that he is “under the cosh” at Newcastle United, a scenario that applies to the dressing-room as much as the boardroom at St James’ Park. While reports that the manager could be sacked after tomorrow night’s home match against Arsenal can be discounted, he is apparently still to persuade his squad that his scientific methods will bring success to Tyneside.


    A delegation of three senior players approached Allardyce after Newcastle’s 3-0 defeat by Liverpool ten days ago, when concerns were expressed about recent developments. Shay Given, the goalkeeper, was one � Allardyce denied that Michael Owen was another � and there has been further disquiet at plans for the team to spend a significant part of the festive period away from their families.


    Allardyce dismissed any suggestion of a confrontation or dispute, describing the discussions as routine rather than dramatic. “Players are not happy about a lot of the stuff that I do because they are players and I’m the manager,” he said.


    “I know what’s right for them and I know it more than they do. Today’s politically correct society believes it’s a disruption, but it’s an everyday occurrence as a manager.”


    The club’s coaching staff is considering whether to head south rather than north after Newcastle’s Barclays Premier League match away to Wigan Athletic on Boxing Day before their fixture against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge three days later, a prospect � as yet unconfirmed � that has caused murmurs of discontent. Allardyce’s task is to convince his squad, which contains big names and personalities, that the sacrifice will be beneficial.


    “When you start putting the right way forward, some of your players don’t like it, but it’s for the benefit of the team, not for one or two individuals,” Allardyce said. “Some of it sneaks in the papers and whoever did it might think it’s making a point, but it will only make me more resilient and stronger. You have to not be distracted by that and keep doing what’s right.


    “It’s like players wouldn’t know what to eat or drink after games unless you told them. Once you tell them and persist, then all of a sudden they find out it is the right thing to do.


    “People don’t like it when they are taken out of their comfort zone, so you have to give them the right information and tell them it’s going to make them better players.”


    It would be irrelevant if Allardyce had lost the support of Mike Ashley, the Newcastle owner, but the men shared a bullish and good-humoured conversation at Ewood Park after Saturday’s 3-1 defeat by Blackburn Rovers. After hosting Arsenal, Newcastle face matches against Birmingham City (home), Fulham (away), Derby County (home) and Wigan (away), a sequence that could prove pivotal to Allardyce’s position.


    Having taken only one point from the past five matches, the pressure is tangible. “I saw Mike after the game on Saturday, shook hands and had a good chat with him,” Allardyce said. “I hope that shows the strength of the relationship we’ve got. But there’s no point beating about the bush � yes, I’m under the cosh; yes, I’ve got to get results sooner rather than later and, yes, we’re having a bad time in terms of results. But it can be turned around as quickly as it’s gone bad.”


    Alan Shearer, who is much admired by Ashley and Chris Mort, the chairman, as well as idolised by Newcastle supporters, would be the obvious candidate to succeed Allardyce. “I know Alan well and he’s always said that he’s not ready,” Allardyce said. “But I don’t see it as a burden. If Alan decides to take my job, I hope it’ll be when I’ve decided to leave because I’ve made the club successful.”


    Allardyce, who is still at the stage of “identifying” possible targets for the transfer window, does not appear weighed down by stress. “I feel very well,” he said. “I don’t feel good because the burden lies on me more than anyone else, but I’m old enough and wise enough not to reflect that in everyday life. I know what’s right to consistently get positive results. That won’t happen by me walking around looking miserable or screaming and shouting.”




  5. I think we must accept that Given is too small and sadly isn't what he was.


    Rubbish, even by your standards.


    He gets beaten from distance with monotonous regularity.


    No keeper in the world could have saved the free kick today.


    If that makes it easier for you to accept then believe it.


    Hmmmm ... we do seem to concede these 'amazing no keeper in the world could have stopped that' goals when Shay is in goal.


    Elano, Pamarot, Gerrard and now 2 from Bentley.


  6. British manager with an unbelievable amount of experience around the world managing in different countries and generally enjoying a good amount of success.


    Why is he seemingly so unappreciated? Not even linked with the England job.


    I mean he has even managed Inter Milan for goodness sake. Can someone shed some light on this?


    What's this guys deal?

  7. Frustrating on so many levels.  The result, the journo garbage that will follow, and the inane 12 year olds that will increase the pressure to sack the manager.




    The performance will not be remembered or even mentioned, especially now it has gone to 3 - 1.


    At 2 - 1 though it is going to get ugly as the press is going to love going with the Sam under pressure story.


    No one will remember that Faye went don which was the absolute killer today.

  8. Surprise surprise another snake crawls out of a hole in the form of geordiedean ...


    Take a running jump off a high cliff dude, seriously.


    FFS take the balck and white glasses off mate, all season we have been s****, sneaked points here and there and been atrociuos away from home. FFS we even managed to lose to a s**** Derby team


    The players Allardyce has brought in have been s**** the defence is no better than last season and we pilloried the likes of Bramble Ramage Huntington et all


    Some people on here want to wake up grow up and smell the coffee


    We are mediocre and always will be until we ditch useless clueless bastards like big sam


    Let us know when you have Mourinho lined up.

  9. Winning and losing isn't really that important to me this year tbh, can't see anything but mid-table as our finishing point for the season.


    It's the performances. Last few have been shocking, but this is the kind of game today where we've been pushovers in for years. This is the type of game we've needed to develop more spine in, and from the looks of today it seems that maybe we're doing that.


    Need to do it consistently mind you, but if we can do that then it's a great sign for once we're able to add some more quality to our team.


    we've won at ewood two seasons in a row.


    I didn't mean Blackburn away specifically.


    Thought that was obvious.


    It was Shak, don't worry about it.

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