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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Great points from toontownman there.


    The answer isn't "sack, sack, sack" - where has it gotten us so far?


    The thing is though, Sam wasn't their guy so it's a bit different.


    Why should they stick with him? They were probably very smart not to give him a lot of money in the summer. They haven't backed him a lot with funds so why deal with this mess?


    Surely they would be a lot more comfortable dealing with whatever the situation was if they had their man in charge right? This is Freddy's mess.


    You could argue we need to make a complete break from the past regime now.

  2. He's not helping his own cause at all.


    Negative approach, even when we're losing he still hasn't the balls to take some chances.


    Fans would be a lot more supportive if we at least tried to go out and play some good football, we know that we're in transition as a team and for the most part we'll be happy to give him time to get it right, so long as there's some sort of desire being shown.


    But when we're basically going out week after week and basically just trying to kill the game without any apparent attempt to impose our own ideas on it, then fans won't be happy, and rightfully so.


    Much as it does seem folly to sack him after such a short period in charge, I can't say I'll be upset in the least if we do it.



  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


    I honestly can't help but laugh at this now!


    Allardyce is too defensive minded, too negative and too cynical. We are down two goals but he is still worried about conceding so he takes off Zoggy and Emre when he should be taking off Geremi and Butt if anything.


    Honestly I can't back Sam anymore. Whatever happens happens but I don't necessarily think we have to give him time anymore.

  4. When you have a team that isn't that great defensively and the manager places a greater emphasis on them being tight and not encouraging the players to get forward then it is going to lead to trouble.


    Overall we have a team that is crap but better at getting forward if anything but the manager is discouraging them from doing this so we look absolutely clueless.


    Sam still doesn't get this and that is just not good enough ...


    Beye has been awesome today by the way. Looks like a hell of a Centre Back although he was a bit dodgy on the set piece goal.





    Honestly I think our players just aren't good enough. I mean what excuse does Zoggy have today? He has been awful. If Milner comes on it will be the same crappy amateurish stuff. Geremi is just too slow now to play out wide. We are actually defending well but the midfield is putting pressure on the defence.


    We have no decent wingers and thats a fact. Butt, Emre and Smith have been better than usual but it means nothing because our wingers are terrible.


    I'ts like Souness said you don't win nout with kids, but what he meant was shitty kids like Zoggy and Milner. They just aren't ready yet.

  6. If Rafa doesn't play Crouch we will do well defensively tomorrow. Beye and Rozehnal are mobile enough and athletic enough to not get dominated by Torres. If Rafa decides to pump balls up to crouch though, then it will be difficult for them.


    I think we need to g0 4-5-1 to protect them a bit more back there.

  7. Yet again, a midfielder with a moderate amount of close control, technical ability, short ranged dribbling, and short passing in his game, in this case the relatively unproven/unknown Modric, totally dominates England's central midfield that contains players like Steven "Best Midfielder In The World" Gerrard. Thats how the central midfielder needs to play at that level - the amount of relief his mere ability to keep the ball and move with it gave to his team must have been immense compared to having a midfielder who is awkward on the ball and who's only noteable ability in that area of the pitch is to thump a long pass.


    How much longer will the managers be blamed for certain players simply lacking in the requird technical ability to compete with these midfields? How many years more will it take for the likes of Gerrard to be recognised for what they are - donkeys with great ability to produce end product, but limited footballers before that?


    I think this is part of the reason Rafa wanted to stick him on the wing and at least have him whip in crosses instead of thumping long balls out of the reach of his teamates all game!


    Rafa recognized that Alonso and Mascherano were actually real central midfielders and not Gerrard.

  8. For me the worst England players were Lampard and Bridge.


    Bridge just seemed to be daydreaming the entire 90 minutes. Lampard, penalty apart, may as well not have been on the pitch.


    Barry was poor, but relative to the rest of the team, he was actually decent, so bad were things. SWP was also ok.


    I don't understand why he took Barry and SWP off, in order to recreate the proven not to work world cup midfield.


    I also don't understand why he had to f*** the system around to accomodate Lampard in the first place. Barry and Gerrard has been proven to work more often than not. Why not stick with it?


    Dreadful, witless rubbish.


    That's what I think.


    In staccato single sentences.


    Bilic said his tactics were to deny Barry the ball but let the centre backs have it. Recognised Barry's danger as the man setting up the attacks from the back.

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