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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The team is so garbage in key areas, and it's annoying that McClaren hasn't been smart enough to try something different.


    The midfield is an absolute disgrace, as is central defence with Colo in there. It's just stupid.


    By now though, there is no reason stupid Moussa hasn't been moved centrally, and De Jong introduced in some capacity.



  2. How long have I been saying this guy is a fraud?! Really don't like him.

    Aye but you also rate Riviere Kaka


    He completely right though, other then the Norwich game he's been s**** since the back end of the 13/14 season.

    He's like Walcott is, on his day he's brilliant, the thing is though his day comes once every 10/15 games.


    Massive insult to Walcott IMO. That guy bangs in the goals when he can stay fit, and in general is far more of a threat. Not having that at all.

  3. I actually saw the France lineup with two strikers in Gignac and Martial, and figured they'd lineup like Nice do i.e. with Ben Arfa behind a front two, to see him in that same position for France.


    Would have been smart to put him in a similar position, especially because they have enough quality central midfielders to play in a midfield three. Would have worked nicely.


    Stupid Didier. His loss.

  4. Anyone else hear a bang around the 15th minute? Quite quiet so no doubt some dickhead with a firecracker or something. Or I'm being paranoid hearing things.


    Yeah, heard that, but don't think it was anything.


    Unfortunate how sensitive one is to any loud noise now.

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