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Posts posted by Mikky

  1. 3 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    I was thinking RDZ style. Wilson doesn’t really have the short game for it but certainly how do we get our most talented players in the first XI that works. 

    Isak as the 10 could be quite canny - I do think we lack in this regard - someone to be the focal point and link everything up - Isak is the one - was thinking Tonali/Anderson could possibly do this too but I like the Isak and Wilson combo 


    would love Hall in the team aswell - Burn been a good player for us but Hall is the future 

  2. 1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

    It would be nice to see something like 


    Tonali Bruno 

    Gordon Isak Barnes



    Or Almiron in there and move Gordon elsewhere. 

    This isn’t far off my thinking too with Wilson as the 9


    Muphy Isak Gordon

    Gordon Isak Big Joe

    Gordon Isak Anderson 

  3. 2 minutes ago, madras said:

    Or we've changed pattern even within the 433 to try and be more possession based, with new personnel and its not working. That's not to say it won't, but at the minute it's not.

    It’s just the lack of tactical thinking that I think we are all frustrated with - we can see it - play with a 3 - but don’t flatten the 3 - it will not work against the better teams this season - it’s stifling us

  4. I said all pre season we were short of a DM - we weren’t stacked with midfielders - we have 5 - Bruno - Tonali - Willock - Joe and Longstaff 


    Miley is a kid and Anderson is a wide forward 


    We must be the only team in the league without a 6?


    Having a 6 gives you so much flexibility - you can’t let opposition run behind the mid time and time again - it exposes the backline way too much 


    For this season you got to go 4-1-4-1, 4-2-3-1 or a 4-1-2-3 - just don’t play a stupid flat 3 - on top of this playing a flat 3 leaves you too one dimensional your offensive play with players like Miggy lacking support and suffering - same with Isak 


    The sooner Hall starts the better 

  5. Just now, J88H said:

    Problem lies in centre midfield. Sort out the 3, get them ticking and it will come. 




    it’s the gap between the defence and mid - it’s killing us - backline getting no protection - when we lose the ball we get exposed in that area


    you play with a single or double pivot and sort this out 


    If you do play with a pivot - you then need a progressive full back on the left which is where I would play Hall 

  6. Just now, TheInfiniteOdyssey said:

    He hasn’t been learning lessons from the previous game. The midfield setup is still easily ceding space behind the lines.  

    The flat 3 simply doesn’t work 

  7. 9 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    I want smaller clubs to find a way around these. 


    I'm sure we'll be on it too. But I despise sell-on clauses, they should be banned if being used by a bigger club. For big clubs it's just "we can't be arsed to develop this player, so you have him.. and if it works we'll get more money when he's sold and if it doesn't... oh well we've already sold him".

    I agree - if it’s not from their own academy - I mean if it’s not a Longstaff/Carroll who are the club through and through then there should be no sell on fee imo

  8. 1 hour ago, Krabbe2 said:

    Still feel we lack some creativity. A player who can do something magical when we really need it.

    That's why I pull João Félix out of the hat. Now some of Fraser and Hayden's salary is covered by others, so there must be an opportunity here, right?

    Like I have said previously - I’d be surprised if the next 4 positions we strengthen aren’t - CB, 6, 10, RWF - we then should have all the tactical flexibility we need 

  9. 2 minutes ago, timnufc22 said:







    You have to keep Gordon on the left 


    Murphy on the right 


    Joe - Tonali - Bruno


    i’m tempted to go Andersen but let these 3 haxe one more match together 

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