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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. The passage of time without good news, and our own unmatched ability to repeatedly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
  2. Got my bath run and the toaster next to it. I'm resolving this one way or another shortly.
  3. Because once its done, it cannot fail and collapse. It's nothing to do with people being imbeciles. People are just a bit twitchy and worried. If/when it's done, we can all relax.
  4. Whilst I know what you say is true, it's crazy that Swift is still used. I know some banks have switched to settling by new things like XRP which settle almost instantly and have done for the past couple of years, but I'm surprised these haven't taken off quicker.
  5. I'm allowing myself to be cautiously optimistic, but under no circumstances will I get excited until this is done. I've been burnt far too many times before. And I refuse to have mackems, or fans of other clubs, rubbing my face in any failed takeover. I'll stay guarded, but optimistic, until confirmation is given. Then I'll go fucking nuts.
  6. It's not the greatest banter in the world but the #cans stuff is fine and harmless. In the scheme of things, it would be an odd thing to get hung up about. If this takeover goes through, I'm sure that despite whatever reservations we might all have about the new owners then the vast majority of us will see it as a cause for celebration, even if just because Ashley is gone. If #cans helps focus that joy a little, then why not?
  7. They're all just jumping on the bandwagon though, none of these posts mean anything.
  8. About the only way this'll get a round of applause from the whole country.
  9. Oh come on. I mean yes, I'd accept it. I'd accept being kicked in the balls to get rid of Ashley too, but it'd be fucking horrific watching Bruce being given an army of superstars and grinding out a 9th place finish whilst the media crow over how he's turned the club around. Just fuck no. Get rid of him on day 1. End of season at the very latest if they want to just get over the line and get someone new in the summer, but he should be sacked as soon as humanly possible and someone less resembling a human cabbage placed in charge instead, because anything else will be utterly galling.
  10. I've got two #cans waiting in the fridge, but after I've done my patriotic duty with them I'll be moving onto a nice single malt. Then whilst drinking that, I'll watch some old YouTube videos of our happier times, videos I've not really watched in a long time. Then I think it'll be alcohol and YouTube until I can't drink anymore.
  11. Or maybe, just MAYBE, that website knows absolutely nothing? Just a possibility...
  12. I think you discovered exactly what his net worth is, that's the problem.
  13. Now THIS is a tyre-kicker. Not a hope he's got £350m. Doesn't even have a Wikipedia page as far as I can tell. CEO of something called "Clear TV Ltd". Heard of them? Me neither. Not a lot on Google either. Only way he could buy us is through massive borrowing like the Glazers did.
  14. Gotta say like, this last fortnight has been the longest 6 months of my life.
  15. And if it all goes tits up, maybe change it to "Everybody hurts / Losing my religion"
  16. Actually yes, maybe it was Swiss Tony. I always confuse him and Einstein. Think it's the hair and moustache.
  17. Fucking hell, but every single second is dragging. Wasn't it Albert Einstein who explained the theory of relativity thusly: "An hour in the company of a beautiful woman will feel like a minute, but a minute waiting for the PL director's test will feel like an hour".
  18. They literally haven't got a clue. Of course it could be done in the next 10 days, you absolute whollopers. Anyone could have said that. It's been said for ages that the documents went in on 9th April and could take 3-4 weeks. Fucking clickbait chancers.
  19. That sounds a bit creepy and sexual She is a bit cute Dated PrinceAndrew in 2003 apparently. Obviously a poor judge of character She was 13, young, impressionable Guess we now know why it didn't work out. She was too old for him.
  20. Were they waiting on a PL directors' test? It's not Newcastle or the Saudis who we're waiting on.
  21. I'm more and more convinced that there's not a hope in hell this goes through. I ALMOST allowed myself to get excited, but clearly it's just not happening.
  22. Keys is trying to turn the Newcastle fans against the Saudis, it's probably his last roll of the dice and he knows it. If we think there's another bid somewhere, we might clamour for this one not to go through. Problem is, he's an absolute helmet and everyone knows he's just making shit up.
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