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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. :lol: I've got a quadcore CPU and 16gb of RAM and that site makes the fans go into turbo. Just get an adblocker. Not only does it make the website readable, but it deprives them off revenue too. I would add that I'm in favour of NOT depriving worthwhile sites of ad revenue, but the chronicle deserve nothing for the way they've reported on Newcastle and Ashley over the last 13 years and I'd not lose a moment's sleep if they folded. It's a shame because going to town on Ashley would surely be such an open goal for them if they wanted to take the shot, yet they've spent over a decade impersonating Ronnie Rosenthal. Fuck them. I don't like adblockers, websites need revenue. I agree 100%, and I don't use one for the vast majority of sites. I switch it on when clicking Chronicle links because their website is utter eye-AIDS and because they're a bunch of patsies who don't deserve a single penny whilst they continue the line they've trod. I've always sworn to myself that if they started behaving like a proper newspaper, I'd take off the adblocker, but they haven't and now it's too late. Thing is, I reckon once (if) the sale goes through, we'll see some revisionism from them where they act as if they hated Ashley all along. It's going to be quite galling to read. They'll probably do far more investigative journalism into his running of the club in the 6 months after he leaves than they've done in the 13 years he's been here, and that to me will be so damning. Again, fuck them. Horrible, spineless bastards. Their behaviour over Ashley has been tantamount to a dereliction of their journalistic duty.
  2. Been saying for years , they are perfect for each other. Would love to see him buy them! He'd get them to the Premier League and probably have them hovering around 13th-17th like he has with us. Difference is, for them that really IS success. I'd rather they stayed where they are.
  3. :lol: I've got a quadcore CPU and 16gb of RAM and that site makes the fans go into turbo. Just get an adblocker. Not only does it make the website readable, but it deprives them off revenue too. I would add that I'm in favour of NOT depriving worthwhile sites of ad revenue, but the chronicle deserve nothing for the way they've reported on Newcastle and Ashley over the last 13 years and I'd not lose a moment's sleep if they folded. It's a shame because going to town on Ashley would surely be such an open goal for them if they wanted to take the shot, yet they've spent over a decade impersonating Ronnie Rosenthal. Fuck them.
  4. He needs to be ignored, not given pelters. He thrives on attention, obscurity would kill him. Just fucking ignore him. Only way to deal with his like. You're not correcting him by replying, he already knows he's wrong when he says it FFS.
  5. That's nothing. Our government were complicit in the deaths of 72 innocent people in a burning tower. You're forgetting the 800+ per day dying now because they cared more about the economy than locking us down early, and their plans to chase "herd immunity" and only backing off when they realised 250,000 deaths might be too much, not for them, but for the public to accept.
  6. Ashley is not lending them £150m for 5 years. Can you clarify for me the instalments part or whatever? There won't be any instalments. What needs clarifying about that?
  7. For that reason, I can't allow myself to believe this will happen until it actually does. I refuse* to get excited. (*Maybe just a tiny bit)
  8. I mean they all love us so much now, how will we cope with this new viewpoint? Yeah, it's going to be painful going from deluded Geordie twats to cancerous regime apologists, make no mistake. I think somehow I might be able to use the shelf full of trophies and happy memories to ameliorate the pain of their nasty words.
  9. I mean they all love us so much now, how will we cope with this new viewpoint?
  10. It's not possible to support the club and complain about our govt. selling them the weapons to commit atrocities. Not without being dismissed as a hypocrite. Well then dismiss me as a hypocrite, because that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I'll do it gladly. If the football is good, other people can fight the fight against the rest of it if they feel obliged and able to do so. In fact, if anything I'd be hypocritical NOT to do this because I've been to Saudi Arabia 7 times so far with work. Riyadh 3 times, Dhahran 3 times, and once to Jeddah, often for over a month at a time. I've spent a lot of time talking to the Saudi people there, been to their houses, even talked to them about politics and the reforms of MBS whilst in their country. I've already, indirectly through the company I work for, taken their actual money to pay my bills with. To then kick up a stink about them owning my football club would be far more hypocritical than - assuming it's as we hope - me just chilling out and enjoying it after all the footballing misery I've endured from Ashley for over a decade. I've already shown I can not fully support a regime yet still embrace what it offers me, and felt no hypocrisy at all when doing it. I can gladly extend that to football.
  11. Haha, such a valid point. "He doesn't need the gate money, I'm not stopping going!" Gate money becomes zero, Ashley immediately sells.
  12. It's perfectly possible to enjoy supporting the club but still disapprove of the actions of the owners in other areas. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. My main gripe with Ashley has always been his running of the club I supported. I've only ever drawn attention to his shit business practices as a way to put pressure on his ownership of the club. For example, whilst I acknowledge he's a cunt, I can't say I lose any sleep about how Philip Green runs his retail empire. He's of no consequence to me. What I want from my football club owner is someone who does their best firstly for the football club and, secondly, the region. Irrespective of how much I disapprove of their other practices, I'm not going to fight against them if they're doing their best on the footballing front. I'll let others who are involved in that specific area fight that fight, because first and foremost I'm a football supporter, not a diplomat or MP or Journalist. Let others do their job in that regard and I'll do mine of enjoying the football. After 13 years, I fucking deserve that much. I'm too tired.
  13. It was 310 twenty minutes ago. Typical Ashley, moving the goal posts.
  14. Surely it's impossible for Rafa to come back, as he never breaks a contract and is currently under contract.
  15. And I'll believe you when the ink is actually dry on the contract.
  16. As with every single previous "takeover", I refuse to get even remotely excited until the ink is actually dry on the contract.
  17. But how will I let the world know I'm a good person if I don't raise awareness of the twats? Well this is precisely it. You let the world know you're a good person by NOT raising awareness of the twats.
  18. Anyone who tweets Richard Keys, or follows him, or retweets him, is just giving him the oxygen of publicity he craves and needs. The only way to deal with the likes of him, Katie Hopkins etc who just feed off attention is to utterly ignore them.
  19. Maybe not, but he's quite capable of living for another 40 years, and that'll be long enough that most of our lives watching football will be under his guise and we'll be old and wrinkly fuckers at best before he fucks off this planet. Yeah, I get that given his lifestyle we should expect he'll not make another 40 years, but you just know for a fine fact he's going to Kieth Richards it.
  20. TBF I think most people are writing everything off after 12 years.
  21. Chris_R


    Edit: Round 3 has already finished. Disregard.
  22. Chris_R


    I'll be voting for Johnson if he's in. Catts if not.
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