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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    kid's gonna play for us one day. seen him knock it about and he honestly already has a hammer of a left foot.
  2. fuck me, his goals per game ratio for Real and for Spain is phenomenal.
  3. huss9


    Joelinton and Schar. lovely lads but dont fuck with their crew.
  4. "Brazil and Real Madrid star Vinicius Jr. has been tasked with leading a special player-run Fifa anti-racism committee. The committee will look to advocate for more stringent punishments for any displays of racism within football, a long overdue need." maybe its because i'm not white, but i just find this a bit puzzling. shouldnt be up to the black players to sit on or head such a committee. both the problem and the solution lie within the white community. they are the ones who should be leading this. dont be putting the onus on the black players and then blaming them if people dont agree with the punishments meted out. just reeks of fifa saying, "look we're trying our best but we'll leave it up to them"
  5. huss9


    volleyed it, still rising when it went in.
  6. i thought that was a pretty big omission especially if you mention the 50's fa cups. suppose it just hot too hyped.
  7. they just sort of skimmed over it tbh.
  8. huss9

    St James' Park

    aye i read it back again. sorry. nee tunnels then?
  9. we dont defend it and its not our job to. ffs. speak to your governments.
  10. couple of sellers now on dhgte stating mid july deliveries
  11. thought it was a bit meh. would have got a better effort from waxxa. may be it was the expectation.
  12. huss9


    or even 1 min 04
  13. huss9


    my fave is 33s in
  14. this kid is just 19 ffs. unbelievable.
  15. so we're interested - but havent made a bid, agreed a fee, or even asked the player if he would come.
  16. second goal was almost as good. was it Ritchie with that incredible ball out to Atsu?
  17. that cunt hated the whole longstaff family
  18. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    when he used to proper slap players heads after they scored
  19. in Sean's interview he seems to be taking some of the blame. the red card at west ham? "This one makes me sad. It's not a regret, because you can't regret doing a tackle, but it's the moment in my career I beat myself up about the most. Me and my brother had played the two games before it, and he got taken out of the team after that. There's a million reasons as to why that could happen but I beat myself up about that because I feel as though if I didn't get sent off, we would have kept playing together - he would have stayed in the team for longer, and would have been able to establish himself more. It's a weird picture. I'm getting punished there, but I don't think I got the most punishment in that moment. I feel like Matty got more than me."
  20. being checked by the fraud squad and ffp first. uefa and PL dont believe we got £15m for him.
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