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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. Another unconvincing win for Holland.


    Need to sort out their formation/tactics before they meet someone good, if they do they'll be a tough opponent for anyone.


    They just need Robben back. Figure he should be back by the next round, they'll be fine.

  2. I think it's meant to be an ironic play on the world view of US not knowing anything about soccer. But they could just be stupid, of course.


    I fear its the latter.


    It's the New York Post. That would be like trying to hold The Sun accountable for...well...anything. Ever.

  3. While it's obvious fair play to him, I can't help but feel it's more "Don't let me go, I'll do anything, anything! Just let me stay for one more year at a club this big to increase my profile after this injury ridden year." rather than "I don't want your money."


    I would agree with that, except that the year that's free is in 2012-2013, not next year. Seems like more of a gesture than anything-if he's worth keeping when that year comes around, I'm sure they will just sign a new contract with him and pay him, otherwise easily sold. It's a nice thought and gesture to the club, but probably nothing more than that.

  4. Text of Davies' interview from .com


    "I'd like to congratulate Chris, his staff and players and everybody at this football club. I'd like to wish them all the very best in their challenge in the Premier League.  :clap: :clap: :clap:


    "All season they've been very resilient - they've showed a lot of good experience and they've done very well and obviously we would like to congratulate them. There's no doubt they have been very worthy winners in my opinion.  :clap:


    "That doesn't mean I'm giving up on promotion because I think with six games left we are still in a real fight for second place with West Brom.


    "But I firmly believe Newcastle will finish the job. They have the players, the experience, the momentum and the infrastructure in place. :clap2:


    "They know how to win when they are not at their best. My young players haven't got the experience and the know-how

    to do that yet - but we are still in there fighting."




  5. The argument that streaming football matches will reduce attendances holds no water to me. Someone references the NFL, and obviously every game still sells out years in advance there. It's not the best example, with only 8 home games a year. Baseball, I think, proves the point better. 162 games a year, literally play every day during the season. You can get every game in the country streamed online for the last few years, and yet, attendances have hit record highs each of the same seasons. People who want to go to matches for the experience will still go as long as they can afford it, no matter what. If you live in Newcastle, and had the ability to watch matches online, wouldn't you still go to every game you could?

  6. When was the Routledge thing known of? I didn't actually realise till I picked up the team sheet.


    That's how most injuries seem to happen. It confuses me so much, the lack of reporting on injured players.


    It really is amazing to me. Especially coming from the American point of view, where every single injury is listed and dissected to death. Hell, every team releases injury reports well in advance, there's constant communication regarding it with fans and the leagues. Here, it always seems to be a total surprise when a player is injured or returns. If it wasn't for physioroom in the EPL at least, we'd hardly ever know how when players were due to return or if a player was even actually injured. Real shortcoming from the fans point of view at least.

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