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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. Anyone see the comedy I'm just hearing about now in the Arsenal game to start the second half? Apparently the ref did not check and blew the whistle to start the 2nd half with only 8 arsenal players on the pitch, and then booked toure for running onto the pitch without permission. Not sure what was going on there.

  2. Park Ji Sung really is trusted massively by Sir Alex, yet people still seem to think he's rubbish, I dont really understand that.


    Doesnt have massive quality, but he works harder than any player in the world and can chip in with the odd goal and assist. Great player to have in your team especially when you have the likes of Rooney,Berbatov,Ronaldo,Tevez and Scholes to do damage.


    Exactly. If you have Park (and Rooney really) buzzing around creating havoc, that really allows the other skill players to not have to waste tons of energy either shutting down the other team on defence or carving up a defense on attack. As it is, Park brings much more than simply running around like a headless chicken, he tends to run with purpose, make lots of good plays, and does make a lot of good setup passes. I love his play. He's not the best, but he's great at allowing the best to be the best.

  3. 1


    There's far worse than us in this league. The 6th best team in the country couldn't beat us with a man extra. We'll stay up because there's at least 5 teams worse than us this season.


    this. we're absolute shit and still better than a handful of teams.

  4. Went down easily, but was clearly pulled back from behind in a one on one with the goalkeeper situation. A pen every day of the week, except for Man U day..


    It probably would be called a penalty for any other team, but I don't think it should be. Penalty should be given if the player is attempting to score, not looking to go to ground, which Pedersen clearly was (and no idea why Pedersen did, he could easily have stayed on his feet and been one on one with the keeper).


    Strange that. There are other reasons why a pen can be given, even hand ball without immediate danger of the opposition scoring. I don't understand the theatrics when there is a clear foul like this. As far as I am concerned MGP should have just stopped running, pick up the ball and put it on the spot. Stonewall penalty for what the defender was trying to do: hold him back by the shoulder in a one on one with the goalkeeper when he was already beaten.. You could even argue last man, and a red (would have been if it was outside of the box; what makes it less of a foul inside of the box?)


    I guess I should have been more clear-I meant in those kinds of situations only, handballs and the like are different.


    Rafael might have had the intention to hold back MGP, but he didn't in the end. You are allowed to put your hands on a player as long as you don't impede them, and MGP simply felt a touch and went down without ever actually having been impeded.


    Also, I actually don't agree that a foul outside the box should be held 100% to the same standard as a foul in the box, because the results are different. If they were indeed the same, then just like any other foul, the affected team should be given a free kick at the spot of the foul, instead of a special situation of a free one-on-one with the keeper. A penalty is a special situation. I don't see why something like a foul created by stepping on a players foot when he wasn't involved should result in a penalty just because he was inside the box.

  5. Went down easily, but was clearly pulled back from behind in a one on one with the goalkeeper situation. A pen every day of the week, except for Man U day..


    It probably would be called a penalty for any other team, but I don't think it should be. Penalty should be given if the player is attempting to score, not looking to go to ground, which Pedersen clearly was (and no idea why Pedersen did, he could easily have stayed on his feet and been one on one with the keeper).

  6. It was a good decision if you don't take into account that the linesman should probably be watching the play.  Let's all applaud him for being asleep shall we?


    My prediction, Ronaldo scores in the second half and gets booked for mocking the linesman.


    2 out of 3 on the prediction. not bad.

  7. had it man, jesus put f***ing Wise in charge, get Roeder back, anything but this clueless wimp


    He may be a poor manager but that is simply because he isn't one. He hasn't asked to be in charge of the team, and I think your being harsh with that description of him. It's not his fault he's had to cover for our ill/stroppy/banned managers when they've pissed off. Hughton seems to work so f***ing hard for this club, he's been employed doing caretaker care quite a lot, it seems to be just him and Kinnear doing training, and he seems to be getting a raw deal. Has he complained? Has he hell, he's gotten on with the job.


    I agree with the fact he's poor at managing the team, but now he's broken his duck, and also with Calderwood on board (managerial experience, albeit at a lower level) I'm not as pessimistic as some.


    Regardless of what division we're in next season, Hughton deserves a f***ing massive bonus and a medal.


    I agree. It's not his fault at all, I can't be upset at him at all. He's not a manager, he's just doing the best he can quietly, he's done nothing wrong with the roles he set out for and wasn't forced into. But once again, the board sets him up to fail with one of these "we'll see how it goes, we have this other savior in the wings at the first sign of a loss" things that totally undermines him. Doomed to fail at this point, and it's not his fault at all. Either get someone in immediately, or make a commitment through this season so that he has a chance to succeed. Obviously, I'd prefer to bring someone else in immediately, but if they don't want to do that for whatever reason, then at least give him a real shot!

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