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ross magoo

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Posts posted by ross magoo

  1. That "best fans in the world" thing gets my goat aswell.  It's easy to be the best fans in the world when you win every week.  Where were the 60,000 best fans in the world when the club was on the brink of closure in the early '90s?  Fcukin concieted glory-hunting erseholes.

  2. Personally, i'm from the east of Scotland and most people here see the Infirm as an embarassment.  They don't represent Scotland imo.  Celtic especially - they have a major fuckin identity crisis.  It's a Scottish club that thinks it's an Irish club and wants to be an English club.

  3. I cannot for the life of me understand why anybody would want either of them and their sectarian blood-feud in the premier league, bringing it to England every week?


    To get them the fuck out of Scotland.


    Works for me tbh :-)


  4. At least you guys only get them once a year. 


    The Old Firm are an archaic embarassment to Scottish football.


    I fucking detest it when they come to Tannadice.  I just don't like people who have no standards.  They p!ss everywhere.  It's disgusting.

  5. A lass told me Celtic are grtting 15000 tickets but 25000 are making the journey.  Anyone know anymore ???

    25,000?? as in twenty five thousand?

    Seriously doubt it like,


    Remember they took 3489158425495723469156 to Seville (at the last estimate).


    I can't start threads.  Can somebody start a poll on how long it will take for Newcastle to stop smelling of p!ss after those pikey tinkies leave?

  6. As a full-back, I find the current conventional interpretation of the rule very useful but it is an unfair rule imo.  I don't think a player should be deemed to be in full control of the ball if he has neither made contact with it nor has any intention of doing so. 


    In these cases there is only one player trying to play the ball - the attacker.  The defender does not want to play the ball but wants to stop his opponent from doing so which, by definition, constitutes obstruction as far as i'm concerned.

  7. I agree that he's only getting it because there's nobody else in the squad who stands out as a better candidate which is a worry.


    I don't think it will be good for him though.  People are saying it will make him a better player - personally I think an experienced regular centre half partner will make him a better player.  The Terry comparisons are also unfair imo.  Terry learned his trade from guys like Marcel Desailly, not Titus Bramble.


    I just feel that at this stage in his career he should be concentrating on learning how to play centre half.  The added pressures and responsibilities that go with captaincy might hinder his footballing development.

  8. I had planned to come down for the Celtic game but I didn't realise it was on the same night that my beloved Dundee United will be maintaining their 100% record against Barcelona.  I should make it down for either or both of the games against Juve and Sampdoria though.

  9. As has already been said, none of us know all the facts but it looks to me as if Man City are using the fact that Barton wants away to avoid giving him his money. 


    If I was Barton i'd hold out for the money aswell.  If you let people away with taking the p!ss once then they'll just keep on doing it until somebody takes them to task over it.  Man City might say they've let him away with taking the p!ss for long enough aswell but they did it because he was their most saleable asset.


    Let the PFA sort it out.  As other people have said we're not paying him until Man City sign over his registration.

  10. All very well saying we need to buy these guys to get into the Champions League but unfortunately you have to get into the Champions League to get these guys so it's catch 22.


    I think We will need to bring in some good experienced players who have played at the top level but are getting past their best and also get lucky with some good young prospects in order to get back into Europe.


    Being able to afford the best players in the world is one thing, being able to attract them is another thing entirely.

  11. even if it is a "minority" of fans amonsgt them.  It's up to the rest to make sure they're pushed out, and they're not doing it, so they deserve to be tarred with the same brush, in my opinion.


    Fucking precisely.  If they're not part of the solution then they're part of the problem.

  12. I voted happy.  I know that's a bit daft given that I know very little about this guy and his motives/intentions but I just feel that it has to be better than the catalogue of incompetence and under-achievement presided over by the current board during the last few seasons.

  13. Bizarre thread tbh.


    People get on their high horses about the boo-boys when fans are getting on the players' backs but then people criticise fans for applauding the team after what was, under the circumstances (us being sh!te this season and Chelsea challenging for the title), a good performance.  Very strange imo.


    As for people moaning about Taylor - double bizarre.  These boards are always covered in complaints about over-paid prima donnas with no love for the club or its fans.  As soon as somebody shows a bit of passion he then gets criticised for it.


    Tbh I don't think players can be blamed for not giving a flying monkey's fcuk what the fans say because they get criticised no matter what they do.


    You may have missed the point of this "bizarre" thread.

    No one has "criticised" anyone for supporting or applauding the team. Far from it.

    The point was that the post match reception seemed a little OTT for a 0-0 draw in a game which was fairly meaningless to us. The reason the game was pretty meaningless is because much the same bunch of players have failed to produce any level of performance in far too many games earlier this season.


    Re Taylor - yes he had a good game (one of very few this season) and he's entitled to his applause, but he just seems to be doing a bit of a "Niall Quinn" in terms of popularity seeking.

    As a team all four defenders should have been taking the acclaim on Sunday.


    Fair enough.  Your initial post seemed to suggest that the people who applauded the team off the park are an embarassment which sounded like criticism to me.  I've obviously just read it the wrong way.

  14. Bizarre thread tbh.


    People get on their high horses about the boo-boys when fans are getting on the players' backs but then people criticise fans for applauding the team after what was, under the circumstances (us being sh!te this season and Chelsea challenging for the title), a good performance.  Very strange imo.


    As for people moaning about Taylor - double bizarre.  These boards are always covered in complaints about over-paid prima donnas with no love for the club or its fans.  As soon as somebody shows a bit of passion he then gets criticised for it.


    Tbh I don't think players can be blamed for not giving a flying monkey's fcuk what the fans say because they get criticised no matter what they do.

  15. It depends on a lot of things but for me the main one is whether or not the team is winning.


    I play amateurs on saturday mornings and have played at left back all my life.  This season i've been moved to centre half and hated it to begin with.  We weren't getting results and I was making a lot of mistakes.


    Now we're winning again and i'm playing well and really enjoying it.


    I know i'm talking about a totally different level here but the basic principles are the same.  Sometimes it just comes down to confidence.

  16. Emre was our best player on Sunday imo, didn't give their midfield 2 minutes peace.


    Both centre halves played well too but Bramble could play like Beckenbauer for the rest of the season for all I care, I would hope the decision on him has already been made and will not be changed.


    Chelsea never really looked like a team challenging for the title.

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