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ross magoo

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Posts posted by ross magoo

  1. When you're at work all day watching people eat three times I reckon it's pretty hard. They can't drink either, including water.



    Who the hell eats their breakfast, dinner and tea at work in a single day?


    I scoff a bowl of porridge at home at about 6am each day. I have a salad at about midday at work and have my tea at home in the evening. Nobody at work sees me eat 3 times.


    Aye. Fasting itself is only difficult depending on the person and their circumstance - otherwise, its just like missing lunch and being able to ignore slight thirst. Humans physically are comfortably capable of going for 12-14 hours without food or water on a daily basis.


    They are but it would still be hellish having to do it though.  Even if i've been round to Burger King for my lunch the first thing I think about when I get home from work is what i'm having for my tea.


    I luuurve my food, always thinking with my stomach.  Giving up eating during the day would be an absolute nightmare for me.  I'm right glad i'm not a Muslim.


    Even when they're not fasting do they not have restrictions on what they're allowed to eat?  Fuck not being allowed to go to Burger King.  I would find that really depressing.  And they can't even go to the pub to sulk about it.  That Allah's a bit too fussy for my liking.  You'd have thought he'd have more pressing concerns, being God and all that.

  2. I split up with my last girlfriend because of football.  I'm always either playing it or watching it.  Everything else has to be satisfied with second place.  She quite understandably wasn't.  She was a grumpy moaning greetin-faced cow anyway though  :celb:

  3. well tae be honest sayin ftp is not as much as an issue as everyone makes out. especially when celtic sing for the ira which alot a people seem to forget that their a terrorist organisation that bombed britain. but uefa, politicions or football fans say nothing about that!! and celtic fans labeled themselves as fenians but when we say fenian we get a 13 grand fine for it


    You'll be searching for a very long time if you want to find a post where i've defended the behaviour of Celtic fans.


    That's not what we're discussing.


    So far it seems to have gone along the lines of -


    Div-s- "Not all Rangers songs are bigoted"


    Ross "I know but some of them are"


    Div-s- "Yeah, but the only bigoted songs they sing are the ones that are bigoted"


    I'm at a complete loss as to what point you're trying to make.  Tbh i'm not convinced that even you know what case you're trying to present so there's really no point in me discussing it with you.

  4. then again alot of people think what rangers sing is bigoted when its not...

    You've got to be kidding right?



    ok name me 3 bigoted rangers song? and what u mean am gettin it now?



    the billy boys

    simply the best


    2 that spring to mind


    the billy boys and thats it. simply the best and the sash have add ons that certain supports add on but the rest of them are not bigoted


    That's OK then  :rolleyes:


    a never says its ok and i never will but people make out all rangers songs are bigoted when there not


    I don't think anybody's saying that.  People are saying that the bigoted songs Rangers fans sing are bigoted.  UEFA seem to agree.


    Rangers have some really good songs that they can sing.  Follow Follow is a great football anthem (when the football version is being sung).  There's really no need for them to indulge in any of the other s****.


    uefa have says the only sectarian song rangers sing is the billy boys and to be fair you hardly ever hear anyone say ftp anymore


    That's what I said. 


    The difference is that you don't seem to think it's much of an issue.  UEFA obviously do otherwise they wouldn't have fined Rangers and warned them about their future conduct.

  5. then again alot of people think what rangers sing is bigoted when its not...

    You've got to be kidding right?



    ok name me 3 bigoted rangers song? and what u mean am gettin it now?



    the billy boys

    simply the best


    2 that spring to mind


    the billy boys and thats it. simply the best and the sash have add ons that certain supports add on but the rest of them are not bigoted


    That's OK then  :rolleyes:


    a never says its ok and i never will but people make out all rangers songs are bigoted when there not


    I don't think anybody's saying that.  People are saying that the bigoted songs Rangers fans sing are bigoted.  UEFA seem to agree.


    Rangers have some really good songs that they can sing.  Follow Follow is a great football anthem (when the football version is being sung).  There's really no need for them to indulge in any of the other shite.

  6. then again alot of people think what rangers sing is bigoted when its not...

    You've got to be kidding right?



    ok name me 3 bigoted rangers song? and what u mean am gettin it now?



    the billy boys

    simply the best


    2 that spring to mind


    the billy boys and thats it. simply the best and the sash have add ons that certain supports add on but the rest of them are not bigoted


    That's OK then  :rolleyes:

  7. Fatshaft is right that every club has it's idiots but the OF and Aberdeen seem to have considerably more of them that anybody else.  And I don't put it down to the size of their travelling support either.  When Hearts were doing well and selling out their end at away grounds we certainly never had any bother with them at Tannadice.  Even when Aberdeen's travelling support wasn't what it has been the last few seasons you could still expect a bit of bother when they came to town.


    The only games that we expect to be potentially volatile are games against Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen and obviously derbies against that other lot across the road.


    With OF fans a lot of it is down to bigotry but a lot of it is also down to a general lack of standards and not knowing how to behave like civilised human beings (drinking in the street, p!ssing in the street etc).  With Aberdeen I don't really know what causes it but their fans just generally seem to adopt a more agressive abusive attitude than fans of other non-OF clubs.  Maybe it's the fact that Alex Ferguson used the seige mentality when he was there and the fans have swallowed it instead of seeing it for what it was - a tactic.  I honestly don't know.

  8. Dislike them both in equal measure.


    Dislike the way they sing about things that happened 400 years ago and have no relevance to 22 men chasing a ball around a field.


    Dislike the way their fans think it's acceptable to turn every city they visit into an open-air urinal.


    Dislike they way that they sign the best talent from other Scottish clubs, leave them on the bench and then complain that they're being held back in Europe by the lack of competition at domestic level.


    Dislike the way that they're always beating their "we should be in the premiership - it's not fair" drum.  If they're not happy in Scotland then they can f*** off for all I care.  But they won't because nobody else wants them.


    But apart from all that they're probably a lovely buch really.

  9. Manchester - FC United, really respect what they've been doing, turning their back on trophies and brilliant football to stay loyal to the game


    Good call that, forgot about them.


    What does "staying loyal to the game" actually mean though?


    I don't remember them complaining during the nineties when they were outspending everybody and winning everything.

    They did. The idea for FC United first came about when Rupert Merdoch was thinking of buying them in the late 90s.


    I didn't realise that.


    What took them so long?

    Well Murdoch's takeover fell through so they didnt bother, but kept all the plans in case it happened again, which it did when the Glazers took mover.


    If those guys think that people like Murdoch and the Glazers are bad for the game then that's their view and they're entitled to it.  I personally disagree.  I was there in the 80s and yes it was cheap and affordable to go to the match but the conditions were appalling compared to what they are since money came into the game.  No amount of romanticising about "the good old days" will change my mind about that.


    I luuuurve going off topic in threads - sorry folks :-)

  10. I was at the game at Ibrox against Aberdeen with my brother. The Aberdeen fans were singing sick chants, throwing lighters and coins and basically acting like idiots and nothing was done, nothing was said and as just football fans there was nothing we could do when the Rangers fans reacted. We had to stand and watch the mayhem around us while the stewards stood and watched on too.


    Aberdeen fans are a disgrace aswell btw.  They've got a chip on their shoulder about everything.

  11. i agree mate! am not saying everyone does it but in my experience its drunken neds that usually sing stuff like that at games and most people dont want to say anything incase theres an incident which is understandable but the stewards and police do nothing to help either


    There was an incedent in the main stand at Tannadice last season when we played Celtic.  I wasn't involved because I work in the executive boxes but I heard about it from one of the stewards.  The police confronted a group of louts about "inappropriate" singing and the next thing the whole stand were screaming abuse at the police.  So much for the silent majority.  There's only so much the police can do without causing a riot.  It's one of these things that has to be self-policed imo.  If people behaved then there wouldn't be a problem.  But they invariably don't.

  12. London - Fulham, nice traditional ground, shame about the football (watch other teams)

    Birmingham - Aston Villa.

    Liverpool - Don't like either...

    Manchester - Man city

    Sheffield - Sheff Wed

    Glasgow - Bigoted s****, train to edinburgh -Hibees

    Wildcard - Berwick Rangers (just for the sex and danger!)


    hibs are just as bigoted as rangers or celtic


    To be fair mate, they're not.


    Hearts and Hibs fans (for all their flaws) are sometimes capable of having a laugh (in my experience anyway).


    Rangers and Celtic fans are absolutely 100% conviced that everybody else in the whole world actually gives a rat's arse about their silly little rivalry.


    It's rather sad.


    That is generalisation of all Rangers and Celtic fans. They are not all bigots, just like not all Newcastle fans chanted crap about Mido. If you had actually been to a Rangers or Celtic game you would realise that, but maybe its just easier to follow the tabloid press.


    I don't read tabloids.


    And I work for Dundee United on match days so i've been to more games involving Rangers and Celtic than I care to remember.


    So that's that one blown out of the water for the f****** cynics.


    To answer your point, yes it would be a generalisation to label Newcastle fans for the racist chanting because it doesn't happen at every game Newcastle play.  If it did then it wouldn't be a generalisation.  But it doesn't.


    Rangers' and Celtic's travelling support sing their bigoted tripe every time they come to Tannadice.  I can't remember a single time when it didn't happen. 


    That's the difference.  When it happened with Newcastle it was an isolated incedent (not that i'm trying to justify it).  With those two it's a culture and for many of their fans it's the only reason they watch the team.


    But there are many of the fans of the Old Firm who do not subscribe to the bigotry s****. They are actually more interested in the football. I just don't like the generalisation.


    That's the thing though.  We keep hearing about this silent majority but i've honestly never met one of them. 


    If they do exist then they should be trying do do something about it.  If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem and all that.


    its the add ons of FTP etc that are bigoted! the sash and loyalist songs are not!


    But that's what happens though.


    From a scottish point of view I just think it's embarassing that it's left to Uefa to take action because the SFA/SPL don't have the balls.  It makes us look like we're not capable of getting our own house in order.

  13. London - Fulham, nice traditional ground, shame about the football (watch other teams)

    Birmingham - Aston Villa.

    Liverpool - Don't like either...

    Manchester - Man city

    Sheffield - Sheff Wed

    Glasgow - Bigoted s****, train to edinburgh -Hibees

    Wildcard - Berwick Rangers (just for the sex and danger!)


    hibs are just as bigoted as rangers or celtic


    To be fair mate, they're not.


    Hearts and Hibs fans (for all their flaws) are sometimes capable of having a laugh (in my experience anyway).


    Rangers and Celtic fans are absolutely 100% conviced that everybody else in the whole world actually gives a rat's arse about their silly little rivalry.


    It's rather sad.


    That is generalisation of all Rangers and Celtic fans. They are not all bigots, just like not all Newcastle fans chanted crap about Mido. If you had actually been to a Rangers or Celtic game you would realise that, but maybe its just easier to follow the tabloid press.


    I don't read tabloids.


    And I work for Dundee United on match days so i've been to more games involving Rangers and Celtic than I care to remember.


    So that's that one blown out of the water for the f****** cynics.


    To answer your point, yes it would be a generalisation to label Newcastle fans for the racist chanting because it doesn't happen at every game Newcastle play.  If it did then it wouldn't be a generalisation.  But it doesn't.


    Rangers' and Celtic's travelling support sing their bigoted tripe every time they come to Tannadice.  I can't remember a single time when it didn't happen. 


    That's the difference.  When it happened with Newcastle it was an isolated incedent (not that i'm trying to justify it).  With those two it's a culture and for many of their fans it's the only reason they watch the team.


    But there are many of the fans of the Old Firm who do not subscribe to the bigotry s****. They are actually more interested in the football. I just don't like the generalisation.


    That's the thing though.  We keep hearing about this silent majority but i've honestly never met one of them. 


    If they do exist then they should be trying do do something about it.  If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem and all that.


    You may not have met one face to face, but hello, I am a rangers fan, and I don't believe I am a bigot. I have never sang sectarian bile at Ibrox(but have seen others who have), I have never attacked a Celtic fan because of their choice of team and my daughter goes to a Roman Catholic Middle School if that has anything to do with anything. :hello:


    I think you missed out a hello there  :lol:


    What you're saying is essentially correct in that (allegedly) not every single Infirm fan is a bigot but, as i've said, we keep hearing about this moderate silent majority but they seem to be very reluctant to show themselves.  If they were serious about it then they would shout the morons down and start banning them from their buses.  But they don't.  Failure to do this suggests that they think it's acceptable behaviour and gives grounds for people to "generalise" about them.

  14. Manchester - FC United, really respect what they've been doing, turning their back on trophies and brilliant football to stay loyal to the game


    Good call that, forgot about them.


    What does "staying loyal to the game" actually mean though?


    I don't remember them complaining during the nineties when they were outspending everybody and winning everything.

    They did. The idea for FC United first came about when Rupert Merdoch was thinking of buying them in the late 90s.


    I didn't realise that.


    What took them so long?

  15. Liverpool have a very good squad but I still don't think they're strong enough to win the title.  They're missing a bit of creative spark from wide areas imo.  Pennant is too inconsistent and I don't think they'll see the best of Babel for another season yet.


    Man Utd will win the title.

  16. London - Fulham, nice traditional ground, shame about the football (watch other teams)

    Birmingham - Aston Villa.

    Liverpool - Don't like either...

    Manchester - Man city

    Sheffield - Sheff Wed

    Glasgow - Bigoted s****, train to edinburgh -Hibees

    Wildcard - Berwick Rangers (just for the sex and danger!)


    hibs are just as bigoted as rangers or celtic


    To be fair mate, they're not.


    Hearts and Hibs fans (for all their flaws) are sometimes capable of having a laugh (in my experience anyway).


    Rangers and Celtic fans are absolutely 100% conviced that everybody else in the whole world actually gives a rat's arse about their silly little rivalry.


    It's rather sad.


    That is generalisation of all Rangers and Celtic fans. They are not all bigots, just like not all Newcastle fans chanted crap about Mido. If you had actually been to a Rangers or Celtic game you would realise that, but maybe its just easier to follow the tabloid press.


    I don't read tabloids.


    And I work for Dundee United on match days so i've been to more games involving Rangers and Celtic than I care to remember.


    So that's that one blown out of the water for the f****** cynics.


    To answer your point, yes it would be a generalisation to label Newcastle fans for the racist chanting because it doesn't happen at every game Newcastle play.  If it did then it wouldn't be a generalisation.  But it doesn't.


    Rangers' and Celtic's travelling support sing their bigoted tripe every time they come to Tannadice.  I can't remember a single time when it didn't happen. 


    That's the difference.  When it happened with Newcastle it was an isolated incedent (not that i'm trying to justify it).  With those two it's a culture and for many of their fans it's the only reason they watch the team.


    But there are many of the fans of the Old Firm who do not subscribe to the bigotry s****. They are actually more interested in the football. I just don't like the generalisation.


    That's the thing though.  We keep hearing about this silent majority but i've honestly never met one of them. 


    If they do exist then they should be trying do do something about it.  If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem and all that.

  17. London - Fulham, nice traditional ground, shame about the football (watch other teams)

    Birmingham - Aston Villa.

    Liverpool - Don't like either...

    Manchester - Man city

    Sheffield - Sheff Wed

    Glasgow - Bigoted s****, train to edinburgh -Hibees

    Wildcard - Berwick Rangers (just for the sex and danger!)


    hibs are just as bigoted as rangers or celtic


    To be fair mate, they're not.


    Hearts and Hibs fans (for all their flaws) are sometimes capable of having a laugh (in my experience anyway).


    Rangers and Celtic fans are absolutely 100% conviced that everybody else in the whole world actually gives a rat's arse about their silly little rivalry.


    It's rather sad.


    That is generalisation of all Rangers and Celtic fans. They are not all bigots, just like not all Newcastle fans chanted crap about Mido. If you had actually been to a Rangers or Celtic game you would realise that, but maybe its just easier to follow the tabloid press.


    I don't read tabloids.


    And I work for Dundee United on match days so i've been to more games involving Rangers and Celtic than I care to remember.


    So that's that one blown out of the water for the f****** cynics.


    To answer your point, yes it would be a generalisation to label Newcastle fans for the racist chanting because it doesn't happen at every game Newcastle play.  If it did then it wouldn't be a generalisation.  But it doesn't.


    Rangers' and Celtic's travelling support sing their bigoted tripe every time they come to Tannadice.  I can't remember a single time when it didn't happen. 


    That's the difference.  When it happened with Newcastle it was an isolated incedent (not that i'm trying to justify it).  With those two it's a culture and for many of their fans it's the only reason they watch the team.

  18. London - Fulham, nice traditional ground, shame about the football (watch other teams)

    Birmingham - Aston Villa.

    Liverpool - Don't like either...

    Manchester - Man city

    Sheffield - Sheff Wed

    Glasgow - Bigoted s****, train to edinburgh -Hibees

    Wildcard - Berwick Rangers (just for the sex and danger!)


    hibs are just as bigoted as rangers or celtic


    To be fair mate, they're not.


    Hearts and Hibs fans (for all their flaws) are sometimes capable of having a laugh (in my experience anyway).


    Rangers and Celtic fans are absolutely 100% conviced that everybody else in the whole world actually gives a rat's arse about their silly little rivalry.


    It's rather sad.

  19. Manchester - FC United, really respect what they've been doing, turning their back on trophies and brilliant football to stay loyal to the game


    Good call that, forgot about them.


    What does "staying loyal to the game" actually mean though?


    I don't remember them complaining during the nineties when they were outspending everybody and winning everything.

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