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About oldtype

  • Rank
    Trailer Wanker
  1. If we do ever win the league, it will have been over a century since the last time (I'm assuming it's not going to happen within the next two seasons). Imagine how ridiculous that would feel. A euphoria that fans of certain teams will never even have the possibility of experiencing.
  2. Now that we’ve finally got the trophy monkey off of our backs I care less about advancing in the Europa League. It would be nice, but the CL money moves us closer to our next long term goals (winning the league or the CL).
  3. It’s all relative, but I think the club had functionally ceased to exist for a lot of people notwithstanding its league position (myself included)
  4. Would have been a footnote for Liverpool even if they had won. Our players knew they were competing for immortality.
  5. Given the low point we were at pre-Howe you could just as easily argue that there would be no club without him either. Although I realize that the new owners coming in at the same time obfuscates that a little. (And I think I’ve stumbled upon the topic this forum will spend the next few years bickering needlessly about )
  6. Howe is also just four seasons into what may end up being (knock on wood) a 10+ year tenure so I wouldn’t quite say “forever”.
  7. Local Hero was grown in a lab to make fans weep. Absolute gem of a song and we’re lucky to have it. And utterly Kafkaesque that Ashley tried to get rid of it.
  8. We were absurdly lucky that almost every big name player we spent our (in retrospect, surprisingly limited) PSR budget on turned out not only to be good footballers, but also perfect cultural fits for the club. This man most of all.
  9. Just based on achievements, is it even arguable at this point? Keegan and Sir Bobby had great results and obviously were very influential in building the culture around the club but Howe has silverware and arguably has been just as influential turning the culture around from an absolute low point.
  10. This is my twentieth season supporting the club from abroad, and I am proud to announce that I am finally an actual glory hunter.
  11. My entire identity as a fan was being the idiot who chose to support the team that never wins anything. What do I do now.
  12. We’re all taking shots to this picture tonight.
  13. I cannot believe the black and white ribbons on the dingy little trophy is what makes me cry.
  14. How crazy is it that we’re about to win the cup final and we’re doing it while subbing in Emil Krafth for Jacob Murphy.
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