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Vinny Green Balls

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Posts posted by Vinny Green Balls

  1. And so it begins...the pharaoh drops a heavy brown load on us, and says that he is showering us with gold.  Pretty soon the lot of us will be trying to buy a Volvo with a slightly petrified imperial turd.


    This is the time for "negativity".  These assholes need to be held accountable for their actions, no matter what happens in the near future.

  2. I was a season ticket holder with the Clash/Earthquakes form '96 to '05.  I am finding it really difficult to support them with enthusiasm since they returned to San Jose, even though they had a decent season last round.  I suppose I still feel betrayed by what happened.  I live in LA now, and cannot for the life of me come around to supporting any Los Angeles team. 

  3. This thread highlights how a minority on the forum wear the damage from getting it up the ass by the owner as a badge of courage.  All it will soon highlight in a few months is that the pharaoh can take a shit on the peasants as much as he likes.  Ashley is using the same playbook that the first asshole who stumbled upon a barley field near the Tigris wrote. 

  4. One thing I really don't understand is why Ashley has put the new boss in now before four of our toughest games on the season. He obviously planned to do it earlier, we know that, but there's only one place the finger will be pointed if and when we lose the next four games.


    He can't even execute his own dastardly plans effectively, the ignorant fat slob.


    Hughton fucked up his plan by doing things like twatting the mackems 5-1, no wonder Ashley had a dig at him for "milking it" and was so pissed off with the fans chanting his name.


    Ashley strikes me as a very jealous man, no wonder he's put a detestable dickhead like Pardew in, he wants to be more poplar than the manager at all times.


    Thinking about the 5-1 being only six weeks ago just makes my blood boil, cheers.


    I alluded to that before.  A sociopathic tendency to destroy anybody who gets the adulation that he so desires.  His actions do not strike me as business-driven at all, but the actions of a vindictive jealous man who subconsciously understands he's a f*cking Hutt (but with a weight problem) who will never be loved or respected.

  5. If we do go down, at least he's got a good record of getting teams back up, unlike his predecessor.


    Oh wait...




    Is there actually in fact two Alan F**king Pardew's in the world and MA has got confused?  Kinda like when you search by name in facebook and get a whole list back.


    You mean the Alan Pardew who won the Champions League with Real Madrid?  Easy mistake to make.

  6. 6 months and the twat will be gone. Nailed on!


    He'll be here as long as Ashley is here. Nailed on!


    I've spent ten years using photoshop.  My skills, I can see now, have been honed specifically for this moment.  My original plan was to photoshop every Republican Senator gape-mouthed at a glory hole in the hopes that one believes that I actually got a photograph.  But perhaps I should do this with Ashley.  Make it so real that it convinces even Ashley that it happened.


    Blackmail the asshole out of the club.

  7. Those soundbites are just about as convincing as Sarah Palin's.  Yet there a re a whole army of Tea Party activists.  The thought of that press conference quelling a bunch of supporters' fears makes me ill.

  8. On the contrary, I think it is madness to allow Ashley to get off scott-free with his reprehensible actions.  Pardew, no matter which way you look at it, is a manifestation of these actions.  I won't go so far as to wish leprosy on his c*ck, but I certainly won't get behind the guy, and tacitly give Ashley a reach-around.  The cycle stops here with me. 

  9. Either way you look at it, we got royally f*cked by Ashley and his cronies.  Comprehensively...definitively.  Every time Pardew shows his mug, it will be a grim reminder of the utter contempt and hubris with which they have been running this club.  While Ashley is here, he will continue to lay down the mines. 


    There is now absolutely no reason to believe that it is ever going to get better under his regime.  The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

  10. You could still love Germany without supporting the National Socialists.  I'm clearly not saying that this is on that level, but the badge in the long term is what matters.  These tits are doing a great deal of damage to the club.  A tarnished reputation tarnished even more.  Considering the circumstances, even if Pardew went on to get us a European place, I would still be angry.  It is anathema to the spirit of the game, in my opinion.  That innocent act of kicking a ball around.  This is sinister.  It is a group of despicable men with no regard for the history and identity of a club.  It is a group of despicable men who treat the fans as one dot on a metric.  What is each fan worth?


    What about the sense of belonging?  The passion?  How a win brightens the weekend, and how a loss can ruin it?  How 90 minutes can make us forget how much we hate our jobs (or how much of an unhinged nut my girlfriend is)?  I worked in both the corporate world and as a high school teacher for a charter school.  I saw enough nepotism, cronyism, corruption and backstabbing behavior in that world.  the last thing I need is to see it in my form of escape from that world.  I suppose this is why I am so furious right now.

  11. Mowen is right to a certain extent.  But this has more of a feeling of an ousting, rather than just a manager losing his job.  Something royally stinks about this whole scenario, and although Pardew is not the main culprit, he deserves some scorn, in my opinion.

  12. Pardew deserves every bit of the hostility he gets.  If reports are true, he was complicit in the ousting of Hughton.  He knew about another colleague being shown the axe before said colleague knew...and he was waiting in the wings.  There is ambition, and then there is right prickery, of which his actions fall into the latter.  Not to get on my high horse, but where's the moral compass?  Where's the respect for your fellow colleagues?  I hope every other manager treats this prick like a leper's testicles now.


    There is no excuse for this pile of dogshit's behavior, in my book.  I'd rather have Gordon Gecko take care of my bank accounts than have this asshole near the club.


  13. I am really beginning to believe that Ashley is not operating from a business perspective at all, but with some sociopathic urge to feel beloved.  When the lot of us came around to Hughton, and his name started being chanted, Ashley goes off in a jeaolous rage and undermines him.  Sunderland was the final straw.


    The problem with him is that he is a cheap, odious scumbag who is incapable of bringing good feeling out in people.  I would be interested to see his hiring and firing practices of management in his business.  How much of them are based on business, and how much are based on some prick becoming too well-liked by co-workers?


  14. Shit, what makes it worse is that NE5 and Howaythelads were dead on, at least with regards to Ashley.  The fact that they were Shephard apologists par excellence nearly counteracts this, but f$ck me, there are entities out there who are worse than Satan, scientologists and Joseph Smith.


    The true Law of Attraction  -----> wish for Shephard out, and you get Ashley.  Wish for gold, and you get a gilded boot to the nuts.

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