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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. It will clear up the debate, but i don't think SA will use this as a reason
  2. Fucking hell Kevin Bond is a legened tbh!!
  3. Not that bad of a news to me, he is decent but we can get better, don't believe he is going to Chelsea though.. We can get better by splashing out a few million. I am sure Sam can find some random African for less then 500k who can do a decent job in our defence tbh
  4. Not that bad of a news to me, he is decent but we can get better, don't believe he is going to Chelsea though..
  5. Thats why they bought Hargreaves Hargreaves to replace Scholes? Its not easy to do so, but i guess with Scholes slowley losing his form and getting older, Ferguson will rotate between the two, and maybe slowley turn Hargreaves to the next Paul Scholes (With less cunt-ish attitude) But i am guessing thats what SAF is thinking at the moment,he is slowley replacing his vetrens with youngsters,letting them play with each other for a couple of seasons so they get used to the style Manchester play.
  6. Thats why they bought Hargreaves
  7. Agree with midds, but unlike the clueless cunts we had managing our club SAF might actually know what he's doing..
  8. Newcastle Fan


    To be fair almost every single italian league match was fixed over the last 10-15 years, they just caught Juve because they were heading on the road to be an unstopable force in Italy,i remember most of Milan's games were full of decsions made for them,the whole league was rotten to the core not just Juve , but they were used as scape goats.
  9. Newcastle Fan


    Well I have always liked Juve and still do. It was 4 or 5 people of the board that cheated. The players, the coach, the fans new nothing about what was going on and I have so much sympathy for all of them Its not there fault what so ever and yet there the ones which get the s*** for it. + They play in black and white
  10. Put Parker as DMC and keep him as captin..not let him run around like a maniac doing virtually nothing and expect him to lead by example for the rest..
  11. Newcastle Fan


    Milan shouldve been relegated tbh..
  12. Exactly, that the first thing i said when i saw him
  13. Don't know if this was mentioned here but he was called for England's B side..
  14. Luke Young/Scott Parker
  15. Could do well for our reserves side next season..
  16. That gives hope for all of us...
  17. Thats all ?! Thanks BD, but i thought i was gonna get loads of quotes
  18. I think he has played on the left wing on occasion so I reckon there is a good chance. Didn't the Juve scout talk about Krul as a new Buffon not too long back? Aye, he did About Andy Carroll,i think he is both left and right footed
  19. Pretty random i know, but a friend of mine asked me if i can get him any postive quotes said about the EPL (Never botherd to ask why), to my suprise i only found like 2 or 3 - of course i am looking for quotes from players,managers etc.. A little bit of help here?
  20. Roman Abramovich has a good cry after every game Chelsea lose
  21. I think i will challenge Chelsea for him, $2..
  22. Still is good though, from the few mins i got to see him i would have him picked over Ameobi next season..
  23. Carroll. Someone asked why he wasn't in that squad. That was me, and i really don't believe that the rest are better then him, i.e how many of those players actually got to playing in the premiership, most of them are picked from Reserves/U-18 sides and if thats the case then Carroll's recored speaks for itself.
  24. Well will be fucking great if true tbh Can't believe we sold Boumsong for 5 , gives you hope that we might get rid of Damage for 7 next season..
  25. Didn't Juve go up this year? Don't we get more add-on money for that as well? Not really, its a pre-agreed Friendly, if anythin they will be the ones paying if they decided to cancel the friendly.
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