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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. LOL!,btw he is out!,thats really not good,martin o...srry glenn roeder will be really pissed as our players are falling one by one,and he will finally have to use,oh no,!, it albeto,the former betis,srry deportive player living here in the middle east,never thought their is worst then our commentators,but here you go,a guy who thinks we actually sold milner even though he started most of our games did he see the EPL,or is he just naive
  2. Newcastle Fan

    NSC draw

    hey,at least this is one tournment we actually can win ..!!
  3. speaking of eastwood,didnt glenn release him in his west ham days?
  4. don't know why really? i think roeder is asking him to delay the op,so he don't have to go for luque even if he does have the op,i am thinking PAV as our new striking options shola is playing in the current short term,but he will be forced to sit for a longer period of the the more he keeps on playing,and thats a delight for me,a striker with a recored of .22 goals-game in his newcastle career really should just be called the new carl cort and sent packing to whatever team will be forced to take him,can't think of the thought that last sesaon he wanted to play for england! have to admire his loyalty though..
  5. like the thought a 202 giant who is fantastic both in the air and on the ground,i really wanted him to come pre-season,instead roeder bought a mini koller-antoine siberski that is The truth is ANYONE will do,just someone who can score from 2 chance's,i really want luque to get his chance,but as long as roeder in charge,i don't t hink he will get a chance,koller is a decent player,the only problem will be that i don't think anyone will even think of sigining him for the club
  6. Keep,he is one of the best players in our current team,and he is just 20,he has all it takes to go all the way,and the more we keep him the more expensive he gets,depending on how much first team football he will get,also,he can play in more then one postion,having said all of that,selling him will be a great lose for the club
  7. does glenn really like physical players that much! first he went and blew 10 million at martins,then sibreski,our whole line up consists of either fast,or strong players,they are all natural athletes,but NOT FOOTBALL PLAYERS,kuffor is more of a bramble type defender,and appiah is not half as scott parker,but knowing glenn,we will be welcoming them come january i hate the way roeder acts,as if he is going to survive till january,he must thinking too ahead of himself here,january is 1 and a half month from now,we got 8-10 games in that period,he must think of how to win those games,not how to lose them and then try to fix them at the nxt transfer :roll:
  8. great stuff lad,liked the luque "why?" and the toontastic messege:)
  9. i still don't get it,he hit a POST, in the middle of training!? First of all,what kind of training ground have posts near training,unless kerion ment a goal post,either ways,how did he not see it:S! Never mind that,kerion is a big player,he is one of those who played a part in our bobby robson brilliant team,his luck is really bad,he always gets injured for reasons such as his running style ruined his muscles,he hit a post!,etc.. lets just hope he can stay fit,we really need him now,and lets hope he shows us every reason to give him a first team place.
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