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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Mob rule then? ???

    oh I see, so if theres a vote on here to do something and all but you vote against it then you'll just argue that point then? If the conservatives win the next election then because they had a majority then its mob rule?


    what a totally crass and thoughtless statement to make.


    Perhaps if you answer the question that was asked I'll put a bit more thought into my reply?


    Your answer to the question (or lack of it) fits in entirely with what I've said.


    So what is it you're wanting me to say? that we're doing it because Ashley treat KK like s****? because Wise didnt buy the right players? because we have Joe Kinnear as manager?


    None of those.


    What you arfe looking for is me to proportion blame between Ashley and Keegan, simple fact is that its nothing to do with that, its not about KK or who we bought in the Summer. Its about the fact that this club is going rapidly to the dogs and nothing is being done to counter it.


    I dont care if Keegan was 100% at fault for the past, what Im interested in is the future which currently looks non existant.


    So the club is "going to the dogs" and you think the rational repsonse to try and force a change of ownership and cause even more turmoil and unstability?


    I fail to see what im missing?


    EDIT: so you dont know whats gone on yet you protest agaisnt the one man who could change things even if you dont know if he's the one thats caused the problems.


    Find out who's done wrong THEN act aginst them. Thats usually how the world works.

  2. Probably the tenth time ive asked this but would anyone from the NUSC like to tell me whats is there specific reasoning behind their actions?


    I mean could they (or anyone) tell me who's actually responsible for what occured, specifically speaking? I still havent heard anything substantial enough to justify boycotts and all other nonsense that the NUSC are doing.


    It'd be nice for someone to tell me there specific reasons for there actions and what Ashley specifically did wrong?






    The specific reason is 250+ fans turned up to a public meeting and called for the group to be formed and to take action.


    No no no, the group needs a reason to act out its agenda. What is it? What specific evidence is there that to justify your actions?


    Do you even have a substantial platform of evidence to back up your actions?

  3. Probably the tenth time ive asked this but would anyone from the NUSC like to tell me whats is there specific reasoning behind their actions?


    I mean could they (or anyone) tell me who's actually responsible for what occured, specifically speaking? I still havent heard anything substantial enough to justify boycotts and all other nonsense that the NUSC are doing.


    It'd be nice for someone to tell me there specific reasons for there actions and what Ashley specifically did wrong?



  4. Pompey have another left back who we were linked with in the summer Behaldi or something, cant remember and he looks immense going forward. Saw him against Fulham and he was absolutley brilliant going forward, dnt really get much chance to see him defend. Would definitely be worth a look.

  5. How will everyone react to Ashley if its true that Keegan caused the majority of the problems? Im actually unhappy that Kinnears said all this, its like the "leak" about the players Keegan wanted, despicable way of doing things but interesting all the same.


    Will people still want Ashley to f*** off even if he's the 'victim'?




    Of course Keegan caused some of the rumpus that has benn obvious from about day 1 but I will always remember KK fondly. I still like SBR I dont hold "THAT WOLVES" game against him or the statement he made afterwards against him.


    Of course some people will want him to f*** regardless. Me, if he stays we need to improve the first team & we need to pounce at 00:01 on 01 Jan 2009 & announce our overseas Bosman signings for that summer & then move on from there improving the first team.




    Since Ashley has taken over do you not think that there has been an improvement in the quality of the squad year on year?


    As we sit 20th for the first time in 9 years I am not so sure. None of the defenders signed have helped reduce the amount of goals flowing in, we have seen a huge rise. None of the strikers signed are better than Oba, Owen & Shola atm. As for the midfield Parker, Dyer, Nobby, Emre, Milner & of course Luque all out, I dont think we have upgraded that much.



    Either the squad is stronger or it isnt?


    What the manager does with the squad is a completely different question and how much the squad has improved is a question of subjectivity.


    The fact is is that the squad HAS improved, its improved by virtue of the fact of the number of wasters we've got rid of, if the squad hadnt imprved at all then id be with you but as it has its enough proof for me that Ashley had good intnetions for the club. Imagine how much the squad could of improved had we had a manager who was completely on board with the rest of the club...


    Okay then it has not improved or it has not kept pace with other clubs improvements, that is why Mike Ashley sacked Sam as the team was doing s**** compared to others & it is why we  are 20th for the 1st time in 9 years.


    I think Big Sam got rid of most of the wasters not Mike Ashley, in fact what did Ashley have to do with any of the incoming signings? He was not manager or even ED(F).


    And now we know that theres a reason other than his apparent "prudency" for reason our squad apprenntly hasnt improved....


    If it turns out to be true that Keegan hindered the progress of the club he will come very close to losing his legendary status with me.

  6. How will everyone react to Ashley if its true that Keegan caused the majority of the problems? Im actually unhappy that Kinnears said all this, its like the "leak" about the players Keegan wanted, despicable way of doing things but interesting all the same.


    Will people still want Ashley to f*** off even if he's the 'victim'?




    Of course Keegan caused some of the rumpus that has benn obvious from about day 1 but I will always remember KK fondly. I still like SBR I dont hold "THAT WOLVES" game against him or the statement he made afterwards against him.


    Of course some people will want him to f*** regardless. Me, if he stays we need to improve the first team & we need to pounce at 00:01 on 01 Jan 2009 & announce our overseas Bosman signings for that summer & then move on from there improving the first team.




    Since Ashley has taken over do you not think that there has been an improvement in the quality of the squad year on year?


    As we sit 20th for the first time in 9 years I am not so sure. None of the defenders signed have helped reduce the amount of goals flowing in, we have seen a huge rise. None of the strikers signed are better than Oba, Owen & Shola atm. As for the midfield Parker, Dyer, Nobby, Emre, Milner & of course Luque all out, I dont think we have upgraded that much.



    Either the squad is stronger or it isnt?


    What the manager does with the squad is a completely different question and how much the squad has improved is a question of subjectivity.


    The fact is is that the squad HAS improved, its improved by virtue of the fact of the number of wasters we've got rid of, if the squad hadnt imprved at all then id be with you but as it has its enough proof for me that Ashley had good intnetions for the club. Imagine how much the squad could of improved had we had a manager who was completely on board with the rest of the club...

  7. How will everyone react to Ashley if its true that Keegan caused the majority of the problems? Im actually unhappy that Kinnears said all this, its like the "leak" about the players Keegan wanted, despicable way of doing things but interesting all the same.


    Will people still want Ashley to f*** off even if he's the 'victim'?




    Of course Keegan caused some of the rumpus that has benn obvious from about day 1 but I will always remember KK fondly. I still like SBR I dont hold "THAT WOLVES" game against him or the statement he made afterwards against him.


    Of course some people will want him to f*** regardless. Me, if he stays we need to improve the first team & we need to pounce at 00:01 on 01 Jan 2009 & announce our overseas Bosman signings for that summer & then move on from there improving the first team.




    Since Ashley has taken over do you not think that there has been an improvement in the quality of the squad year on year?

  8. How will everyone react to Ashley if its true that Keegan caused the majority of the problems? Im actually unhappy that Kinnears said all this, its like the "leak" about the players Keegan wanted, despicable way of doing things but interesting all the same.


    Will people still want Ashley to fuck off even if he's the 'victim'?



  9. Part of me suspects that Ashley may not intend to sell the club at all.


    It was clear after the Hull game that he had to do something, the storm wasn't simply going to blow over if he kept his head down and tried to get on with it. So what's the smart thing to do? Announce that he's looking to sell up, appease the angry mob and then privately quote a selling price that nobody is going to meet. If some multi-billionaire comes along with a ridiculous offer, then by all means make a tidy profit and move on. But the odds of that aren't great.


    Couple of months pass and then he makes a statement saying that nobody is interested and that we're basically stuck with him for now. What then?


    If he got a good manager in, properly backed him and got rid of that ridiculous set up he has with Wise etc, then im all for him staying.


    Me too, but I'd have little or no confidence in him to do this, even if he came out and promised it was going to happen.


    even if he announced he was staying, what manager would touch us, knowing the owner is only there reluctantly, isnt interested in the club, will be loathe to invest funds and would sell up to someone else at the very first opportunity. that's not to mention the previous troubles and complications associated with ashley's tenure.


    Its strange cos despite the ridiculous history we have regarding managerial appointments every single one of our managers have said they would be happy to return to the club and that to me shows the strength of the job.


    Id hazard a guess and say that there are a lot of manager out there who are confident in there ability and looking for a challenge who would love to ahve this job.




    when we got rid of Robson and the club disgraced itself we were turned back by 5 managers (allegedly) and had to settle for souness. i think the same would probably happen, i'd hazard a guess that we wouldnt be able to get a top manager in but would look at someone like venables or kinnear.


    Id hazard a guess and say Shepherd didnt even bother looking abroad, i think at that time, due to the nature of SBR sacking and his standing in the game we shot our selves in the foot and made the job unteneable, due to it being to hard an act to follow. In alot of peoples eyes, including my own SBR dsidnt deserve to go, how do you go about appointing a British managers who's first target at the club is CL qualification? No wonder people would turn it down. In my opinion the job from the outset didnt look like it had much chance of change, in the current situation there are plently of oppurutnites of change, the struecture could go, the struture could work, lets not forget that 3 people had already put there names to the job, why should it be any different now? One of those managers has even said how he could work in this structure.


    the job is still a big job and i think people will still wan it.

  10. What exactly are people hoping to hear? Supposing theres no good news what are the club supposed to do?


    I think its pretty unreasonable to applaud the club for its privacy on some issues but then cirticise them for there lack of transparency on others. You cant have it both ways.


    Yes you can, keep quiet about things that need to be kept quite (ie transfers, contracts) and talk to the fans about the general structure and future of the club


    i disagree, and i think you can see that by saying something he could easily tie himself up with his previous words. Saying something only for it to change would only make a bad situation even worse. He's right in saying f*** all, i can guarantuee that something willl be said when someothing definite happens and thats the right way to do it.


    Thats the thing though, he is saying stuff through JK - thats what makes it all come across as fantastically amateurish


    Thats fair enough. 

  11. What exactly are people hoping to hear? Supposing theres no good news what are the club supposed to do?


    I think its pretty unreasonable to applaud the club for its privacy on some issues but then cirticise them for there lack of transparency on others. You cant have it both ways.


    Yes you can, keep quiet about things that need to be kept quite (ie transfers, contracts) and talk to the fans about the general structure and future of the club


    i disagree, and i think you can see that by saying something he could easily tie himself up with his previous words. Saying something only for it to change would only make a bad situation even worse. He's right in saying fuck all, i can guarantuee that something willl be said when someothing definite happens and thats the right way to do it.


  12. Part of me suspects that Ashley may not intend to sell the club at all.


    It was clear after the Hull game that he had to do something, the storm wasn't simply going to blow over if he kept his head down and tried to get on with it. So what's the smart thing to do? Announce that he's looking to sell up, appease the angry mob and then privately quote a selling price that nobody is going to meet. If some multi-billionaire comes along with a ridiculous offer, then by all means make a tidy profit and move on. But the odds of that aren't great.


    Couple of months pass and then he makes a statement saying that nobody is interested and that we're basically stuck with him for now. What then?


    If he got a good manager in, properly backed him and got rid of that ridiculous set up he has with Wise etc, then im all for him staying.


    Me too, but I'd have little or no confidence in him to do this, even if he came out and promised it was going to happen.


    even if he announced he was staying, what manager would touch us, knowing the owner is only there reluctantly, isnt interested in the club, will be loathe to invest funds and would sell up to someone else at the very first opportunity. that's not to mention the previous troubles and complications associated with ashley's tenure.


    Its strange cos despite the ridiculous history we have regarding managerial appointments every single one of our managers have said they would be happy to return to the club and that to me shows the strength of the job.


    Id hazard a guess and say that there are a lot of manager out there who are confident in there ability and looking for a challenge who would love to ahve this job.



  13. What exactly are people hoping to hear? Supposing theres no good news what are the club supposed to do?


    I think its pretty unreasonable to applaud the club for its privacy on some issues but then cirticise them for there lack of transparency on others. You cant have it both ways.

  14. So thats an emphatic no then. Thought as much.


    So why did you say him staying was fine by you then?


    Its called the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.  Ive looked at whats happened and everything doesnt add up as nicely as you and a lot of people would have me beleive so I'm choosing to keep my mind open.






    Are you satisfied with the ambition shown in the last 3 transfer windows?

    Are you satisfied that no football targets have been defined by him at any time?


    The answers to those two questions means I don't consider him "innocent".




    Nope Im not happy, i was ready to complain about this summers activity, that was until i found out that the manager and the directors werent rowing in the same direction regarding transfer policies for the entire summer and becasue of this i therefore cant say that the lack of acitivty was entirely down to Ashley. Its becasue of this that i'm willng to give him the benefit of the doubt. Do you know Keegans role in all this?


    My doubts are there but not enough to condmen him to the scrap yard, not without knowing what keegans role was in all of this.



  15. So thats an emphatic no then. Thought as much.


    So why did you say him staying was fine by you then?


    Its called the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.  Ive looked at whats happened and everything doesnt add up as nicely as you and a lot of people would have me beleive so I'm choosing to keep my mind open.





  16. They need to look up the word "representative".


    I think the results of the above poll and the fact that only 50 people bothered to turn up to their big meeting means they are anything but representative of Newcastle fans. 

    It's arrogance beyond belief.

    God forbid that they would ever be given any real power.


    I don't think its looks too good on you either to criticise a group of people who are trying to do something for the greater good that they believe in, when you can't be arsed yourself to do anything, whether going with them or opposing them.



    I oppose them.

    And I'm offended that a few dozen publicity seekers claim to be "representative" of Newcastle fans, as it seems are the majority of supporters.


    Do they claim to representative of all supporters ?

    Do you understand that if the press label people as such - also as per Frank Gilmour and the NUISA - then its not that simple to stop them ?


    You are of course entitled to your opinion, but if not for movements in the past similar to this, we could still be stuck in the old 2nd division and experienced a past decade and a half like that of the likes of Sheffield Wednesday, which is pretty much how it was.

    And THAT'S my opinion, backed up with history and the record books. Still, if you're happy with that, its your prerogative. If they even play a small part in helping change owners then good luck to them. Whether the new owners will be good ones, thats the 64 dollar question that nobody knows.









    To be fair they kind of do.




    "It was agreed the prime role of the supporters club was to represent the interests of and provide a voice for the fans of Newcastle United."


    This is kind of my gripe with them as well - that and the fact that they've signed the execution order for Ashley with zero hard evidence or understadning of what actually occured. If they had evidence, or did know what went on, then id be less critical of them.


    to me, that reads to say that their aim is to provide representation for all NUFC fans [who wish it] and nothing more




    Come on NE5, you dont believe that do you?  :coolsmiley:


    of course. it costs 10 quid to join, do you think they will represent the views of people who haven't joined


    Thats what they've said.


    If it were:


    "It was agreed the prime role of the supporters club was to represent the interests of and provide a voice for the fans members of Newcastle United Supporters Club."


    then we'd be talking in completely different thread about a completely different subject.

  17. I think so too, if he doesnt sell up then thats fine for me


    Get used to 17th as the only target then - the new Bolton/Fulham/Wigan.






    Oh well, if you know for certain that thats the case i suppose you'll have no need for your season ticket when he decides to stay in charge? Right?


    Probably not - and I'd guess I've had one a lot longer than you so don't try and play the bigger fan argument.



    Ashley showed no ambition apart from "steady progress" to nowhere when he was fully committed - how the f*** do you think it will work when he doesn't really care?






    Probably not - and I'd guess I've had one a lot longer than you so don't try and play the bigger fan argument.




    I'm the one playing the bigger fan argument??  :lol:


    Very ironic.


    Aye, lets discount everything thats occured this summer and just stick a label on him.


    You have no idea what exactly went on at the club do you? Simple yes or no will do.




    You made the ST comment - I responded.


    I don't give a f*** what the tiny details were - all I know is the bloke lied through his teeth, failed to strengthen the squad and demonstrated even if were true by his parting diatribe that he expected us to accept steady progress with no set target apart from financial security.


    I don't want him anywhere near my club.







    The ST comment was purely a dig at your 6th sense of knowing precisely the future of this club and therefore not needing an ST as you already know everything.


    I don't give a f*** what the tiny details were - all I know is the bloke lied through his teeth, failed to strengthen the squad and demonstrated even if were true by his parting diatribe that he expected us to accept steady progress with no set target apart from financial security.


    So thats an emphatic no then. Thought as much.

  18. To peasepud and other NUSC reps,


    the fact you guys are admitting that some of the problems are to do with the fact that this organisation is only 6 weeks old just confirms you are perhaps running before you can walk. Maybe you should disengage from making public statements until you are in a position to present a better front?


    Agreed which is why other than todays letter you havent seen anything for a fortnight or so and shouldnt for a while unless we are asked to comment on an event.


    Did the letter portray the feelings of  the majority of those who turned up and if not why was it released?


    I just think its worrying that its seems from your replies that theres not great cohesion within the group and what is being released is actually the views of a vocal minority which shows litle regard to the rest of the group and shows that the organisation is just being used as a propaganda vehicle for a select few to publically air there contorted views.


    Maybe I didnt word my last one properly. What I was meaning that if it was down to me I would have made more of the fact we want dialogue with him and changed a little bit of the wording.


    Yes that is what was agreed by the meeting however we also agreed that it needed to go out by today which didnt give as much time for consultation etc. That howver is why we have seperate roles for people, some people help organise others meet the media and some others write letters etc.


    Fair enough but what you say about what should of been written and what actually got written are 2 completely different things, which is a big problem becasue you seem to have the right idea.


    This is the point though, you're dealing with a business that is worth £300m there needs to be a level of proffessionalism and organisation to it.


    For me its akin to turning up at an interview in jeans and a hoodie. You may be the best man for the job but if you dont have all sides covered you wont get considered.


    I apologise if this to come across as  being condescending it honestly isnt.

  19. I think so too, if he doesnt sell up then thats fine for me


    Get used to 17th as the only target then - the new Bolton/Fulham/Wigan.






    Oh well, if you know for certain that thats the case i suppose you'll have no need for your season ticket when he decides to stay in charge? Right?


    Probably not - and I'd guess I've had one a lot longer than you so don't try and play the bigger fan argument.



    Ashley showed no ambition apart from "steady progress" to nowhere when he was fully committed - how the f*** do you think it will work when he doesn't really care?






    Probably not - and I'd guess I've had one a lot longer than you so don't try and play the bigger fan argument.




    I'm the one playing the bigger fan argument??  :lol:


    Very ironic.


    Aye, lets discount everything thats occured this summer and just stick a label on him.


    You have no idea what exactly went on at the club do you? Simple yes or no will do.



  20. They need to look up the word "representative".


    I think the results of the above poll and the fact that only 50 people bothered to turn up to their big meeting means they are anything but representative of Newcastle fans. 

    It's arrogance beyond belief.

    God forbid that they would ever be given any real power.


    I don't think its looks too good on you either to criticise a group of people who are trying to do something for the greater good that they believe in, when you can't be arsed yourself to do anything, whether going with them or opposing them.



    I oppose them.

    And I'm offended that a few dozen publicity seekers claim to be "representative" of Newcastle fans, as it seems are the majority of supporters.


    Do they claim to representative of all supporters ?

    Do you understand that if the press label people as such - also as per Frank Gilmour and the NUISA - then its not that simple to stop them ?


    You are of course entitled to your opinion, but if not for movements in the past similar to this, we could still be stuck in the old 2nd division and experienced a past decade and a half like that of the likes of Sheffield Wednesday, which is pretty much how it was.

    And THAT'S my opinion, backed up with history and the record books. Still, if you're happy with that, its your prerogative. If they even play a small part in helping change owners then good luck to them. Whether the new owners will be good ones, thats the 64 dollar question that nobody knows.









    To be fair they kind of do.




    "It was agreed the prime role of the supporters club was to represent the interests of and provide a voice for the fans of Newcastle United."


    This is kind of my gripe with them as well - that and the fact that they've signed the execution order for Ashley with zero hard evidence or understadning of what actually occured. If they had evidence, or did know what went on, then id be less critical of them.


    to me, that reads to say that their aim is to provide representation for all NUFC fans [who wish it] and nothing more




    Come on NE5, you dont believe that do you?  :coolsmiley:

  21. I think so too, if he doesnt sell up then thats fine for me


    Get used to 17th as the only target then - the new Bolton/Fulham/Wigan.






    Oh well, if you know for certain that thats the case i suppose you'll have no need for your season ticket when he decides to stay in charge? Right?

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