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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Robster IS kevin keegan. he's like NE5 with shepherd.



    Its just childish and unconstructive comments like that I think are pathetic.


    Whether you feel Keegan walked or not, for what he has done for us he deserves our respect.


    Its because you love him so much that you and Stephen927 are hurting so badly but you're too afraid to express that love to the masses. (or trying to be controversial to fell that warmth of getting a post replied to - whichever of the 2 it may be)



    He doesnt deserves respect anymore or less than the old board deserve respect - they both do but neither is untouchable.

  2. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?


    It is November ffs. Bayern brought Klinsi in to get them playing the way German national team did & he is doing that. I will check the league placing at the end of the season.


    I really dont know what Al will be like as a manager. But atm I am watching a Hull team play good football who are being bossed by a bloke who helped get Bolton play the way they did & was a robust lower league full back. So the stuff you mention about Shearer could be completely irrelevant. I watched West Ham on TV on Football First totally f***ing boring & they are managed by a player who used to flair player.


    So if its only novemeber then why do you coplain about our predicamanet so much? You cant have your cake and eat it. Arsenal are close to being writ off for the title, why do you think that is?


    Yeh you're are right - it could be irrelanvant - but its exactly what what basing my belief on - at the end of the day, there is always an exception to every thing in footbal - no guarantuees whatsoever, but i am basing my opinion in things ive seen him do which suggest a midset, i see no reason why it should change.


    Bellamy/Robert scenario being aprime example - why would it all of a sudden be any different as a manager?


    You can cite Phil Brown, I can cite Keegan or Dalglish, you're examples are as irrelavent as mine....


    Because I care more about us being 4th bottom than Bayern being 3rd top of the Bundsliga in November. Forget the examples thing it f***ing boring if I am honest, I will go to my original answer of I don't what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts.


    Why didnt you just say that in the first place??


    That should be "I don't know what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts." & I did say "really dont know what Al will be like as a manager"


    Funny, I didnt see that in your first post when you made your non point about Klinsmann. Just seemed geared towards saying i was wrong....


    Your not the sharpest poster on here so it no surprise you miss things from time to time :thup:


    What an ironic comment.


    Just for clarification:


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    was your first post - i read that as an attack at my view that Shearer would make a poor club manager but a good national manager, you intimated that i implied that Klinsmann was a poor club manager which i wasnt.






    I am not 100% sure why I am replying. I am glad you posted my original post which does not mention Shearer at all, which you viewed as an attack (It was a reply to post not declaration of war) on your view of Shearer.  Yeah I got lost in you post which said "will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann." is that not you implying Klinsi is not made out for club management?


    Before we get swallowed up ATTACKING each other & boring others feel free to continue this uninteresting debate via PM's, I will reply as & when.




    Oooo you're so noble!

  3. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?


    It is November ffs. Bayern brought Klinsi in to get them playing the way German national team did & he is doing that. I will check the league placing at the end of the season.


    I really dont know what Al will be like as a manager. But atm I am watching a Hull team play good football who are being bossed by a bloke who helped get Bolton play the way they did & was a robust lower league full back. So the stuff you mention about Shearer could be completely irrelevant. I watched West Ham on TV on Football First totally f***ing boring & they are managed by a player who used to flair player.


    So if its only novemeber then why do you coplain about our predicamanet so much? You cant have your cake and eat it. Arsenal are close to being writ off for the title, why do you think that is?


    Yeh you're are right - it could be irrelanvant - but its exactly what what basing my belief on - at the end of the day, there is always an exception to every thing in footbal - no guarantuees whatsoever, but i am basing my opinion in things ive seen him do which suggest a midset, i see no reason why it should change.


    Bellamy/Robert scenario being aprime example - why would it all of a sudden be any different as a manager?


    You can cite Phil Brown, I can cite Keegan or Dalglish, you're examples are as irrelavent as mine....


    Because I care more about us being 4th bottom than Bayern being 3rd top of the Bundsliga in November. Forget the examples thing it f***ing boring if I am honest, I will go to my original answer of I don't what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts.


    Why didnt you just say that in the first place??


    That should be "I don't know what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts." & I did say "really dont know what Al will be like as a manager"


    Funny, I didnt see that in your first post when you made your non point about Klinsmann. Just seemed geared towards saying i was wrong....


    Your not the sharpest poster on here so it no surprise you miss things from time to time :thup:


    What an ironic comment.


    Just for clarification:


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    was your first post - i read that as an attack at my view that Shearer would make a poor club manager but a good national manager, you intimated that i implied that Klinsmann was a poor club manager which i wasnt.





  4. For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent. 


    You make it out as if Shearer had the final say on Bellamy and Robert when in reality he probably had f*** all say in the matter, other than to as club captain publicly back the manager/toe the party line which is actually the right thing and professional thing to do. Had he done the opposite he'd have been accused of thinking he was bigger than the club by many. Damned if he does - damned if he doesn't springs to mind.


    And just because he classed Souness as a friend and backed him or stayed loyal to him doesn't mean he couldn't see what we all saw - that Souness was a s**** manager or as manager was leading us nowhere.

    That loyalty and standing up for someone under fierce pressure, someone who was universally regarded as s****, actually takes balls and speaks volumes about his own character. It also contradicts some of the things you're trying to portray him as.


    We forget Shearer knew far more than we will ever ever get to know what went on at St. James' Park where Robert and Bellamy are concerned. I seem to remember after Robert's comments in the build-up to the Sporting match a few players post-match talked how such loose lips could undermine the team. No-one wants to see dissent when everyone is trying to work hard for one another and to fight for one another. As for Bellamy... its been done to death but he pretty much talked and acted his way to an early exit from Newcastle under Souness. It was inevitable with or without Shearer and again, it isn't like Shearer himself had the final say. The idea that Shearer was responsible for Bellamy's departure is f***ing laughable :lol:


    What strikes me in all of this is the continuous defence of Dyer by Shearer despite again him being universally hated by many on the stands, a repugnant character much like Bellamy and someone who like the Welshman brought many a negative headline to the club. Why did he defend him? Because he was someone that team needed in terms of his attributes and Shearer is on record as saying Dyer was a decent bloke underneath all the bad headlines who he liked.


    That to me suggests Shearer has no real set ways with people as what could he and Dyer possibly have in common as people? Not a f***ing lot put it that way. That's a good sign in terms of management because there are more Dyers in the game in terms of character than there are Shearers and he'll have to manage these players and people and successfully if he is to succeed as a manager.


    I personally think he'll surprise us all, there is something about him and always has been that makes him stand out.


    The bit in bold is where i stopped reading.

  5. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?


    It is November ffs. Bayern brought Klinsi in to get them playing the way German national team did & he is doing that. I will check the league placing at the end of the season.


    I really dont know what Al will be like as a manager. But atm I am watching a Hull team play good football who are being bossed by a bloke who helped get Bolton play the way they did & was a robust lower league full back. So the stuff you mention about Shearer could be completely irrelevant. I watched West Ham on TV on Football First totally f***ing boring & they are managed by a player who used to flair player.


    So if its only novemeber then why do you coplain about our predicamanet so much? You cant have your cake and eat it. Arsenal are close to being writ off for the title, why do you think that is?


    Yeh you're are right - it could be irrelanvant - but its exactly what what basing my belief on - at the end of the day, there is always an exception to every thing in footbal - no guarantuees whatsoever, but i am basing my opinion in things ive seen him do which suggest a midset, i see no reason why it should change.


    Bellamy/Robert scenario being aprime example - why would it all of a sudden be any different as a manager?


    You can cite Phil Brown, I can cite Keegan or Dalglish, you're examples are as irrelavent as mine....


    Because I care more about us being 4th bottom than Bayern being 3rd top of the Bundsliga in November. Forget the examples thing it f***ing boring if I am honest, I will go to my original answer of I don't what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts.


    Why didnt you just say that in the first place??


    That should be "I don't know what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts." & I did say "really dont know what Al will be like as a manager"


    Funny, I didnt see that in your first post when you made your non point about Klinsmann. Just seemed geared towards saying i was wrong....

  6. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?


    It is November ffs. Bayern brought Klinsi in to get them playing the way German national team did & he is doing that. I will check the league placing at the end of the season.


    I really dont know what Al will be like as a manager. But atm I am watching a Hull team play good football who are being bossed by a bloke who helped get Bolton play the way they did & was a robust lower league full back. So the stuff you mention about Shearer could be completely irrelevant. I watched West Ham on TV on Football First totally f***ing boring & they are managed by a player who used to flair player.


    So if its only novemeber then why do you coplain about our predicamanet so much? You cant have your cake and eat it. Arsenal are close to being writ off for the title, why do you think that is?


    Yeh you're are right - it could be irrelanvant - but its exactly what what basing my belief on - at the end of the day, there is always an exception to every thing in footbal - no guarantuees whatsoever, but i am basing my opinion in things ive seen him do which suggest a midset, i see no reason why it should change.


    Bellamy/Robert scenario being aprime example - why would it all of a sudden be any different as a manager?


    You can cite Phil Brown, I can cite Keegan or Dalglish, you're examples are as irrelavent as mine....


    Because I care more about us being 4th bottom than Bayern being 3rd top of the Bundsliga in November. Forget the examples thing it f***ing boring if I am honest, I will go to my original answer of I don't what Shearer will be like as a manager until he starts.


    Why didnt you just say that in the first place??

  7. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?


    It is November ffs. Bayern brought Klinsi in to get them playing the way German national team did & he is doing that. I will check the league placing at the end of the season.


    I really dont know what Al will be like as a manager. But atm I am watching a Hull team play good football who are being bossed by a bloke who helped get Bolton play the way they did & was a robust lower league full back. So the stuff you mention about Shearer could be completely irrelevant. I watched West Ham on TV on Football First totally f***ing boring & they are managed by a player who used to flair player.


    So if its only novemeber then why do you coplain about our predicamanet so much? You cant have your cake and eat it. Arsenal are close to being writ off for the title, why do you think that is?


    Yeh you're are right - it could be irrelanvant - but its exactly what what basing my belief on - at the end of the day, there is always an exception to every thing in footbal - no guarantuees whatsoever, but i am basing my opinion in things ive seen him do which suggest a midset, i see no reason why it should change.


    Bellamy/Robert scenario being aprime example - why would it all of a sudden be any different as a manager?


    You can cite Phil Brown, I can cite Keegan or Dalglish, you're examples are as irrelavent as mine....

  8. Hard to judge Grant as a manager, he inherited an amazing squad and its hard for me to look past that fact. Most people could do well with the squad he had at Chelsea. He didnt really seem to have an overiding influence or presence at Chelsea after Mourihno left which leads me to believe that he isnt as good a manager as people would have me believe - howeverat this point in time we are in no position to be picky.


    Id take him - i still think there are better candidates out there though.


    Think your being a bit harsh on grant there. People keep harping on about his Chelsea days but you've got to remember he's been a manager since 1980-odd. He turneed Hapoel Tikva from minows into title contenders, breaking the dominance the Maccabi clubs had on the Israeli league. He later managed both of the Maccabi clubs with a fair bit of success.


    People will judge him on his short spell with Chelsea but its worth noting the man has put a hell of a lot into Israeli football.


    Not saying he's a shit manager, merely hinting at the idea that id prefer others and that he's not AS good as people would have me believe, we could appoint a 1000 managers who've turned minnow clubs into contender around the world unfortunately it doesnt count for much in the best league in the world. I'll judge him on what he did achieve on these shores and what i did see, which unforuntaely wasnt as impressive as maybe it should or could of been. Had he imprnted his identity on the club, and dramatically changed the line up or the way they played and policy at the club like Scolari has done then maybe he'd get his dues (not pun intended) but for me, it just lacked something which gives me my doubts.


    Having said all that, i'd still take him, like i would 15 minutes ago, but i think there are bettermanagers out there.

  9. For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    Bayern are 3rd in the league & 3 points off top. There was a bit of turbulence at the start of the season but that was to be expected with him changing the way Bayern play also there best player was also broke.


    3rd isnt good enough for Bayern and Im not saying that Klinsmann is a poor club manager, i dont know his personality well  enough to draw a good idea of what he's about but he was a good national manager becasue of his status, much like i think Shearer.


    For Shearer i think he's build a pretty orthodox side, like Dalglish, would rather have personalities in the squad and the expense of ablilty . Its pretty well known that he hated flair and backed Souness as a manager showing that he didnt really evaluate what was more imporant for the club (and him) when Bellamy was booted form the club, and Robert to an extent.


    Its the only thing i can use to judge him as a manager, what are you using to judge him as a manager?

  10. For f***s sake, why why why cant we employ a manager with pedigree? Why cant we just make a decision which isnt considered a gamble for the club and give it a bit of much needed stabiltiy, what is it with all this sentimental bullshit that surrounds the club?


    For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.


    I know what you're saying, but then I look back at Dalglish, Souness and Allardyce


    Id take Souness out of that group but honeslty speaking would say that an appointment like Alardyce or Dalglish would definitely have there merits, they did at the time (althouh i didnt want Allardyce) and would still be the type of appointment id be content with. Much more than i would be with an untested, unproven manager, with no experince in possilbyt the most difficult set of circumstances. Seems like a recipe for disaster to me.

  11. For fucks sake, why why why cant we employ a manager with pedigree? Why cant we just make a decision which isnt considered a gamble for the club and give it a bit of much needed stabiltiy, what is it with all this sentimental bullshit that surrounds the club?


    For the record, i think Shearer will be a poor club manager, i think he's made for national management though - much like Klinsmann.

  12. Hard to judge Grant as a manager, he inherited an amazing squad and its hard for me to look past that fact. Most people could do well with the squad he had at Chelsea. He didnt really seem to have an overiding influence or presence at Chelsea after Mourihno left which leads me to believe that he isnt as good a manager as people would have me believe - howeverat this point in time we are in no position to be picky.


    Id take him - i still think there are better candidates out there though.

  13. Im not sure what to believe anymore. You hear so much about interested parties, yet nothing seems to be happening. Surely something would have happened by now? I wouldnt be surprised if the whole sell the club thing is a ploy by Ashley to keep the fans quiet, and in a few months we will get "i tried....."


    If he comes out and admits his system didn't work, dismantles it, sacks Dennis Wise and gets in a good manager and backs him I'd be happy.


    Can't see it happening.





    even Xisco.


    Can't comment on Gonzalez as he's barely played.


    Yes we signed some decent players but the structure resulted in the manager walking out and creating this crisis, whish is why we are now down at the bottom of the league.

    But surely that falls under who you blame for the Ashley/Keegan falling out as to whether it worked?

    Well I don't know exactly what happens but I just don't like these continental style set ups.


    By all accounts KK ok'd the signings of Jonas and Colo, which he could have done without this strucute in place if Vetere and co were working just as scouts and had recommended them and KK had liked the look of them.


    I think a manager should have the final say on all transfer dealings, the likes of Phil Brown have it written into their contract.


    Anyway this thread isn't really about the structure, it's been talked about to death on here.


    I said I'd be happy with Ashley admiting faults and making changes but I'm pretty sure the club will be sold sooner rather than later.


    We dont know exactly what happened but Ashley should admit faults?  :undecided:


    I'd ba happy whatever the outcome - the problems are strangling the progess of the club and its a shame becasue this episode was completely avoidable, i dont know how much damage the recent PR regarding idiotic fans and structure have done to the club in regards to prospective buyers - i just hope it hasnt damaged us to the extent that a new owner would be reluctant to be fully invested in the club knowing the volatility in the area.....

  14. I'd love to see Ketbaia get a chance, he's really impressed me with what he's done in the CL and I think he's someone the fans would get behind.






    Whys that such a bad shout? Young, passionate, done brilliant things with the club he's at, would have a great affiliation with the fans. Not that stupid to be honest.


  15. As some sort of defence to Kinnear today regarding Jonas' subsitution, what did Jonas do to merit staying on? He seemed fairly ineffective for most of the game, and at times looked semi-disinterested. I agree that Duff should have been taken off, but all I'm saying is that, rightly or wrongly, Jonas on the basis of the performance up to the point he as taken off, was deserving of coming off. He wasn't the only one, though.


    I think you've said it yourself, Duff deserved to go off and thats the type of call that defines a manager. Jonas has proved many times this season that he can have positive effects of the team and is always capable of doing something.


    Said this before but we'll be seeing a lot of Duff purely and simply due to favouritism.

  16. I'd give him until the end of the season, but I'm not sure I'd want to see him taking control of transfers.


    I certainly wouldn't. The man just isn't close to being good enough.


    We'll keep picking up the odd win so his time here doesn't look like a complete disaster and as I've said I'll give him credit for trying his best at keeping things ticking over, but that's all.


    Fact is he needs to go and be replaced by someone with a lot more tactical sense, Ashley needs to go so they'll be some spending and stability at the club, and the likes of Smith, Cacapa, and Butt have to be replaced as soon as possible. In a perfect world this would all be the case by the January window. In reality, whatever Harris says, I don't think it will be.


    To be honest, unless the new people want Keegan back, there is no-one out there who would risk coming mid-season who is better than Kinnear.


    £ $ £ $ £ $


    Very naive way of looking at things when:


    a) There are no guarantees that the people going on will be able to pay any more than Ashley

    b) The new owners may be very limited in their knowledge of who the good managers are.

    c) Top managers put their careers ahead of financial gain in most instances. Any self-respecting candidate will tell us to wait until the end of the season if they think we want them that badly.


    Do you think about what you write or just go blind and let God do his thing?

  17. The flip side to that is that he was looking to carry on with the business and not looking for a quick dollar like alot of people say....make your mind up.


    God forbid we have a bit of off field stability at this club, appointing Poyet offers the same risk as appointing any other manager, obviously id of prefered a Deschamps or Zico but i'd settle for Poyet, like i settled for Souness, like i settled for Roeder and how i settle with Allardye. 

  18. Granted he did, but his view was completely one sided, as expected being his mate, but as


    a so called representative of Newcastle, the region not the club, just to sit there and take that crap without a single counter argument was a f***ing disgrace.


    Still he's not called Anal Oliver for nothing is he, man's a wanksplash.


    When you say "one sided" you mean "the other side of the argument" if anyone id take what he says as a gauge on how Ashley feels, wouldnt that be accurate? Why would he be wrong in saying all those things if thats his account of the things - surely he'd know better than anyone else whats gone on at the club?

  19. Pity Taylor is out tbh, he and Colo were definitely starting to click.


    My worry is that we'll struggle in the air, neither Cacapa or Colo are particularly good in that regard.


    I can see Zamora bullying Cacapa and Johnson has the kind of pace to worry him too. think i wouldve preferred Bassong.


    Zamora couldnt bully a child. Think Cacapa will do fine although im not sure as to how the balance of the defence will work - they both seem like too simlair players.  Would of prefered Bassong.

  20. Anyone read the Mirror today - saw 3 Barton stories, one of them was Gabby "letting him off", another was a decdent piece by Brian Reade (who i've noticed writes some ok ish pieces about us sometimes) and the other was about the lad who Barton stubbed a cigar out on and how he's turned into an alchoolic and dropout - purely geared and written so they ould mention Barton and try and link him with this tosser demise.



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