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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Dont hear many denials though....seems like a strange smear if it wasnt true....as despicable as the smear was something about it rings true with me, it just seemed far too specific. They expanded on something he said when naming his dream signing as Henry. I would also not have been surprised if he'd said "Man City are after Ronaldinho - if they can why can't we" (fair question). The Lampard one though is daft - even Keegan at his "daftest" wouldn't have expected Lampard to leave Chelsea for us. Then it seems like an easy thing to turn back onto the club using his god like status aroung newcastle if it werent true.
  2. Dont hear many denials though....seems like a strange smear if it wasnt true....as despicable as the smear was something about it rings true with me, it just seemed far too specific. You dont respect Keegan for not wanting to get into a childish mud-slinging match through the press ? Two ways of looking at it. I prefer to assume Keegan wouldnt lower himself to such levels. Thats not the point though - the point was whether it was true or if it isnt - the nature of the "leak" suggest to me that it was true which is why you have to ask yourself was keegan really rowing in the same direction as the club reagrading transfer policies - and if not - why? and what should the boards response be if it IS the case? To me the only response would be to sack Keegan or undermine him.
  3. And it REALLY took until late-night on September 1st before he realised enough was enough? If you can't see the s*** hit the fan from Milner's sale up until that time you really are blind. Broken promises, lack of signings, attempted sales - that's what a deadline does. I may of got this completely wrong but straight after the milner sale there was that video interview/press conference about it and he there was no inkling of any issues reagrading the sale of Milner that seemed to be bubbling under the surface - in fact alot of this board were jizzing themselves at the prospect of "3-4 signings" that may be coming in. It was that video where he confirm that that Zayatte or whatever his name was was on trial with us..... Aye but the idea is that KK was told that the Milner sale could be positive thing as it would trigger 3or 4 signings. Now: A. They should have been looking for at least 3or 4 signings ANYWAY. B. They didn't happen and instead two "panic" buys were made. This is pretty central though I still think its the attempted sales which was more crucial. A - Agreed - before this all blew up i was ready to say that i was massively dissapointed with the window - the signings we made in my opinion were excellent and the performance against Man U reiterated that but they werent enough - quantity wise. Keegan didnt say anything about attempted sales - his quote was "player shouldnt be forced onto him that he didnt want" suggesting he didnt want Xisco or Nacho. B - if 3-4 signings were on there way after the milner sale - wouldnt that suggest that we DID make attempt to sign players but they didnt come off - who can you blame for that. The only way that B carries weight was that Keegan was lied to about the 3-4 signings and they were never on the cards in the first place - but even that would contradict the signings of nacho and xisco.
  4. So if he is at fault which to be honest i can agree with ( he shouldnt of employed keegan in the first place, naiveity, etc,etc), does that mean that it is still right to try and force him out after one mistake - albeit a massive one, which wouldnt of affected the club massively had he follwed up with a good appointment which was perfectly viable? the protests just seemed so disproportionate to the issue in the grand scheme of things. Keegan is replaceable there are better managers out there and there are managers out there who have achieved more than him who would of been interested in the job. and which 'one' was that? humour me.....
  5. So if he is at fault which to be honest i can agree with ( he shouldnt of employed keegan in the first place, naiveity, etc,etc), does that mean that it is still right to try and force him out after one mistake - albeit a massive one, which wouldnt of affected the club massively had he follwed up with a good appointment which was perfectly viable? the protests just seemed so disproportionate to the issue in the grand scheme of things. Keegan is replaceable there are better managers out there and there are managers out there who have achieved more than him who would of been interested in the job.
  6. Dont hear many denials though....seems like a strange smear if it wasnt true....as despicable as the smear was something about it rings true with me, it just seemed far too specific.
  7. And it REALLY took until late-night on September 1st before he realised enough was enough? If you can't see the s*** hit the fan from Milner's sale up until that time you really are blind. Broken promises, lack of signings, attempted sales - that's what a deadline does. I may of got this completely wrong but straight after the milner sale there was that video interview/press conference about it and he there was no inkling of any issues reagrading the sale of Milner that seemed to be bubbling under the surface - in fact alot of this board were jizzing themselves at the prospect of "3-4 signings" that may be coming in. It was that video where he confirm that that Zayatte or whatever his name was was on trial with us.....
  8. I dont think the protests were proportionate to the problem, i dont doubt for one second that Ashley was unsafe in the ground and that is a sad state of affairs - especially with the relationship we have with teh southern hacks who will of been licking there lips. I had no problem about with protests or voicing your concerns but all this "cockney mafia out" and buying the club bollocks has done nothing but damamaged us exponentially and the blame for that lies with the somewhat delusional fans who didnt have the patience to see an owners badly started plan come anywhere near to fruition. We are univestable unless someone is looking for a Toy - there arent many of those about. So in conclusion, yes the fans are to blame a little, as is Keegan, as is Wise and as is Ashley.
  9. Even if true Dunne and Riise are a hell of a lot better than what he have now. good point...nothing to do whatsoever with mine though.
  10. Bit of a straw man that. Those 2 things arent my view at all, in fact i dont that thats the case whatsoever. Seems to be the argument of a lot of people use against structure. I think Keegan DID have full say on transfers and DID choose who wwent and came but he targeted the wrong type of players, like Dunne and Riise and becasue of this Wise et all had to take hold of the reigns becasue it "contravened" the policy that the board wanted to implement. Which was THE most important thing.
  11. I quite like the idea of you foreigners supporting our mongrel of a club. i have nothing against them supporting the club but when they come out with clueless comments like in the OP they deserve every bit of stick they get. So what if someone from Newcastle makes comment similar to it. I see alot of homegrown posters who seem to genreally agree with the OP- me included. I think i've already mentioned this. If the person that made the opening post was from newcastle i would still of had a go at them So his nationality and place of origin has aboslutley no relevant to his post yet you still mentioned it like a clueless idiot. I will mention it if i want. There is nothing wrong with what i have said. If thats what you honestly believe and think is correct then i shouldnt of wasted my time and just stuck with "t***". that is fine with me twat.
  12. What happens if the boss gives you a criteria that you need to adhere to but you dont and is forced to undermine you becasue of that fact? I choose to believe that side of the story just like you choose to believe the other. I believe this because i feel that the "leak" by the board memeber regardign Ronaldihno was actually true. it had a "deny it if you dare element to it". Also some of the alleged Keegan targets, Duinne etc, didnt seem to fit in with the defined policy. Just opinions.
  13. I quite like the idea of you foreigners supporting our mongrel of a club. i have nothing against them supporting the club but when they come out with clueless comments like in the OP they deserve every bit of stick they get. So what if someone from Newcastle makes comment similar to it. I see alot of homegrown posters who seem to genreally agree with the OP- me included. I think i've already mentioned this. If the person that made the opening post was from newcastle i would still of had a go at them So his nationality and place of origin has aboslutley no relevant to his post yet you still mentioned it like a clueless idiot. I will mention it if i want. There is nothing wrong with what i have said. If thats what you honestly believe and think is correct then i shouldnt of wasted my time and just stuck with "twat".
  14. I quite like the idea of you foreigners supporting our mongrel of a club. i have nothing against them supporting the club but when they come out with clueless comments like in the OP they deserve every bit of stick they get. So what if someone from Newcastle makes comment similar to it. I see alot of homegrown posters who seem to genreally agree with the OP- me included. I think i've already mentioned this. If the person that made the opening post was from newcastle i would still of had a go at them So his nationality and place of origin has aboslutley no relevant to his post yet you still mentioned it like a clueless idiot.
  15. I quite like the idea of you foreigners supporting our mongrel of a club. i have nothing against them supporting the club but when they come out with clueless comments like in the OP they deserve every bit of stick they get. So what if someone from Newcastle makes comment similar to it. I see alot of homegrown posters who seem to genreally agree with the OP- me included.
  16. Agree, too many pro Ashley, anti keegan muppets, werent around, so havent got a clue what they are talking about. Here we go again. It's right though. KK should have a lifetime's worth of goodwill banked with us for what he's done here in the past. Instead clueless brats are sticking the boot in within a fortnight. By that token so should Shepherd et al, but people seemed to be entitled to their opinion with regards to them. Silly logic.
  17. He has absolutely no right whatsoever to use someone's country of origin as an insult. Get a grip man. I'm not using it as an insult. I find that offensive what you have just said. I have said nothing racist. "Korean Mong" f***ing idiot is he korean? Didnt you just imply he was? Embaressed for you mnate - you truly are a dickhead.
  18. He has absolutely no right whatsoever to use someone's country of origin as an insult. Get a grip man. I'm not using it as an insult. I find that offensive what you have just said. I have said nothing racist. "Korean Mong" Fucking idiot
  19. Fu Mong Chu Yes, insulting the fact that I'm not a Geordie is a perfectly logical way to justify your blinkered trust in a man from Doncaster. His dad was a Geordie and he gave us two great years as a player and five as our manager. What's your connection to our club, apart from picking us with a pin in the Panini sticker album? yes, promoted us as captain, and manager, the only things weve achieved in the 25years since i bought my first season ticket. during that 25 years , the keegan ones are the seasons i really felt we were up there with the best. looks like he may have to come back next season and get us promoted again. You forgot to mention where he he finished with us as manager.
  20. Do you honestly think that I am stroking my ego here? Trust me, being an accountant is not top of any egotistical stucture! All I'm doing is trying to dampen down the flames of 'administration' etc through pointing out what I've experienced - for the record I worked for the worlds top accountancy firm for 4 years have a chartered qualification and have worked on the audit of Manchester United - I have a fair idea how football accounts work (ok that bit was ego massaging). If anyone took a premier league football club into administration they need shooting, it should be virtually impossible - Leeds were a Championship club when they went in btw. As I said I haven't seen the auditors report in the accounts but it would be VERY unusual to issue a 'clean' audit report with the provision that x amount of cash is injected, either the cash is guaranteed and the report is clean or it is not guaranteed and the report modified to show the club not being in a going concern basis. I'll repeat a point I made earlier, Companies can recover from havng an audit report showing them not to be in a going concern position, of course just a smany don't but its not simply a case of 'not a going concern' = 'administration'. Conversly many companies who go into administration had a perfectly healthy balance sheet at the previous year end. As for the Shepherd is s*** argument, I've tried to remain neutral in this thread, but fwiw: Shepherd - tried his best for the good of the club AND himself. He wanted a succesful club and he wanted the rewards for it. He bollocked up in the timing of sacking Bobby and the appointments after that were disasterous. But rightly or wrongly he gambled high stakes to get us back in the top 4, unfortunately his managerial appointments rendered the cash impotent in many ways. His time was up when Ashley came in. I also don't think that he and Doug should have returned to the club after the fake Sheik sting. Ashley - had/has a vision and it is a longer term approach. Again he bollocked up in his appointments of both Wise and Keegan. I (like many) was caught up in the emotion of Keegan coming back, but looking back it was never going to last. Given time I do believe that Ashleys vision could bear fruit, but it would take a season or 2 to rebuild. A large enough percentage of fans are not prepared to wait for this. I fully understand NE5's viewpoint, I'm sure then manner in a lot of what he says is for effect though. Conversley though, I was a big supporter of Ashley, and was prepared to see where he was going to go post Keegan. Unfortunately though I think it has reached the point where anything he does will be ridiculed by fans and again his time has come and gone. A final point, I have no axe to grind with MacBeth or anyone else who comments on the finances of the club, however puttnig together http://www.football-finances.org.uk/ suggests a financial expert has compiled the website - I wouldn't attempt to do something like this without knowing what is behind the numbers as you only have one viewpoint on the website. Its a good website, but it is flawed. I have simply tried to explain why I think some of his statements are exaggerated. Oh and Dave, I know my English is crap - thats why i went into numbers (and use spell checker on my professional work!) Great post.
  21. Its not just about 3 days though is it. This has obviously been building for some time. i had forgotten up until recently about the meeting in London that Keegan was called to after the Chelsea outburst. Something has been building for a while - before any signings even appeared on the scene Well done for seeing this, many cant connect all the stories in the press from May onwards with what happened. 2 observations; why wait till the end of the window if he was unhappy for months beforehand? why lie to the fans? Interesting thought, Chez. Do you have any facts to back that up? Aye, posted this elsewhere, in retrospect they are more observations than facts and when i posted it, it was to try and put some perspective on the boycotts etc. If he had the best interests of the club at heart, he should have left when the first stories were being leaked into the press, as in May. Not September 2nd. *f***ing enormous tin hat on* I understand your point, but surely this could be countered easily by saying that maybe he was trying to work things out rather than run at the first sign of trouble (which many seem to be accusing him of). So he was happy to work under it all summer during the transfer window but then not happy to work under it during the actual season when the focus is on the first team? It isnt easily countered as that makes no sense. It is easily countered. He was happy to try and work it out over the summer in the hope that the setup would provide the players he needed. When the setup fails miserably in providing the LB, cover RB, RW, and AM, whilst also selling a good RW, I think that is reason to "push someone over the edge" as it transpires. but found out it was unworkable on the last day of the season and promptly resigned?
  22. Its not just about 3 days though is it. This has obviously been building for some time. i had forgotten up until recently about the meeting in London that Keegan was called to after the Chelsea outburst. Something has been building for a while - before any signings even appeared on the scene Then what happened to his priciples when they were first crossed? Also, doesnt that make it more damning that he left at such a ridiculous time in spite of the fact that he knew things were like they were? P.S Im not pro 'blind faith' Ashley and Anti Keegan, just a bit of perspective - (although contradictaly i do back Ashley in this situation because i liked what he was doing and what he wanted to do).
  23. This is a key question that people dont seem to be asking themselves - is there actually anything that could happen in 3 days that could force your hand that much - especially as it didnt seem that much of an issue throughout the summer with the likes of Colo, Jonas being brought in in similar circumstances. To resign afer the last day of the transfer window is quiet unbelievable if you ask me, how much can you truly love the club if it takes you 1 day to decide that enoughs enough - especially after it being your third time doing the exact same thing.
  24. So all these people who want ashley out ideally want some super rich businessman to replace him then so we can get some instant success? Right? And yet have the audacity to say we misunderstood by the media.
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