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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. having been a season ticket holder for 15 years now, this is comfortably the lowest we've been in my time as a supporter


    I agree. I put this up with the whole SBR debacle but i think it comfortably overshadows it.


    Its not just that the whole episode is a shamble its the fact that after so may years we were finally what seemed to be on the right track and it just got ripped out of our grips at the worst possible time.


  2. Wenger's statement was about as damning as you could get of the system in place at SJP, bearing in mind he is part of the Arsenal system that Ashley claims to be trying to run this club on.


    Hold on- i thought the arsenal system we were trying to adopt was the investemtn in youth and making them stars not the actual structure. System which seemed to be going well so far.


    The way i see it is a hybrid of the Arsenal/Spurs structure and sytem.

  3. Gutted by the whole situation. It's just the darkest times for this club - i think the club was starting to hit a real peak at one point as things stood but now its been ripped completely apart, i think as a club we're at one of our lowest ebbs in recent times. Zog something like 22 and has played for something like 5 soon to be 6 different managers, thats a shocking fact.



  4. Said it once before, will say ot again. Im truly embarressed by the fans behaviour and how its come about. Forcing an owner out is no mean feat and somehow we've managed it.


    the way i see it is that he's forced a manager out who doesnt fit inthe system and if he'd been given the chance should of found one that did, whoever it be, but instead the impatient want it now public have forced then man out in icredible circumstances.


    I genuinely believe the fans deserve nothing after this shameful showing.


    Those who protested to this extent just cannot see the big picture - Keegan is bigger than the owner of this club - who'd of thought it?

  5. The bit about not being able to take his kids to games again is desperately sad. :(


    I'm surprised at how emotional that statement is. He tried his best but ultimately underestimated just how much Keegan is loved here. Putting a system in place was fine up until they prevented him having the final say. It really is as simple as that.


    So what happens if keegan targets the wrong type of players?


    They fail. Just like hundreds of multi-million pound players up and down the country do every year. He then lives and dies by that, as the man with the final say.


    I don't see why Keegan is viewed by some as an irresponsible spender.


    I dont view himas an irresponsile spender - but supposing he directly added to what had been crippling the club, high wages big transfe fees, then what was th eboar to do? It seems exactly the thing that they club wanted to avoid.


    Noone seems able to give me a decent answer to this.


    Its all fair and well sayng he should have the final word but he must abide by the policy inthe first plae in order to qualify that right.



  6. The bit about not being able to take his kids to games again is desperately sad. :(


    I'm surprised at how emotional that statement is. He tried his best but ultimately underestimated just how much Keegan is loved here. Putting a system in place was fine up until they prevented him having the final say. It really is as simple as that.


    So what happens if keegan targets the wrong type of players?

  7. I dont believe they will see that that way - i believe they'll believe twhat most fans are digesting and that Keegan has been forced out.


    5 players were bought for him (apparently), do you think Jonas, Coloccini, Xisco, etc. will see it that way?


    Are you implying that they would be offended by him resigning? If so, its a fair point, but the issue was with Nacho or Xisco and both did hold talks with him, Xisco spoke reasonably highly of him so...


    At the end of the day they are professionals but i truly believe the more influential memeber of the team - Given, Harper, Owen etc would of been gutted and slighlty resentful of the board for hs departure. Owen especially.



    Fair enough - so we agree that he did agree to the structure. Where is the suggesstion that he had NO say? that implies that he had NO say from the start - how come it took him to the end of the window to realise?


    Could it not be that he was promised the final say at the start, and someone in the club later shifted the power base? That's more likely to me.


    My persoanl theory is that he did have full say but things started to change when he targetted players who didnt fit in with the arsenal/spurs model that the board had pre-stated. I think there IS something in the leak about Ronaldihno etc, but thats my pwersonal belief.


    So what was the board supposed to do? They didnt sign people throuought the summer unndermining him then - only on the last day when things got a bit too close for comfort.

  9. The club have positively confirmed they're liars by releasing a statement that contradicts a lot of what they have said earlier. I don't understand why this is still a matter of debate.


    That's my feeling on the matter and why I have taken sides on this.

    meanwhile keegan says he had the final say (but really knows he hasn't)............i call that a lie.....what do you call it ?

    Or.... he thought he'd be having the final say, and then when it gets to deadline day and players are thrust upon him, he realises it not to be the case.


    I smell an attention seeker.


    Aren't both of your opinions perfectly viable - why is it that his is automatically wroing and is labelled an attention seeker?


    Im pretty sure Keegan said he had a say in who he wanted in that role.


    Something like there had been a discussion when he took the job and a list of people who were candidate for this role and of them he said he'd prefer that Wise came in...


    Cant remeber the exact quote.


    You're missing my point completely. I think Keegan DID agree to the structure. but it's plain for all to see that he did not agree to have NO say in transfers. That is backed up with quotes from keegan, Wise and Ashley in recent times.


    Fair enough - so we agree that he did agree to the structure. Where is the suggesstion that he had NO say? that implies that he had NO say from the start - how come it took him to the end of the window to realise?

  10. There is plenty of evidence to suggest what has gone on here and it only paints one "bad guy" and it aint Keegan.


    - Keegan and his agent say players were bought without his knowledge, which is against what they agreed. "Keegan has final say"

    - The club say Keegan knew he had no influence over transfers. Bollocks did he, considering Wise, Keegan and ashley have publicy talked about how he would get final say in all dealings.


    To be honest, Madras - I know who my money would be on when it comes to the truth.



    the club say keegan joined the club agreeing to this structure.



    why should i belive either ?

    I think Keegan did agree to the structure. But thats slightly different to who had the final word on transfers. Tellingly, the club didnt state that FACT on the web site.



    but people are missing the point slighlty - this issue only came about withitn the last few days of the transfer window - if this has being going on with most of our transfers then why was it only a REAL issue during the last few days. Surely his integrity had been undermined after the Jonas signing, if he was so determined to stick to his priciples shouldnt he of walked then?

  11. The club have positively confirmed they're liars by releasing a statement that contradicts a lot of what they have said earlier. I don't understand why this is still a matter of debate.


    That's my feeling on the matter and why I have taken sides on this.

    meanwhile keegan says he had the final say (but really knows he hasn't)............i call that a lie.....what do you call it ?

    Or.... he thought he'd be having the final say, and then when it gets to deadline day and players are thrust upon him, he realises it not to be the case.


    I smell an attention seeker.


    Aren't both of your opinions perfectly viable - why is it that his is automatically wroing and is labelled an attention seeker?


    Im pretty sure Keegan said he had a say in who he wanted in that role.


    Something like there had been a discussion when he took the job and a list of people who were candidate for this role and of them he said he'd prefer that Wise came in...


    Cant remeber the exact quote.

  12. I genuinely get the feeling that the players loyalties are with Keegan at the moment and it showed today. It would take a special manager to be able to inspire the players to forget about keegan and for that reason i believe thats why maybe, he'd be the only man for the job.


    I genuinely am unsure whther a "mid-range" manager who obviously has ability like Zico or Terim could do a job for us, i think of teams like Fulham, Bolton, Pompey and Charlton - teams who;s previous regime were doing well and you saw there subsequent performances, they cmae close if not did get relegated.



  13. Its a tricky one - one part of me thinks that the team was so happy with having Keegan at the helm and it shows in there play - however, the other part thinks that i wouldnt want him in control of recruitment because im not sure if i  trust him anymore with a budget - im sure he'd target the ready made player and that is not the direction the club wants to go.

  14. "Cockney Mafia Out" for fucks sake, what shit craic.


    I suppose i wouldnt of minded if the banner meant something or had decent point to it and echoed the view of a lot of people in a dignified manner but it did nothing but make the geordie people look like dickheads.


    The aniti nufc southern media will be feasting of that for a long while, isnt gonna do us any favours whatsoever.


    "Cockney Mafia"  :nope:


    Fucking hell.

  15. Deschamps not approached?


    Oh for goodness sake!


    Well at least that likely means Oliver's article is a bunch of crap, which is likely a good thing.




    I'm not that convinced by Deschamps for some reason. Other than the fact he's French, what makes him the outstanding candidate? Hardly like he's had a long, successful career, he's fairly green just like the other two. How long was his spell in English football?


    He has managed two top clubs in Monaco and Juventus tbf.


    Champions league final too.


    Not a whole lot to go on, but it's still more experience than Poyet and Ince.


    The man hasnt failed anywhere he's been - You dont get to the CL Final with a tiny outfit like Monaco by fluke. Can anyone imagine Poyet or Ince doing the same?

  16. If Zico or Terim arent being considered for the job i dont know what ill do, would be scandalous to have Ince and Poyet in more favourable positions than these 2 - this is all about getting someone to cooperate with Wise rather than someone who will do the best with the team, and no matter which way i look at it, i cant accept that at all.



    change the names to hiddinck and hitzfeld then bruce and o'leary and it has an all too familiar ring to that post.


    It's literally August 2004 all over again - the similarities are uncanny.

  17. If Zico or Terim arent being considered for the job i dont know what ill do, would be scandalous to have Ince and Poyet in more favourable positions than these 2 - this is all about getting someone to cooperate with Wise rather than someone who will do the best with the team, and no matter which way i look at it, i cant accept that at all.



  18. Anyone else think that this may be linked with a potential takeover? Was thinking this before this "came out", wondering how they'd go about appointing a manager if they DO have intention of selling and this seemed the only option to me.

  19. Id take him - considering we have one 30+ striker i dont see the problem in having one more who has 10 times the talent and is probably just as lazy - Ronaldo is one of the few strikers, along with Van horseface who has that inane ability to score goals anywhere, at any time and at any level.


    Not the direction we want to be going but an excellent stop gap acquisition for a year or so in my opinion. Might even pay for himself.

  20. I honestly don't know.


    Ideally I'd like ashley to sell up quickly and leave it up to the new owner. Hughton can deal with the team for now.


    See, im in the camp where im still unsure - i still think Ashley has done good for this club - having said that even as a billionaire he doesnt have the finance to give us a great shot - my best bet is that he's stay until he makes the club stable and therefore more sellable and a higher price - theres no way in a million years that he's running scared and looking to offload asap.


    Would love to have a young foreign manager with plenty of potential to build the club up, would be very welcome in my eyes.

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