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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Fair point but your're commenting on the minority threads like they're 100 a second. Have a look at the first page of threads and id say about 5-6 of them have spilled over into the whole new board old board diatribe.


    Hardly the world ending outcome you paint it to be.

  2. If you want to bring the thread back on trck feel free - if anyone has any interest on what you have to say im sure they'll reply and get the thread going again.


    simple innit.


    Why should people interested in any updates or talk about Amara Diane have to skip through post about the same old s*** to find anything relevant to Amara Diane?


    Its f***ing pathetic some don't seem to have anything else in their lives so they have to keep repeating the same old s*** year on year.


    Surely if any interesting developemnt occured it'd be right up to date anyway?  But yeh, you kind of are right however what is sadder the people who discuss the same stuff over and over again or the people that complain about the same thing over and over again. not much between them if you ask me.


    Id be more pissed off if it affected every single thread on this entire board but it doesn't i see know harm in wating to discuss a grey area in nufcs history - if everyhting was so clear cut it'd be boring.

  3. The thing is, that all this comes across as nufc fans not being able stomach that he chose Spurs over us- thats how it looks from the outset but when you actually delve deeper theres more to this than meets the eye.


    Its such a frustating situation because no one will ever find out the legitimate circumstances of this transfer and meanwhile we are left licking our wounds being force fed the idea that he chose a "superior" when in actual fact theres substantial evidence suggesting otherwise.



    we know this so dont fret, we also know that it will all come out in time ....like the tevez and mascherano to west ham thing...it will come out when modric moves on (like tevez etc)


    I hope so - this is one transfer that really could of lit the touch paper and set the tone for the club and its fans. I'd hate it to be an 'if only' moment, but like you say, dont fret.


    The thing is is that i think i'd find it easier to stomach the idea that he chose Spurs over us becasue he thought they were a better team, if that was the case but all this misinformation and murky water surrounding the transfer makes it harder to swallow the bitternes that im feeling at the moment. 

    could have...more so for the size  of the fee than what we know of the player though


    Absolutely - not even taking the ability into account this transfer really would of been a headturner for nufc, got us on the map and made us more appealing to other players, imagine the club having that in there armoury for the coming 'transfer battle'.


    Will be interesting to see what other targets the club are working on at the mo - there has to be another player who's gonna turn heads for nufc.

  4. The thing is, that all this comes across as nufc fans not being able stomach that he chose Spurs over us- thats how it looks from the outset but when you actually delve deeper theres more to this than meets the eye.


    Its such a frustating situation because no one will ever find out the legitimate circumstances of this transfer and meanwhile we are left licking our wounds being force fed the idea that he chose a "superior" when in actual fact theres substantial evidence suggesting otherwise.



    we know this so dont fret, we also know that it will all come out in time ....like the tevez and mascherano to west ham thing...it will come out when modric moves on (like tevez etc)


    I hope so - this is one transfer that really could of lit the touch paper and set the tone for the club and its fans. I'd hate it to be an 'if only' moment, but like you say, dont fret.


    The thing is is that i think i'd find it easier to stomach the idea that he chose Spurs over us becasue he thought they were a better team, if that was the case but all this misinformation and murky water surrounding the transfer makes it harder to swallow the bitternes that im feeling at the moment. 

  5. The thing is, that all this comes across as nufc fans not being able stomach that he chose Spurs over us- thats how it looks from the outset but when you actually delve deeper theres more to this than meets the eye.


    Its such a frustating situation because no one will ever find out the legitimate circumstances of this transfer and meanwhile we are left licking our wounds being force fed the idea that he chose a "superior" when in actual fact theres substantial evidence suggesting otherwise.



  6. Im a little bit gutted to be honest - i actually really liked him as a player, just the most frustrating player ever injury wise.


    Another player mismanaged if you ask me - think more fans would be more gutted if roeder got it right when he insisted in partnering him with "the new Gerrard" instead of Butt.


    But i suppose its worth it if we get any sort of profit and him off the wage bill.


    Good call. Emre and Butt looked a fairly balanced central midfield, but with Parker transformed to box to box and Emre to the more defensive midfielder of the two it didn´t benefit either player, and it´s no surprise they are now both gone even though they are both more talented than our current remaining bunch of talentless grafters..


    Ill never understand what Roeder was playing at with those 2 - ok maybe i can see him thinking that Parker was a box to box becasue he did it well at Charlton but he completely wasted Emre.


    Will be a shame that we wont see him play on the left side of the 3 man midfield in a keegan team, cannot see why he wouldnt be able to make it his own.  Never mind!

  7. Im a little bit gutted to be honest - i actually really liked him as a player, just the most frustrating player ever injury wise.


    Another player mismanaged if you ask me - think more fans would be more gutted if roeder got it right when he insisted in partnering him with "the new Gerrard" instead of Butt.


    But i suppose its worth it if we get any sort of profit and him off the wage bill.

  8. One last post in this thread.


    Selling a player for a profit is not desireable, however if the player is injury prone then its an exception. That applies to any player. Newcastle were right to sell Malcolm Macdonald on two counts. One because the manager wanted to, and two, because they knew he would not play until he was 30. He retired at about 28 after 3 years at Arsenal.


    Owen too, 6 months ago I would have been happy to sell him because he was injury prone, but now I'm not so sure. I would prefer him to stay, however if the club cut his wages and/or he himself wants to go then there is very little we can do about it and the club would be daft to turn down a good fee.


    Fairly much just common sense this mate. Hardly rocket science. The club was right to sell Woodgate under the circumstances such as they appeared at the time.


    One last thing, you can hardly excuse a player wanting to go and play for Real Madrid. Even Ronaldo is going to sign for Real Madrid, I don't expect you will say that that makes manure and unambitious club or a selling club would you ?




    You know what id pretty much agree with that if it was as simple a case as you paint it to be - but this was a decision made soley by Shepherd was for the beneift of the finance not the club as SBR knew nothing about it. Thats where theres a bit of a contradiction in my book, at which point is ambition sacrificed to balance the book?


    The currrent board are currently in a situation where they have to both make ambitious and economic moves to help clear up the mess the previous board made. This is why there focus on youth is absolutley the only way to go. If they go for the proven complete player they are simply adding wages on top of a big fee, but if you go for the potential star (Modric) then you have the distinct possiblity of lower wages but future increase in fee all whilst getting a potential superb player. Its the best of both worlds and it makes the most sense to me.


    i dont think you'll find to many people disagreeing with you when you say that the board need to spend money - but its how they use there money that is more important and if it includes players with smaller fees who can do a job for the club whilst commanding a low wages id happily take that.




  9. Actually it's a difference of opinion.


    To be fair mate - you didnt want Woodgate either and someone has a sig quote of you saying Taino is better than Carrick so ill stick by my opinion....you keep embarressing yourself.


    Like Duff11 said, i didnt want Dunne from the beginning, i didnt want Woodgate because of his poor injury record and his beyond s**** form at Boro (wheater was out peforming him) and the tainio quote was complete bollocks on my part tbh. Think i was just pissed off he was leaving for United. Regardless, it was wrong.


    I've explained my reasons why i dont want Dunne at the club. Embarrasing myself? how could i ever live with myself.




    Or Hamman who f***ed off to a supposedly smaller club than us after one season


    We should be breaking records in the way Brian Clough did, what would we give to watch players of the calibre of Ian Wallace, Peter (I think) Ward, Justin Fashanu, that's the way I want to see us go.   :lol:


    You have to spend big, like Man United, Chelsea etc do




    and play each other in the European Cup Final. Well done.


    Easy when you try. Still, I'm sure you know best.



    or do it the NUFC way,spend big and go backwards. amn utd and chelsea do it from a position of strength we aren't in. a bit like telling any team just spend as much as you can and the success that brings will pay for it.


    so you are supporting the spending of money that isn't there now ?


    And why do people like you always discount Woodgate ?


    errrr when the argument originally began i always brought up woodgate but remember at the time we bought him we hadn't qualified for the qualifying stages of the next seasons champs lge...with all the cash that brings. so after finshing 3rd with woodgate already in the squad but not yet qualified for the group stage proper we strenghten by getting in a free lee bowyer (this when liverpool finished 5th for a uefa cup spot)


    we had a good manager and didn't back him when we should have and we could have broke away from liverpool.

    then we backed poor appointments as manageras and went backwards.



    is this not how you see it ?


    yes, but the money for Woodgate was still spent, in advance of the summer. Don't you see that ? A good player, bought when available, beating other clubs to him, and balancing the money later. This is how it should be done. But, it was still part of the summers' money and therefore accusing the club of not buying anybody that summer is harsh to say the least.


    The club backed Robson with a lot of money in the preceding years too. I really can't understand why people criticise the club for not spending money that summer when they had spent as much as possible to get there, then accuse the club now of "overspending". You can't have it both ways, but it appears that they do want it both ways.


    Bobby Robson made some mistakes too, big ones, if Viana and Cort.


    When the new owners show me they have the genuine desire to break into the top 4 clubs then I won't criticise them for lack of ambition or for mistakes too btw. Like a couple of other people, I'm massively undewhelmed so far, and not just by the signing of a 25 year old who doesn't appear to have made much of an impact. He might just be a squad player, but we don't need squad players, we need players to immediately improve the first team and aim for high standards asap.


    The best younger players will sign for the more progressive clubs too.



    Again, completely oblivious. Why did we sell him if he was our best player? Isnt this a policy you're criticising the new board for. Woodgate is a prime example of your own hypocrisies and contradictions.


    I've not criticised the new owner for selling anybody ? They haven't sold anybody for good fees that I wanted to keep. Learn to read, fred.


    Woodgate - at the time - was like Owen 6 months ago, and Emre at the current time, so turning down an offer to cash in on a player who hardly played and looked to have a limited future was a no brainer. Interestingly - or not maybe - the reaction of people like yourself if the club had turned down an opportunity to sell an injury prone player would have been something to see. As usual, you want it both ways. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


    Was he our best player ? I can't think of me saying that anywhere.


    Don't know why I'm answering you fred, sorry like, but I don't.


    I've made my point, corrected the newcomer bobbydazzler, didn't mean this thread to go like this, so I'm going to leave this thread now. Lets hope this new fella is better than Ameobi and turns into the new Rob Lee seeing as he's a bargain





    You've never said that Woodgate was one of the best centre halves you;ve ever seen in a black and white shirt?


    Surely you can see the hypocrisy in using the signing of woodgate as a mark of a clubs ambitions but failing to acknowledge that we ended up selling him for the profit - I thought you said a big club didnt need to sell its best players?  you cant have it both ways.


    i imaigine with that retort you would have no problems if the club sold Owen now?

  11. Actually it's a difference of opinion.


    To be fair mate - you didnt want Woodgate either and someone has a sig quote of you saying Taino is better than Carrick so ill stick by my opinion....you keep embarressing yourself.

  12. Read my post carefully. We are already backward without Emre leaving. Maybe i did not word myself properly, with departures of flair players (if Emre is fit. one reason or the other, he never show consistency as posted earlier; due to injury and no heart), our midfield is pure workers and typical of a relegation candidate. I am worried cos we signed players like Emre and Duff while in a way our reputation is still high among players. Even though admittedly both fail to turn up and not at all end of the world if they leave. Should there be no signings like such players (forget it, Turan will not join us) and our most likely signings (thus far from reports) are the relatively average African players from Ligue 1 (hope they turn out to be like Wenger's African contingent, seen them play many times are quite decent but not good), really hard to see how we can improve a midfield that badly needs quality. I say quite sad to see Emre leave cos i believe if he is fit and has the desire, will be good for us plus the fact we may have difficulties attracting such players going forward. I did say he is useless when we struggle. KK has said players that he wants to keep may leave, i am keeping my fingers cross that other player is not Martins as he is arguably our most exciting and potent attacker.


    Which teas in the prem would you say we are on par with?


    There is no team that we are on par with.  We are definitely better than Boro, Sunderland and Wigan in terms of player quality but we will still struggle if we are not on form on the playing pitch against such teams (football is round, not by law, better quality teams can win a game). We definitely off the pace of quality from Villa, Everton, Man City, Blackburn, Spurs. These teams have players that can make goals out of nothing and are exciting to watch. The only player we have is Martins and often if he is not playing, we lack penetration and pace. Often goals are very laborious and does not look like threatening the goal even if we have more possession. With Martins alone and he is not a Bergkamp (a creator) or a proper playmaker or midfielder, channeling passes to our fws are difficult. Even Shearer of old will struggle to score goals. Villa has Young and Barry, Man City has Elano and Petrov, Spurs has d Berba and Keane who all weigh their share of goals and assists and now Modric. Pompey has Diarra and Muntari. Blackburn  has Bentley. All these players can pass the ball well, comfy on the ball, pace and basically cause problems and as proven by their better performances this season over our Smiths and Bartons. I cannot think of a midfielder that can hurt oppositions, closest is Zoggy (his heart sucks and also more and more headless chicken these days. Passing is also below par) and maybe Milner who is nothing more than a hardworking winger who occasionally show flashes of brilliance.  Also, in terms of international standard midfield, we have none except for Geremi, yes do not consider Smith and Barton one.


    In a way our lack of international player reflect our quality. yes i forget Duff which sums it all.


    What is even more worrying that the our rivals' international players are either reaching peak or young and can still improve. While our international players like Duff and Geremi are arguably on a decline.


    What is even more upsetting and make me more realistic of our potential is that these teams have won the big 4 in games one way or the other or give them a good fight. While our record against the big 4 is a typical game of team of quality internationals against a team of misfits, we are often being utterly embarrassed. Does not mean our players do not bother, in fact, many a times, they play hard and with heart but their lack of confidence and quality show up. I never fault the players for effort cos more often than not, they show spirit except for a few. seriously hope that we can add on the midfield this summer as i feel we are the weakest in this department despite much criticism on defence which i find has improved under KK.


    When was the last time you saw our team play with confidence in a sytem that suits them?

  13. Read my post carefully. We are already backward without Emre leaving. Maybe i did not word myself properly, with departures of flair players (if Emre is fit. one reason or the other, he never show consistency as posted earlier; due to injury and no heart), our midfield is pure workers and typical of a relegation candidate. I am worried cos we signed players like Emre and Duff while in a way our reputation is still high among players. Even though admittedly both fail to turn up and not at all end of the world if they leave. Should there be no signings like such players (forget it, Turan will not join us) and our most likely signings (thus far from reports) are the relatively average African players from Ligue 1 (hope they turn out to be like Wenger's African contingent, seen them play many times are quite decent but not good), really hard to see how we can improve a midfield that badly needs quality. I say quite sad to see Emre leave cos i believe if he is fit and has the desire, will be good for us plus the fact we may have difficulties attracting such players going forward. I did say he is useless when we struggle. KK has said players that he wants to keep may leave, i am keeping my fingers cross that other player is not Martins as he is arguably our most exciting and potent attacker.


    Which teas in the prem would you say we are on par with?

  14. quite sad to see him leave. But really for his career, he needs to leave to a better club that does not[...]


    Fine, we get it, we've known for some time now that you're a mackem, at least in spirit and soul and whatever mode relevant for making mackems subhuman scum.


    With this kind of perception, no wonder i am the butt of jokes in my workplace both in Uk and France, not because i support Newcastle but because i am part of the deluded army of fans who keep thinking that we are better than others but in fact we are not. enough of this cynicism on my stand on my club, i do not care abt what these decluded fans think of me, i am a big fan and yes, i acknowledge we are not that good and a top12-15 club. So???


    12- 15? so which other teams are we on par with and why?


    Or Hamman who f***ed off to a supposedly smaller club than us after one season


    We should be breaking records in the way Brian Clough did, what would we give to watch players of the calibre of Ian Wallace, Peter (I think) Ward, Justin Fashanu, that's the way I want to see us go.   :lol:


    You have to spend big, like Man United, Chelsea etc do




    and play each other in the European Cup Final. Well done.


    Easy when you try. Still, I'm sure you know best.



    or do it the NUFC way,spend big and go backwards. amn utd and chelsea do it from a position of strength we aren't in. a bit like telling any team just spend as much as you can and the success that brings will pay for it.


    so you are supporting the spending of money that isn't there now ?


    And why do people like you always discount Woodgate ?


    errrr when the argument originally began i always brought up woodgate but remember at the time we bought him we hadn't qualified for the qualifying stages of the next seasons champs lge...with all the cash that brings. so after finshing 3rd with woodgate already in the squad but not yet qualified for the group stage proper we strenghten by getting in a free lee bowyer (this when liverpool finished 5th for a uefa cup spot)


    we had a good manager and didn't back him when we should have and we could have broke away from liverpool.

    then we backed poor appointments as manageras and went backwards.



    is this not how you see it ?


    yes, but the money for Woodgate was still spent, in advance of the summer. Don't you see that ? A good player, bought when available, beating other clubs to him, and balancing the money later. This is how it should be done. But, it was still part of the summers' money and therefore accusing the club of not buying anybody that summer is harsh to say the least.


    The club backed Robson with a lot of money in the preceding years too. I really can't understand why people criticise the club for not spending money that summer when they had spent as much as possible to get there, then accuse the club now of "overspending". You can't have it both ways, but it appears that they do want it both ways.


    Bobby Robson made some mistakes too, big ones, if Viana and Cort.


    When the new owners show me they have the genuine desire to break into the top 4 clubs then I won't criticise them for lack of ambition or for mistakes too btw. Like a couple of other people, I'm massively undewhelmed so far, and not just by the signing of a 25 year old who doesn't appear to have made much of an impact. He might just be a squad player, but we don't need squad players, we need players to immediately improve the first team and aim for high standards asap.


    The best younger players will sign for the more progressive clubs too.







    Again, completely oblivious. Why did we sell him if he was our best player? Isnt this a policy you're criticising the new board for. Woodgate is a prime example of your own hypocrisies and contradictions.

  16. NE5, http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=52957.0


    You lasted a week. Sunshine, now get the f*** out of this thread, please.


    I can criticise the current board if I like sunshine, which is how it is. Now, if you don't want to read it and prefer to pick your favourite players from your view in Sweden or wherever you live, read those threads instead.


    You can criticise whoever and whatever you want, but please do it in a thread that's meant for that sort of discussion. I come to this thread to read about the player and developments in the negotiations for that player. I couldn't care less about your views on the boards, and it's a right pain to scroll through five pages of pure nothingness.

    Just to stay away from being a hypocrite, if you intend to reply to this post, please do so via PM so we can keep this thread about AMARA DIANE.


    I'm criticising the transfer policy of the club so far based on comments, actions and results, including the player who is the subject of this thread. One or two other people that don't have their head in the sand have also expressed reservations and doubts.


    It is part of the thread.


    And don't you tell me what I can and can't post.




    Wouldnt it be a more sensible approach to criticise a policy based on the results of the policy?


    Isnt that what a logical person would do?


    Surely you arent questioing the boards ambitions based on the fact we lost out on a cople of players?

  17. I find it quite sad that so many people have lowered their expectations in the past year.


    Haha, that's f***ing genius. :lol: :lol: :lol:




    you can answer my response to Dave, which includes yourself, and your comments last November that we shouldn't be spending cash in January and you would simply be happy not to get relegated




    NE5 man - i adhere to your request all the time, im forever pointing retorting to your responses even when they arent coherent or sensible.


    Just to reiterate - you're twisting the Jan budget thing and all in all, at the end of the day it was 100% vindicated. So you have no argument there.


    And as for the question posed to Dave - im not sure too many people were bothered with the boards mistakes pre SBr i think alot of commentary on the old board is in referecne to the second they sacked SBR.  No one is stupid enough to let anyone getaway with something on the back of something they achieved previous to a major mistake. You;re an idiot if you do.


    Will you answer this question:


    Who do you hold responsible for the position we are in now? I mean  if we are £100m behind the top 4, which board is responsible for letting us get so far behind?


    Simple question - im sure you'll be a hypocrite and not retort.


    the thng is is that alot of people know the answer to this question and are therefore allowing the  new board the time to make a difference.


    it was 100% vindicated ?


    It certainly wasn't.


    Finishing higher up the league would have been worth more money. And got a player in before others, for cheaper than the summer ie as in Woodgate in 2003.


    You said you would be happy to not get relegated. What was your expectation in previous years ? Were you grumbling about not splashing cash and not qualifying for europe ?


    You don't make sense.






    Well yeh - we didnt back a dead man walking. Cant complain about keegan not geting mney cos he did - you know that so you have no argument there.


    Dont forget - we ended up selling Woodgate for a profit a year later so you have no argument there either.


    When we had Roeder in charge, i was against him because i recoginsed that he wasnt going to get us anywhere and he had a definite shelf life which was bad for the club. i also said that we needed to lower our expectations becasue they were crippling us as a club and had lead us to be in the situation we ended up being. (sacking SBR). I recoginsed the need for change and recoginsed the need for the club to have some stabilty and some quiet press, none of which were afforded to us in the past 4 years.


    you actually argued with me about about us needing to lower our expectations. Ive never been one to complain about backing to be honest - i though it was far more iporant in getting the right manager - which ive argued with you before about. And to be honest - i backed every decision that Shepherd made when he made it even Souness but when i look back i recognise that they were very poor decisions so im happy to point it out.

  18. I find it quite sad that so many people have lowered their expectations in the past year.


    Haha, that's f***ing genius. :lol: :lol: :lol:




    you can answer my response to Dave, which includes yourself, and your comments last November that we shouldn't be spending cash in January and you would simply be happy not to get relegated




    NE5 man - i adhere to your request all the time, im forever pointing retorting to your responses even when they arent coherent or sensible.


    Just to reiterate - you're twisting the Jan budget thing and all in all, at the end of the day it was 100% vindicated. So you have no argument there.


    And as for the question posed to Dave - im not sure too many people were bothered with the boards mistakes pre SBr i think alot of commentary on the old board is in referecne to the second they sacked SBR. No one is stupid enough to let anyone getaway with something on the back of something they achieved previous to a major mistake. You;re an idiot if you do.


    Will you answer this question:


    Who do you hold responsible for the position we are in now? I mean if we are £100m behind the top 4, which board is responsible for letting us get so far behind?


    Simple question - im sure you'll be a hypocrite and not retort.


    the thng is is that alot of people know the answer to this question and are therefore allowing the new board the time to make a difference.



    EDIT: You just seem to be on a one man mission to vindicate the old board when in actual fact 95% of the people on here make no reference to the old board whatsoever. I dont know why.


    People recoginse its in the past, people also recognise the vlaue of change and are willing to see where this new board takes us becasue at the moment they've appointed Keegan - reasonably backed a manager they didnt appoint and implemented a new structure which may or may not work they've also completely rebuilt our scouting system and the only thing they need to do now is put the money on the table - which they seem keen to do (Modric and Woodgate).


    People also recogine that if at the end of the summer they havent put the money on the table then we have problems and what you say will be vindicated.

  19. So NE5 are we not allowed to sign anyone under £x m?


    Simple yes or no will do.


    I wont hold my breath though.  ;)


    If they're not £20m each he doesn't want to know.


    fredbob gets sillier all the time Dave, fancy you agreeing with him  bluelaugh.gif


    Are you kidding me? This is priceless.


    I'm silly for not judging the boards ambition based on the a rumoured bid for a cheapish player?? Haha - you get better and better, the thing is even as you read this you will know how stupid you are being but will soldier on irrespective.


    Where were you when we supposedly big for £15m+ Modric? What were the clubs ambitions then?



    ever heard of the phrase "don't believe anything till the player walks through the door and kisses the badge"




    Oh my god.


    Some of the stuff you come out with NE5 - completely oblivious arent you?


    Remind me again - has Diane walked through the door and kissed the badge yet? Do we even know we've bid for him?


    Set yourself up for that one. Im sure you'll ignore this though.




    You have absolutley no retort to this so i fully expect a change of tack or you to ignore this.


    EDIT: And i'm the silly one.


    eerrrr........I wasn't talking about Diane and didn't mention him - see clipped posts.


    And get a sense of humour.


    As you won't be told anything, of which you have no first hand experience, it may be the best course of action for you






    no retort then ?






    Come on - surely you dont  actually think your response warrants a retort?? - it was shit and did nothig to enhance your original ramblings. I'd barely give it a 2/10.


    Who are you trying to kid?


    Which particular transfer is that that the club has made this year that makes you question their supposed ambition? Modric? Woodgate? Barnes?



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