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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Starting to really like Grant and hope he's there next season.


    Never liked the bloke, but felt sorry for him when he was collecting his medal at the end, dunno how anybody couldn't really. He looked a broken man.

    the medal that some Chelsea fan has now got. If thats not a signal of it being the end, then what is.


    Well.... at the end of the day, player for player Chelsea have the best squad in the country and they've ended up winning nothing. I'm sure Grant is a nice enough guy, but does he give his players that little bit extra? Don't think so.


    I thought Man U had the best squad in England to be honest - if not Europe. Do feel sorry for him - as an individual he's had about the same amount of s*** thrown at him as we have as a club and he's come out of ot pretty dignified.


    Dome a decent job - i dunno why but i still consider this Mourihnos teams - will be interesting to see what Grant can do with his own team members.


  2. Ironically if we did win something the media would soon be saying it was "glory we've long deserved" as opposed to the "delusional fans who believe the deserve success" .


    Hope the day comes when i can point this out.


    (Sorry for the subject change)

  3. He can only be judged on what he does when he's here at the end of the day - if he comes, of course.


    So many players have looked good before and after Newcastle but been dog-dirt here and by the same token there've been a lot who have had their best years in black-and-white and never looked the same elsewhere.


    You definitely can't make a proper assessment over YouTube though, whether it be a positive or negative one.


    Yeh i'd agree with that - dont get me wrong im not saying he's a crap player or he's an amazing player but i have my opinion on what we need as a winger and at the moment from what little i saw he struck me as a differnt type of winger to the one i have in mind.


    It's funny though, because will we even be playing with wingers next season? That's why I'm not sure what sorts of player we're after, to me the likes of Turan and Modric are not "wingers" by definition, certainly not in the traditional Keegan mould of Sellars, Ginola, Fox, Gillespie... (f*** me, what a brilliant little quartet of players)... they seem to be more comparable to the likes of Hleb and Rosicky who play "wide" for Arsenal but aren't really wingers, much like Ljungberg and Pires weren't.


    I have no clue what style of football we're going to play next season after this new formation has been brought in and been a relative success, so I struggle even more to make any judgements about how a player will do for us!



    Aye, very true, to be fair i havent really taken that into account at all. I was just comparing him to my view of a winger as i said in the first post. Its difficult to predict the right type  of player to play in the 3 man midfield - the only type i can be certain of is the DM but i aside from that im not entirely sure what to look for in the other 2.

  4. Should point out that I wasn't having a go at you Fred with that comment, was very general indeed, just my take on the matter. In fact, if anything, it was refreshing to see somebody NOT getting giddy over a YouTube compilation.



  5. He can only be judged on what he does when he's here at the end of the day - if he comes, of course.


    So many players have looked good before and after Newcastle but been dog-dirt here and by the same token there've been a lot who have had their best years in black-and-white and never looked the same elsewhere.


    You definitely can't make a proper assessment over YouTube though, whether it be a positive or negative one.


    Yeh i'd agree with that - dont get me wrong im not saying he's a crap player or he's an amazing player but i have my opinion on what we need as a winger and at the moment from what little i saw he struck me as a differnt type of winger to the one i have in mind.

  6. I'll stick with my "online attitude towards youtube" as opposed to deciding a player's not good enough judged on ten minutes of replayed clips if it's all the same.


    And ill concede to that "online attitude to youtube" if you fancy telling me where i said he wasnt good enough... :rolleyes:

  7. He just reminds me of a slightly better Milner...


    His style of play is nothing like Milner's.


    As a winger i see a few simliarites between the 2...

  8. At the moment im not fully sold on him - ill be honest what ive seen of him is purely youtube (so my opinion is pretty invalid) but it hasnt impressed me hugely, no doubt he's a good player and shows some good bits of skill which are difficult for any players to apply in a match some but i find that he seems to cut back alot becasue he lacks blistering pace to get away from his man, which slows up play alot. Alot of the defending is pretty shambolic as well - although wether thats to his credit i dont know.


    He just reminds me of a slightly better Milner...id prefer a winger with raw pace who can get beyond the full back into spaces and create space for our forwards.


    I didnt really see much of his play through the centre so i cant really judge him as a CM but as a winger he doesnt overly impress me.


    Should have stopped there tbh.




    Ill stick to my opinion - thought it would be dismissed but i guess this is another online attitude towards youtube where apprently its impossible to draw out anything from a compilation.  :rolleyes:


    Like i say, its down to my preference of winger which is pacy and a good dribbler who can get beyond the full back, think its vitally important with 2 midgets in our attack to have someone who can cross on the floor into the box.


    Everytime Turan seems to get away from someone he usually cuts back in - like Milner does and that gives the oppositon team a bit of time to gather themselves again. As a winger he'd be poor on the counter attack - much like milner.


    His crossing seems good though and he's got a bit more vision about him so he might be alrite as a central playmaker - however as a winger he;s not my cup of tea.

  9. At the moment im not fully sold on him - ill be honest what ive seen of him is purely youtube (so my opinion is pretty invalid) but it hasnt impressed me hugely, no doubt he's a good player and shows some good bits of skill which are difficult for any players to apply in a match some but i find that he seems to cut back alot becasue he lacks blistering pace to get away from his man, which slows up play alot. Alot of the defending is pretty shambolic as well - although wether thats to his credit i dont know.


    He just reminds me of a slightly better Milner...id prefer a winger with raw pace who can get beyond the full back into spaces and create space for our forwards.


    I didnt really see much of his play through the centre so i cant really judge him as a CM but as a winger he doesnt overly impress me.

  10. f***ing hell, another thread turns into celebrity death match


    not really, if its true what he says, he could name all those top quality footballers quite easily. And whats more, he would do it too.


    Ask yourself why he won't do it ?



    Probably the same reason you dont answer questions yourself.


    < sigh >


    if you've got owt, ask.


    However my take on things is this :


    the manager runs the team and is responsible for the clubs results and the judgement of footballers.


    The board run the club off the field and are also responsible for backing the manager as much as possible and allowing him to run the team. Newcastle United have made a few mistakes over the past 15 years, but overall made far more correct decisions, more than most in fact, and performance and results bear that out.


    don't bother differing from that, because I won't be replying, because this is how it should be. In this case with mick, I'm asking him to name the players he was referring to, that achieved the same as the ones of the last 15 years.  Pretty straightforward.


    League results don't bear out his claim, but there you go, it was his claim.






    Newcastle United made there last best decision 8 years ago. 8 years later we're in no better position than we were when they made that decision. You can argue that we qualified for CL in those 8 years but it means very little when nothing comes of it for the club - which it didnt.


    Im not going to argue with you, im aware of your blinkered views but thats my take.

  11. f***ing hell, another thread turns into celebrity death match


    not really, if its true what he says, he could name all those top quality footballers quite easily. And whats more, he would do it too.


    Ask yourself why he won't do it ?




    Probably the same reason you dont answer questions yourself.

  12. Spurs and Villa are the only 2 teams in the prem who are fully equipped for a sustained assault on the CL if you ask me, we wont be ready for another 2-3 years if you ask me, think UEFA cup is imperative next year if we are gonna start progresssing fully.


    Totally agree - fancy Villa to run Spurs very close for 5th next season.

    We will not be in serious contention for at least 3 years.

    spurs ? who we have turned over 4 times deservedly in the last 5 outings and fluked the other and who finished 3 points ahead of us ?


    at the end of the window they might have pulled away in terms of squad but as yet i don't see it.


    where does anyone think nufc would have finished last season hads Keegan took over on sept 1st 2007 ?


    Where do you think spurs would be had Ramos been in charge at 1stsept 2007 - bare in mind we did well the first 10-12 games and Spurs were 19th or something. Where would they be assuming they didnt lose as many points as they did.


    I get the feeling Ramos will make his better squad count soon enough.

  13. Cuellar has looked class but id still be wary, isnt David Weir stilla first team regular?? He's 38 for fucks sake. Goes to show the quality of opposition in the SPL when that can happen.


    surely you should have used boumsong as your example? (or do you rate him or sometin'?! :shifty:)


    *puts tin hat on*


    Haha, ill be honest, i hadnt seen anything of him before he signed but he had a cool name so gave him the beneift of the doubt - i remember him having Henry in his pocket one time and thought that he could come good and his form was down to what was happening off the pitch. Turns out i was wrong but im happy to admit i didnt call him out as quick as i should of done.

  14. I find the fact he's always liked Inter far more worrying ;) I f***ing hate them.


    Ronaldo man  :smitten: They had some quality players back in the day, always underachieved. I love the underdog.

    When Ronaldo played for them it was the only time I had any time for them.


    What is it about them you hate?

  15. People absolutely batter FM and i dont know why, apart from the randomer who's "amazing on FM" i dont see the big deal in using FM as a semi decent reference for a players ability - i've only played it a couple of times but they seem to be pretty accurate regarding alot of players. Obviosuly not an amazing resource but useful all the while.



    I think it should be stated that I have nothing against FM or the people who play it, as it is excellent for what it is.  I think he took my comment on it as an insult when it was anything but.


    Aye he did seem to get wound up pretty quickly!

  16. People absolutely batter FM and i dont know why, apart from the randomer who's "amazing on FM" i dont see the big deal in using FM as a semi decent reference for a players ability - i've only played it a couple of times but they seem to be pretty accurate regarding alot of players. Obviosuly not an amazing resource but useful all the while.



    Your card is marked.


    Haha, it was a big risk to take, i can assure you i dont play it but i see no harm in others using it as a reference. The only thing i dislkie about it is when people pluck out complete randomers and insist we sign them.

  17. People absolutely batter FM and i dont know why, apart from the randomer who's "amazing on FM" i dont see the big deal in using FM as a semi decent reference for a players ability - i've only played it a couple of times but they seem to be pretty accurate regarding alot of players. Obviosuly not an amazing resource but useful all the while.


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