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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. KK isn't going to walk this or next season imo he'll do it when we least expect it.


    The toughest part of this entire mess (and his 3rd coming) is out of the way. Now we have some winnable games coming up and if he keeps us in the prem he gets his summer dreams and ours to come true.


    Him coming out and telling the players they now need to step up, 9 cup finals etc...means he sees and finally acknowledges the danger of relegation, and for that i am a lot happier than i was last week with him and the situation.




    I love the comments about our so called Winnable games always around the corner,

    We dont have a hope of stopping up this season, No defence No midfield And we could not score in a Brothel,

    Get Real People we are heading for the big fall and keegan will desert the sinking ship very soon. :yikes:


    As a matter of interest, who do you blame for this doom and gloom, as soon as the Halls and Shepherd walk out of the door with their despicable trophy signings or do you quite rightly blame the current regime for their complacency and lack of football savvy ?


    As has been stated, Keegan will walk if the board let him down, or if they allow others to interfere with him regarding transfers, and for no other reasons


    Which particular cockney based rag do you write for


    What do you think of finishing 2nd in the premiership and getting 90 minutes from the title ? Does it sit alongside your own particular darlings ie West Ham, Spurs or are you a cockney manure "fan".




    NE5 doing a bit of "grooming"

  2. The thing is, and correct me if im wrong, but Dalglish had to build up again from the bottom. Had Keegan not neglected, indeed complety stopped the reserve team, and i may be wrong but the youth team. Dalglish started putting all that together again. I think given more time, he would of done ok.

    The neglect of the non-first team side of things is perhaps overplayed a tad and get Dalglish off the hook a bit in the eyes of some for the way in which he dismantled Keegan's side unneccessarily. Dalglish was unlucky in some ways too though and wasn't really given enough time either. Just my take on it, anyway.


    Fair point but Keegans side was geared towarda a completely different style to any of Dlaglishs side. It the same problem with all incoming manager and probably something which ultimately effected Allardyce as well, he needed to imprint his own style and way of managing onto the team and that meant getting rid of players and in essence dismantling a very good side.


    To be fair to him, he did bring in some decent players, as well as Disco Des and ultimately i think he would of suceeded but in a completely different manner to Keegan.

  3. Apppointing Souness was a monstrous mistake, no question, its set the club back so many years, like king harry said, it took a good five yearsto recover and the same maybe  happening to us.


    I personally think the first mistake was sacking SBR. I didnt agree with him being sacked, no way did he deserve it, but i guess nufc fans have to reap what they sowed.


    The manner of the sacking made it inevitable that we wouldnt appoint another manager of similar calibre, the job from that point didnt have anything special to offer and(altough im unsure of the finances at the time regarding sponsorship money) even though it transpired that we had a £50m warchest that still wasnt enough to persuade any decent managers which spoke volumes to me.

  4. NE5 is correct about one thing; we had some great days and relative success with the old board for which we should all be grateful. Let's not be shy in giving the old Chairman every respect which he deserved and earned. Sir John Hall I applaud you  :clap:






    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better 


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    You had a go at Robson for losing his marbles then were happy to use something he said later, when he was older.   :lol: Do you think Keegan has now lost his marbles?


    I answered your question when you asked it earlier, you replied to my reply.  :lol:


    Is that "nasty man" you refer to the same one who embarrasses you for wearing his shirt in with the fans or is it the one who lets his mouth go in a brothel?  Which one of the two embarrass you?



    no Keegan hasn't lost his marbles. It is likely that a man of 72 may now and again lose his marbles.


    The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight, but I've told you this already. You don't mind this though so long as he doesn't call you nasty names. Your long term chip on your shoulder towards a chairman and board who qualified for europe more than everyone but 4 other clubs and gave us our only 3 consecutive top 5 league postitions in 50 years is funny if it wasn't so tragic.




    So what was our correct weight when we were came 5th after all those CL qualifications? Were you embarressed for the 4 years that proceeded that 5th place finish? Why, when we havent been punching our correct weight for the past 4 years is it Ashleys and Morts fault??


    Honestly NE5, you have such a blinkered view onthe club its unreal.


    Its so funny seeing you drag threads out like this and repeat the same lines over and over again ad infitum.


    My guess, is that somehow you benefitted from the previous boards tenureship and that now they have gone you have lost those beeneifts which is the reason that you are intent on attacking the board.



    they need to be repeated for people who have their eyes closed, and can't see past the blinkered view that the last board were s**** because they called women dogs and ate all the pies.


    Basically, the Halls and Shepherd saved the club from years of embarrassment, and the ultimate embarrassment possible for a club the size of NUFC . If you still don't understand, look it up.





    Thats fair and well, that is your opinion, it is only half right but never mind. But that little touching anecdote doesnt really explain why you have such a vendetta against the new board despite overwhelming evidence suggesting that they are doing contrary to what you are preaching. Nor does it answer my forst question about the embarressment, you posed the paradox yourself "The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight"


    Well were you embarressed by the previous 4 years then in that case? If not then why? Surely you have to be consistent with your views........surely??


    you don't understand. When we had a s**** board, such positions as were managed in the the last 4 years, were classed as a golden era, before the Halls and Shepherd took over the club. And whats more, people like mick know this to be true, unless of course he isn't the supporter he claims to be


    FWIW, 2 years ago we finished 7th. In over 3 decades prior to the Halls and Shepherd taking over the club, we managed this once, and 5th once. And that was it.


    I fail to understand why you keep harping on about things like this. I'm trying to educate you, or at the least I'm stating cold hard facts, which are beyond dispute.







    But you have a rhetoric which is so blinkered its untrue. Im one of a few people who actually acknowledges the fact that the Shepherd et al did an amazing job, they achieved the job which they set out to do, they brought the club to relativily consistent Euro quals but, I, like a lot of people beleive that the job they did was undermined by a number a terrible decisions which set the club back many invaluable years which have helped our closets rivals above us get further away from us and some of our not so  close rivals below us get above us as well.


    It will take millions and millions to rectify the situation and if you advocate that the new board need to spend £100m odd million in order to get back to where we should be then you are directly admitting that that is the sum figure of how far we have fallen, the old board got us effectively £100m behind and that isnt including the (debatable)  debt that we had. In essence therefore, Ashley will have had to fork out £350m to get this club into a position it should of been in the first place had Shepherd et al not messed up so badly. (Like i say, debt is debatable).


    The thing is is that you still havent answered my question about the embaressment query, you constantly refer to the past as well, as as ort of back up as to how we are doing in comparison. Well how long does that argument hold up for? If you applied the same argument to another club would that be acceptable.


    Said this before but comparitively speaking, if the Arsenal board were to do the inexplicable and replace Wenger with a man such as George Graham, and as a result suffered many years of relative mediocrity would they be excused becaseu of there recent history regarding achievemnts? In my mind that is your line of argument, maybe not quite directly applicable but very similar all the same.





    The old board didn't embarrass me at all, at any time. There were a few setbacks, the appointment of Souness was as most people know - apart from some people who backed him when he was selling Craig Bellamy and insisted he would transform himself into the new Alex Ferguson for getting rid of the "cancer" like Fergie had done - but overall, I work away from home a lot and I don't think anybody at any time ever thought the club had did anything to embarrass me, in fact the vast majority who even took any notice of our ex board members were if anything jealous that we played regularly in europe, reached a couple of cup finals, and filled a big stadium every home game.


    Everybody has setbacks. However the current situation, the fear of relegation and the mirth among the press etc and other supporters is at an unprecedented level, certainly higher than at any time since 1992 at least, if you want to debate the meaning of "embarrassed".


    I really would like to move on from this, if you would listen.




    Wow, you classify Souness as a "setback" now that is putting a positive spin on things. Also doesnt explain why you have such issue with the new board. Or retorted to anything ive put in the previous post.


    To me your like a kid who has a toy, which he loves dearly but another kid comes along with a newer toy and as you cant make yours any better you try and make his worse. Classic diversion.


    Rank bad decision. No excuse. See your comment about George Graham, you do realise he was manager of Arsenal when they won the League ?  :laugh:


    And, you never know, they might make a mess of replacing Wenger, after all they appointed Bruce Rioch before Wenger and he didn't last too long.


    I see Chelsea have made an outstanding choice to replace Mourhinho too ?


    Get in the real world fredbob mate, is my advice.


    The real strenght of a football club, is a board who understand that what matters is the quality of footballer in the dressing room.






    Yeh i was aware of his success but i thnk you are missing the point again. Its the enormity of the mistake in going from Wenger to Graham, the complete contrast as well which wouldnt suit Arsenal, akin to going from SBR to Souness, though not as bad. The whole point to that scenario was that would the board be excusable for making that mistake despite all they had achieved.


    As for Chelsea, im glad you said that, look at how Abramhovic is getting flak from all the fans, beasue of his dcision, if Chelsea dont win anything this year, will Abramovich get away with it despite being 100% responisble for all of there recent success. No he wont, now why is that?


    Surely Chelseas recent success doesnt give them any right whatsoever to criticize Abrhamovich, well they dont by your reckoning anyway.





  6. I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people on here who harp on about being "embarrassed" are either cocooned in Newcastle imagining everybody outside is doing nothing other than laughing at them, or they live away from home and simply can't cope with the standard sort of piss taking and banter that goes on among football fans as pretty normal behaviour.


    The thing is, when you qualify regularly for europe etc as we have done, very few fans of other clubs can say too much anyway, assuming they take it to heart that is .


    Only manure fans are shitbags, but most of those are gloryseekers who are shitbags with everybody no matter who they support, and well worthy of the scorn that is heaped on them.





    Agreed - filthy prawn sandwich eating fuckpigs.


    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better 


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    You had a go at Robson for losing his marbles then were happy to use something he said later, when he was older.   :lol: Do you think Keegan has now lost his marbles?


    I answered your question when you asked it earlier, you replied to my reply.  :lol:


    Is that "nasty man" you refer to the same one who embarrasses you for wearing his shirt in with the fans or is it the one who lets his mouth go in a brothel?  Which one of the two embarrass you?



    no Keegan hasn't lost his marbles. It is likely that a man of 72 may now and again lose his marbles.


    The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight, but I've told you this already. You don't mind this though so long as he doesn't call you nasty names. Your long term chip on your shoulder towards a chairman and board who qualified for europe more than everyone but 4 other clubs and gave us our only 3 consecutive top 5 league postitions in 50 years is funny if it wasn't so tragic.




    So what was our correct weight when we were came 5th after all those CL qualifications? Were you embarressed for the 4 years that proceeded that 5th place finish? Why, when we havent been punching our correct weight for the past 4 years is it Ashleys and Morts fault??


    Honestly NE5, you have such a blinkered view onthe club its unreal.


    Its so funny seeing you drag threads out like this and repeat the same lines over and over again ad infitum.


    My guess, is that somehow you benefitted from the previous boards tenureship and that now they have gone you have lost those beeneifts which is the reason that you are intent on attacking the board.



    they need to be repeated for people who have their eyes closed, and can't see past the blinkered view that the last board were s**** because they called women dogs and ate all the pies.


    Basically, the Halls and Shepherd saved the club from years of embarrassment, and the ultimate embarrassment possible for a club the size of NUFC . If you still don't understand, look it up.





    Thats fair and well, that is your opinion, it is only half right but never mind. But that little touching anecdote doesnt really explain why you have such a vendetta against the new board despite overwhelming evidence suggesting that they are doing contrary to what you are preaching. Nor does it answer my forst question about the embarressment, you posed the paradox yourself "The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight"


    Well were you embarressed by the previous 4 years then in that case? If not then why? Surely you have to be consistent with your views........surely??


    you don't understand. When we had a s**** board, such positions as were managed in the the last 4 years, were classed as a golden era, before the Halls and Shepherd took over the club. And whats more, people like mick know this to be true, unless of course he isn't the supporter he claims to be


    FWIW, 2 years ago we finished 7th. In over 3 decades prior to the Halls and Shepherd taking over the club, we managed this once, and 5th once. And that was it.


    I fail to understand why you keep harping on about things like this. I'm trying to educate you, or at the least I'm stating cold hard facts, which are beyond dispute.







    But you have a rhetoric which is so blinkered its untrue. Im one of a few people who actually acknowledges the fact that the Shepherd et al did an amazing job, they achieved the job which they set out to do, they brought the club to relativily consistent Euro quals but, I, like a lot of people beleive that the job they did was undermined by a number a terrible decisions which set the club back many invaluable years which have helped our closets rivals above us get further away from us and some of our not so  close rivals below us get above us as well.


    It will take millions and millions to rectify the situation and if you advocate that the new board need to spend £100m odd million in order to get back to where we should be then you are directly admitting that that is the sum figure of how far we have fallen, the old board got us effectively £100m behind and that isnt including the (debatable)  debt that we had. In essence therefore, Ashley will have had to fork out £350m to get this club into a position it should of been in the first place had Shepherd et al not messed up so badly. (Like i say, debt is debatable).


    The thing is is that you still havent answered my question about the embaressment query, you constantly refer to the past as well, as as ort of back up as to how we are doing in comparison. Well how long does that argument hold up for? If you applied the same argument to another club would that be acceptable.


    Said this before but comparitively speaking, if the Arsenal board were to do the inexplicable and replace Wenger with a man such as George Graham, and as a result suffered many years of relative mediocrity would they be excused becaseu of there recent history regarding achievemnts? In my mind that is your line of argument, maybe not quite directly applicable but very similar all the same.





    The old board didn't embarrass me at all, at any time. There were a few setbacks, the appointment of Souness was as most people know - apart from some people who backed him when he was selling Craig Bellamy and insisted he would transform himself into the new Alex Ferguson for getting rid of the "cancer" like Fergie had done - but overall, I work away from home a lot and I don't think anybody at any time ever thought the club had did anything to embarrass me, in fact the vast majority who even took any notice of our ex board members were if anything jealous that we played regularly in europe, reached a couple of cup finals, and filled a big stadium every home game.


    Everybody has setbacks. However the current situation, the fear of relegation and the mirth among the press etc and other supporters is at an unprecedented level, certainly higher than at any time since 1992 at least, if you want to debate the meaning of "embarrassed".


    I really would like to move on from this, if you would listen.




    Wow, you classify Souness as a "setback" now that is putting a positive spin on things. Also doesnt explain why you have such issue with the new board. Or retorted to anything ive put in the previous post.


    To me your like a kid who has a toy, which he loves dearly but another kid comes along with a newer toy and as you cant make yours any better you try and make his worse. Classic diversion.


    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    You had a go at Robson for losing his marbles then were happy to use something he said later, when he was older. :lol: Do you think Keegan has now lost his marbles?


    I answered your question when you asked it earlier, you replied to my reply. :lol:


    Is that "nasty man" you refer to the same one who embarrasses you for wearing his shirt in with the fans or is it the one who lets his mouth go in a brothel? Which one of the two embarrass you?



    no Keegan hasn't lost his marbles. It is likely that a man of 72 may now and again lose his marbles.


    The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight, but I've told you this already. You don't mind this though so long as he doesn't call you nasty names. Your long term chip on your shoulder towards a chairman and board who qualified for europe more than everyone but 4 other clubs and gave us our only 3 consecutive top 5 league postitions in 50 years is funny if it wasn't so tragic.




    So what was our correct weight when we were came 5th after all those CL qualifications? Were you embarressed for the 4 years that proceeded that 5th place finish? Why, when we havent been punching our correct weight for the past 4 years is it Ashleys and Morts fault??


    Honestly NE5, you have such a blinkered view onthe club its unreal.


    Its so funny seeing you drag threads out like this and repeat the same lines over and over again ad infitum.


    My guess, is that somehow you benefitted from the previous boards tenureship and that now they have gone you have lost those beeneifts which is the reason that you are intent on attacking the board.



    they need to be repeated for people who have their eyes closed, and can't see past the blinkered view that the last board were s**** because they called women dogs and ate all the pies.


    Basically, the Halls and Shepherd saved the club from years of embarrassment, and the ultimate embarrassment possible for a club the size of NUFC . If you still don't understand, look it up.





    Thats fair and well, that is your opinion, it is only half right but never mind. But that little touching anecdote doesnt really explain why you have such a vendetta against the new board despite overwhelming evidence suggesting that they are doing contrary to what you are preaching. Nor does it answer my forst question about the embarressment, you posed the paradox yourself "The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight"


    Well were you embarressed by the previous 4 years then in that case? If not then why? Surely you have to be consistent with your views........surely??


    you don't understand. When we had a s**** board, such positions as were managed in the the last 4 years, were classed as a golden era, before the Halls and Shepherd took over the club. And whats more, people like mick know this to be true, unless of course he isn't the supporter he claims to be


    FWIW, 2 years ago we finished 7th. In over 3 decades prior to the Halls and Shepherd taking over the club, we managed this once, and 5th once. And that was it.


    I fail to understand why you keep harping on about things like this. I'm trying to educate you, or at the least I'm stating cold hard facts, which are beyond dispute.







    But you have a rhetoric which is so blinkered its untrue. Im one of a few people who actually acknowledges the fact that the Shepherd et al did an amazing job, they achieved the job which they set out to do, they brought the club to relativily consistent Euro quals but, I, like a lot of people beleive that the job they did was undermined by a number a terrible decisions which set the club back many invaluable years which have helped our closets rivals above us get further away from us and some of our not so close rivals below us get above us as well.


    It will take millions and millions to rectify the situation and if you advocate that the new board need to spend £100m odd million in order to get back to where we should be then you are directly admitting that that is the sum figure of how far we have fallen, the old board got us effectively £100m behind and that isnt including the (debatable) debt that we had. In essence therefore, Ashley will have had to fork out £200m to get this club into a position it should of been in the first place had Shepherd et al not messed up so badly. (Like i say, debt is debatable).


    The thing is is that you still havent answered my question about the embaressment query, you constantly refer to the past as well, as as ort of back up as to how we are doing in comparison. Well how long does that argument hold up for? If you applied the same argument to another club would that be acceptable.


    Said this before but comparitively speaking, if the Arsenal board were to do the inexplicable and replace Wenger with a man such as George Graham, and as a result suffered many years of relative mediocrity would they be excused becaseu of there recent history regarding achievemnts? In my mind that is your line of argument, maybe not quite directly applicable but very similar all the same.




    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better 


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    You had a go at Robson for losing his marbles then were happy to use something he said later, when he was older.   :lol: Do you think Keegan has now lost his marbles?


    I answered your question when you asked it earlier, you replied to my reply.  :lol:


    Is that "nasty man" you refer to the same one who embarrasses you for wearing his shirt in with the fans or is it the one who lets his mouth go in a brothel?  Which one of the two embarrass you?



    no Keegan hasn't lost his marbles. It is likely that a man of 72 may now and again lose his marbles.


    The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight, but I've told you this already. You don't mind this though so long as he doesn't call you nasty names. Your long term chip on your shoulder towards a chairman and board who qualified for europe more than everyone but 4 other clubs and gave us our only 3 consecutive top 5 league postitions in 50 years is funny if it wasn't so tragic.




    So what was our correct weight when we were came 5th after all those CL qualifications? Were you embarressed for the 4 years that proceeded that 5th place finish? Why, when we havent been punching our correct weight for the past 4 years is it Ashleys and Morts fault??


    Honestly NE5, you have such a blinkered view onthe club its unreal.


    Its so funny seeing you drag threads out like this and repeat the same lines over and over again ad infitum.


    My guess, is that somehow you benefitted from the previous boards tenureship and that now they have gone you have lost those beeneifts which is the reason that you are intent on attacking the board.



    they need to be repeated for people who have their eyes closed, and can't see past the blinkered view that the last board were s**** because they called women dogs and ate all the pies.


    Basically, the Halls and Shepherd saved the club from years of embarrassment, and the ultimate embarrassment possible for a club the size of NUFC . If you still don't understand, look it up.





    Thats fair and well, that is your opinion, it is only half right but never mind. But that little touching anecdote doesnt really explain why you have such a vendetta against the new board despite overwhelming evidence suggesting that they are doing contrary to what you are preaching. Nor does it answer my forst question about the embarressment, you posed the paradox yourself "The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight"


    Well were you embarressed by the previous 4 years then in that case? If not then why? Surely you have to be consistent with your views........surely??


    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better 


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    You had a go at Robson for losing his marbles then were happy to use something he said later, when he was older.   :lol: Do you think Keegan has now lost his marbles?


    I answered your question when you asked it earlier, you replied to my reply.  :lol:


    Is that "nasty man" you refer to the same one who embarrasses you for wearing his shirt in with the fans or is it the one who lets his mouth go in a brothel?  Which one of the two embarrass you?



    no Keegan hasn't lost his marbles. It is likely that a man of 72 may now and again lose his marbles.


    The only thing that embarrasses me is the team fighting relegation battles and not trying to punch its correct weight, but I've told you this already. You don't mind this though so long as he doesn't call you nasty names. Your long term chip on your shoulder towards a chairman and board who qualified for europe more than everyone but 4 other clubs and gave us our only 3 consecutive top 5 league postitions in 50 years is funny if it wasn't so tragic.




    So what was our correct weight when we were came 5th after all those CL qualifications? Were you embarressed for the 4 years that proceeded that 5th place finish? Why, when we havent been punching our correct weight for the past 4 years is it Ashleys and Morts fault??


    Honestly NE5, you have such a blinkered view onthe club its unreal.


    Its so funny seeing you drag threads out like this and repeat the same lines over and over again ad infitum.


    My guess, is that somehow you benefitted from the previous boards tenureship and that now they have gone you have lost those beeneifts which is the reason that you are intent on attacking the board.




    Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better :lol:


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible.




    According to Keegan we had money to spend in January, unless you know better.


    what exactly are you commenting on here, because it certainly isn't what you clipped




    as mick clipped the question and answered an imaginary one instead, here it is again.







    I clipped the post, just like I usually do, thanks for highlighting where you expect people to accept what you quote from Keegan. You were the same with Sir Bobby, he said something you didn't agree with so you put it down to him losing his marbles, he said something later that you agreed with and all of a sudden his marbles were restored.



    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    I think he's trying to say that one moment you'll take Keegans word and quotes as gospel , i.e the Ardiles thing, but then the minute Keegan has a direct quote saying money is available (which doesnt fit your agenda) all of a sudden he's being lied to or his quote are media friendly ones masking the truth etc....


    Spot the double standard.


    like I said, Keegan is going to come out at this stage and say it. The alternative is you are blaming him for our possible relegation.

    So are you or are you not ?


    I also realise you are pleased we didnt' waste any money in January, so can't really complain about our current situation.




    Well to be honest, i struggle to see what more the board could of done having Keegan said that money was available and having had bids accepted by Boro to back that point up.


    Honestly speaking, from an impartial point of view, Allardyce has to take the main amount of the blame for losing loads of points when we had easier fixtures, however Keegan has to shoulder some as well, i dont think his tactics have been perfect to be honest, being beaten 5-1 at home is not something that a team like ours should expect as a given.


    As for your last line......i can say the same thing over and over again and stil not get through to you, so whats the point.


    EDIT: Also, what has keegan got to gain by saying money is available if it isnt? What an absurd thing to imply. Why make a fool of himself with quote after quote reiterating the passion that the owner has for the club if you know all along that its bull.


    What a load of crap.




    Didn't Matt Jansen turn us down and sign for Blackburn instead under Freddie Shepherd? What does that say about Shepherd's inability to attract even mediocre players?




    ;D It says you had to go all the way back to 1999 to find one?


    It's a single example, just like you are using a single example to draw your conclusions. Like for like tbf.



    except that we are in the worst position since winning promotion, as soon as the Halls and Shepherd have left the club.


    Continue to ignore this if it doesn't suit your "opinion"




    So you attribute the current position directly to the board? How much do you think we'll get to spend this summer. Put your money where your mouth is, seeing as though Mort is shit, you've read his quotes, you have a good idea as to what to expect having been around in the 1920's. What amount will our shit board give us, if any? You seem adament.


    Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better  :lol:


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible.




    According to Keegan we had money to spend in January, unless you know better.


    what exactly are you commenting on here, because it certainly isn't what you clipped




    as mick clipped the question and answered an imaginary one instead, here it is again.







    I clipped the post, just like I usually do, thanks for highlighting where you expect people to accept what you quote from Keegan.  You were the same with Sir Bobby, he said something you didn't agree with so you put it down to him losing his marbles, he said something later that you agreed with and all of a sudden his marbles were restored.



    thats right, Bobby Robson was 72, Keegan is still not yet 60 and the quote in question was a long time ago.


    To repeat my earlier that you declined to reply :


    "Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better 


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible. "


    The simple fact is that you are making excuse after excuse for our current position because you can't bring yourself to admit that what I say is true.





    I think he's trying to say that one moment you'll take Keegans word and quotes as gospel , i.e the Ardiles thing, but then the minute Keegan has a direct quote saying money is available (which doesnt fit your agenda) all of a sudden he's being lied to or his quote are media friendly ones masking the truth etc....


    Spot the double standard.

  14. Shearers record?


    Alberts goal vs Man U?


    A little off topic, but are we the only club in the champions league to of lost thier first 3 games and still qualifid for the next round?




    I think we were the first, but not the last.


    i cant rememeber it being done since. That surely reitierates the importance of Bellamy's goal.


    Tinos goals versus Barcelona.


    Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd. Hall Snr didn't want to sack Ardiles. According to Keegan, unless you know better  :lol:


    whats the matter, does it pain you to admit a fact ?


    That nasty man who hurt your little feelings..........terrible.




    According to Keegan we had money to spend in January, unless you know better.


    what exactly are you commenting on here, because it certainly isn't what you clipped




    as mick clipped the question and answered an imaginary one instead, here it is again.






    What point are you trying to make about the board NE5? Just to clarify because i get the ipression you're against them.


    Are you saying that they are taking us for a ride and that the board isnt going to back us in summer?


    If you feel so strongly about the current board would you put your reputation on the line and make a prediction to the amount of funding we'll get this summer. After all, you've read the quotes from the chairmen, and you've been around when similar things were said so 'you know what you're talking about.'


    Do you think that the old board, if still in charge would of matched the CL qualifications that they'd previously achieved?



    As you believe that had Robson not been sacked we would have recovered from the team's decline and got back in the CL, I assume that you believe they had the ability to do that given the right manager in charge?


    Conversely, as we're in the business of speculating, if Ashley had bought the club in Summer 2004, do you think he would have ignored the majority of supporter's disquiet at team performances and discipline and kept a 71 year old Robson on instead of bringing in someone new? I don't.


    In fact if you fancy exaplining to me why Keegan said there was money to spend yet we didntbuy and who's fault that is, feel free to as well.




    It hard for me to see what the board has done that directly relates to the situation we are in now


    Making the signing of new players in January extremely difficult and then failing to follow through on those which were targeted?




    There's no question we're in a better position with Ashley as owner to be able to get back into the CL positions. The question is whether he has the ambition to force us back there (£££), or whether he's just content to wait and hope we get lucky with good management, shrewd transfers and youth squad breakthroughs - like the majority of the rest of the league have done in the past. We have means, but do we have the motivation? Most people seem certain he'll pump money into the team this Summer, but then most people were certain he'd pump money into the team last Summer too. The ambition he's shown so far sees us teetering on the brink of relegation. He may not be to blame, but he certainly hasn't done anything to help.



    As you believe that had Robson not been sacked we would have recovered from the team's decline and got back in the CL, I assume that you believe they had the ability to do that given the right manager in charge?


    Well, again, its a good try but not quite the full picture. I mean, in those years and finances we lost with Souness and Roeder and the incorrect appointment of Allardyce(possibly) look at how far the top 4 have got away from us. Do i think the old board would of reachieved those CL qualifications, no, probably not, and the reason this is the case is all down to Shepherd et al. Can you not see this?


    As for Robson, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about him, have i rattled your opinion a little bit?  i dunno. Maybe, just maybe if we stuck with Robson for that season or 2 longer then we would have found a manager who could of taken over the reigns if the eventuality were to arise, with a club who wouldnt of been so far behind the top4, and may have even been part of that top4, in fact if we were still to be apart of the top 4, would there of been any need to replace SBR, despite his age?? Moot point really....



    Read it and thought it was rubbish to be honest. Explained this before but replacing Allardyce before the window was not an option. Full stop. Did you see our fixture scheduele? Do you think it would of been a good idea to sack him then? In hindsight it would of been the most ideal situation, but who would sack there manager in the midst of a fixture list busier than the M25. If a new manager was appointed then, he would of had no time to assess the current squad, let alone look for potential signings.


    As for keeping Allardyce, was Ashley supposed to back a dead man walking? Its arguable that yes he should, but why should we yet again waste club resources on someone, or something that we KNOW will not be a worthy investment. In order for allardyce to make any waves into the transfer window he'd of needed £20m at least. Put another £9m on top for his pay off at the end of the season and you have approximately £30m taken away from the club.


    It was best to replace him, and replace him a tad earlier. I still question the sense in appointing Keegan as i thought there were beter options out there,however Keegan is the only manager i would trust in the world and am genuinely excited about having cash so ill not complain too much about it.


    Making the signing of new players in January extremely difficult and then failing to follow through on those which were targeted?


    errr what? Imust of missed that. Like i said, as far as im aware the board/mort would of been involved in 2 things regarding transfers, the valuation of the player and the wages of the player. I cant remmeber a player of importance being turned down because of either reasons. (maybe Diarra)


    Diarra - who knows, maybe Keegan didnt want him, maybe becasue Allardyce was sacked at the time, the transfer was cancelled, maybe the quote of £90k p/w was true and Mort rightly rejected.


    Woodgate - turned us down even thought bid was accepted, the draw of playing in a cup final in a vastly improving team must of been a real draw to him, cant see why though....


    Dont know for certain any other players.


    I guess theres only one way to find out about this summer spree. But i am absolutley certain it will occur providing we stay up. If we do stay up, and it doesnt materialise, then and only then will i start to question the motives.




  17. Alot of Duff bashing going on here. Have to say that i think he's an alrite player a good squad players to have i think. I happen to think that he gets marked out the game at times, Milner gets far more space than Duff does and i think its because the opppsition teams have been instructed to do so.


    To be fair though, i think Zog is our best left winger, and he knows it, not sure why no one else does, hopefully we'll see a bit more of Zog.


    Still unsure who to put at the back, said a long time ago that the 2 big issues we face would be where to play Faye, and how to accomadate Duff, Zog and Enrique, well with the apprent lack of penetration that Duff has offered us in recent time i think its fair to say that one of those decisions makes themselves.


    The reall issue is what to do with Faye now, again said a long time ago that the DM position is a big problem for us. Still would like to see Faye there though, but that would leave us with Taylor and Cacapa at the back, although im hoping that Diatta is a bit of a find. Although by the sounds of it, Keegan has Beye, Faye and Diatta marked for defence.



  18. For ages NE5 you've been telling us that we can't call Shepherd s*** after ten years of debatable decisions, and here you are calling Mort s*** after less than a year in charge, and before the season is even concluded.


    You honestly don't see the issue there do you?


    I see a chairman who doesn't understand football.


    That is all.


    Quite amazing you defend this season, tbh




    If we were to survive this season, and Ashley spent a huge amount this summer then what would your opinion be on the hypothetical situation?


    Would Mort still be shit? If so, why?

  19. NE5.


    PLEASE - we're begging here - can you tell us exactly what is behind your agenda?


    the good of the club ?


    Avoiding relegation ?


    Hoping they will match the best positions of the old board, as a minimum ?


    Take your pick




    How will blindly sticking up for the old board's shortcomings achieve those things?


    Can't wait until we qualify for the Champions League again, just like the good old days. Remember them, instead of buying average johnny foreigners and looking at the balance sheet and declaring such acquisitions to be "good business"





    Do you think that the old board, if still in charge would of matched the CL qualifications that they'd previously achieved?


    Im struggling to debate with you becasue every question i ask you fail to answer. Its like nailing diarreah to a wall.  Do you fancy humouring me.


    In fact if you fancy exaplining to me why Keegan said there was money to spend yet we didntbuy and who's fault that is, feel free to as well.


    It hard for me to see what the board has done that directly relates to the situation we are in now, we had a better squad then at least 50% of the teams in the prem. SA recieved a decent amount of cash and it was in his hands to prove that he was capable of spending more of Ashleys money, but he failed.


    I've humoured you enough, and I'm trying not to draw comparisons to be honest. All I see is a s*** chairman who has put prudency before the quality of footballer [which you supported] so those who advocated this approach, despite us having one of the biggest fanbases in the country, have nothing to complain about,





    Fair enough, but i believe he was right not to back SA becaseu as i said at the time he hadnt proved, anyhting with his own signings, however i always advocated the spending of money on players generally deemed essential. but not expensive squad fillers.


    I was behind Keegan getting money becasue i think its important for new managers to get there own squad in. As it turns out, Keegan did have finances but was unable to convince players to come here, i cant rememebr hearing anything about bids being rejected accpet for Barnes, or contract talks not going well, which WOULD be attributed to the board, instead, the one im 100% sure about, Woodgate turned us down for a better club. How is that attributed to the board?



  20. NE5.


    PLEASE - we're begging here - can you tell us exactly what is behind your agenda?


    the good of the club ?


    Avoiding relegation ?


    Hoping they will match the best positions of the old board, as a minimum ?


    Take your pick




    How will blindly sticking up for the old board's shortcomings achieve those things?


    Can't wait until we qualify for the Champions League again, just like the good old days. Remember them, instead of buying average johnny foreigners and looking at the balance sheet and declaring such acquisitions to be "good business"





    Do you think that the old board, if still in charge would of matched the CL qualifications that they'd previously achieved?


    Im struggling to debate with you becasue every question i ask you fail to answer. Its like nailing diarreah to a wall.  Do you fancy humouring me.


    In fact if you fancy exaplining to me why Keegan said there was money to spend yet we didntbuy and who's fault that is, feel free to as well.


    It hard for me to see what the board has done that directly relates to the situation we are in now, we had a better squad then at least 50% of the teams in the prem. SA recieved a decent amount of cash and it was in his hands to prove that he was capable of spending more of Ashleys money, but he failed.

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