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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. Thanks for starting this thread. If I can't watch NUFC over here in Canada on a regular basis, footy will just not be the same for me. I might have to consider cheering for a different club, which would be dreadful. Surely the club should think about its overseas fans if we go down, or else they may lose a great deal of us.


    This has been on my mind more and more as the weeks pass by and our club looks more and more doomed.


    It's easy for the local fans to take the piss out of us who are overseas in threads like this, but if NUFC go down we're the ones who lose the most. People over here who cheer for top four teams used to irritate me, but now I get it. At least they don't have to worry about their team going down and not being on tv.

  2. I think it might be Aaron Hughes, though I'm not sure. He was born in November 1979, and I'm born in September 1979. There were probably younger players in the squad at the time, though. I just can't be bothered to figure that out.

  3. Ryan Taylor scored two decent free kicks in his career and they were both against us, therefore he's a free kick specialist, don't you know.

  4. It would have been a shame if he wasn't resigned and that was how he ended his short career with Newcastle. I hope he comes back straight away. He's been a good signing for us, having actually scored goals and all. I'm actually quite perplexed about why he was dropped from the striking role, since he had shown himself as capable of scoring.

  5. I know it's just a symbolic sort of thing, but I'll be happy to see the current kit replaced. We've had a horrible two years with our players wearing it. Hopefully we someday remember the next kit as the one we wore as we moved back up the table to where we belong. I'll forever remember this one as the one we wore in the darkest period in our club's recent history.

  6. Harper

    Beye Taylor Bassong Enrique

    Duff Nolan Guthrie Gutierrez

    Owen Carroll


    Subs: Krul, Coloccini, Martins, Xisco, Butt, Smith, Lovenkrands


    I doubt Lovenkrands will play again this season based on how uncomfy he looked when he got injured, looked like broken ribs


    Shearer said it was a back injury but he's been "stabilized" at the hospital. Whatever that means. He might be ok yet, but we'll have to wait and see.

  7. We're in big trouble, but Sunderland have Manchester United next and we have Stoke. We have to come out firing next weekend, and if we do, there's a good chance that three goal difference between us and the Mackems will be closed and we'll be above them. If that happens we might get some momentum, and Tottenham are vulnerable.


    All that said, though, the way our season has been going, I don't bank on us even beating Stoke.

  8. What worries me is that during Ashley's reign we've seen Kevin Keegan's legend at Newcastle (at least slightly) tarnished, and now he's bringing in another of our living legends just when it looks like we might get relegated. There's already an asterisk beside Keegan's good name at Newcastle, now we might just get one beside Shearer's.


    Just like with Kev, this could all end in tears.

  9. The England strip is the best weve had in a while imo. Could do with the shorts being blue, though. All white looks a bit s***.


    It's definitely nice. I prefer this one though, and still wear it often:



  10. He's gaining valuable Championship experience that will serve him well with us next year when we're relegated and he's a starter.


    Now excuse me while I sit in the corner and cry.

  11. I think that the teams with worse goal difference will be at a more severe disadvantage. I don't think we'll be relegated, but I have a feeling that we might get saved by our not-as-bad-as-could-be goal difference.

  12. Can't get my head round him having a mortgage.


    Not every footballer can pay a few million upfront for there gaffs.


    It's still strange, though, especially since he's apparently so tight with his money.


    Anyway, he's top class and I'm happy he's finally getting his chance.

  13. So, the day after Llambias tells the fans that there is now going to be a new era of open communication between the club and the fans, our manager gets sidelined for the rest of the season and they don't release an official statement of any sort. I would be happy with an acknowledgement that JFK is having the surgery and some indication that they're working out a plan. Anything, really.

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