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Posts posted by toon25

  1. The funny thing is, well not really funny, but anyway. If in the summer Ashley goes about and spends 35 million on players, he'll be looked on as really giving it back to the fans, whereas in reality he's Net spent nowt, and in any other window a Net spend of nothing would be considered being tight. So in essence he gets one free transfer window, and lets be honest most people will be happy if we spend 20 -25 million in the summer.






    I think I agree with this. I'm just most pissed off at the fact that this has happened today. I mean, if this had happened on Jan 1st, I would be at least reconciled with the fact that someone would have to be gotten into replace Carroll. If Carroll was being bought from another club, I'd have to say, objectively speaking, that it's be a great deal.


    Shola. Best. Loven. Ranger. Fuck me. Let's just hope Irelean proves to have a few goals in him before the end of the season.

  2. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/avs/avatar_6123.png


    I've never really noticed the similarity before.  :lol: Oh wait, its Peter Griffin who sprayed that, I thought Peter Griffin was suppose to be Mike Ashley.  :doh: :doh: Oh well.  :lol:


    But yes, Larsson hasn't looked that good recently.


    Thanks for the compliments chaps! Ive also enlarged it and printed it off poster size and stuck it on the wall, much to the disgust of the wife!

  3. Whilst we need new signings, the club's in a pretty strong position financially and I wouldn't want to start compromising that for the likes of Seb Larsson, who doesn't seem to want to be here anyway. Obviously the club is prepared to pay very good wages to very good players.


    Absolutely right.


  4. Anyone who wouldn't play a midfield four of Routledge Barton Nolan Jonas* is a certified idiot. Unfortunately, I don't think too highly of our manager :undecided:


    *If fit.




    Smith should never play for us again, even at a reserve level.


    I'm going to go ahead and say he's the worst player we've ever had in my time supporting the club. Not only does he offer nothing positive to the team, he actually assists the opposition with his constant stupid fouls and destruction of our attacking play.


    I genuinely think we'd do better with 10 men on the field against Sunderland than with this amped up tosser snarling his miserable way around the field.


    Hope he contracts a very serious illness during the week and is unavaliable for selection, because I have no faith in Pardew leaving him out, even after that horrendous display against Stevenage.


    It's scandalous that the bloke continues to be picked tbh. I cannot for the life of me fathom why, since he's been here, managers have continued to see him as an 'option'. I know he's not first team any more but I'm flabergasted everytime I see him on the team sheet. For me, that pass to a Stevenage player about 2 metres in front of him epitomised this twat and his lack of ability.


    Fucking get rid!

  5. Odds of Alan Smith starting against Liverpool and Enrique and Tiote being off in January?


    I don't fucking like the bloke but I sincerely hope he's not stupid. Surely he will have been able to see that Smith isn't worth a shirt?

    He's never struck me as a manager who's afraid of playing non-British players. I may be wrong though.

  6. CaulkinTheTimes  George Caulkin

    Press conference at SJP at 2.30 this afternoon. #Nufc say it won't be broadcast live on telly.



    Shock. Horror.



    Bahahahahaha fucking hell, waht a bunch of fucking cowards.



  7. Got nice teeth!




    Did you have to post that!!! I was nearly f***in sick!!!!


    That's a fucking shit eating grin if ever I've seen one. Bastard.

  8. Fucking five and a half years? Why on earth would he be given a contract with that length? :kasper:


    If rumours are to be believed, this is the worst bit for me. Stinks to high heaven of jobs for the boys. But for the fact this guy is Ashley's mate, I highly doubt whether he'd be given more than an 18 month deal.

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