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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. Serious question.


    What would people have preferred?


    To still be in loads of debt and a chance to go bankrupt




    To spend ridiculous amounts on transfers?


    Is there no middle ground like?


    Well, when you consider he's spent a couple of hundred million (reportedly) on clearing debts, do you blame him for not offering 100m to spend on transfers too?


    Would we have all liked to see more spent on new players? Yes, probably, however we've still improved the squad.


    Spurs ended up with a profit from this window too btw.

  2. At the end of the day though, what does all of this achieve?


    Keegan has gone, is he coming back? No.


    Ashley is still here.


    The set-up is still here, is it staying? Yes, for as long as Ashley is in charge.


    Boycotting the game is not going to change any of that. What's the point?

  3. Guthrie, Jonas, Coloccini, Basong...all have been decent signings. Coloccini was a club record for a CB. Xisco may yet come good.


    Ashley bought our club from Fat Freddy and bailed it out of massive debt out of his own pocket. I think he can be forgiven for wanting to make smart signings and not spend over the top. It's too bad that things didn't work out between Keegan and the board, but no matter how much we love Kev, it's not fair to pin the blame completely on Ashley.





  4. The thing is though, it's not a stupid structure.


    It's got us 4 very good players so far this summer, with 2 still yet to be proven.


    Better strike rate than previous years anyway.


    The only downside of the structure is that it quite obviously hasn't worked properly. It should be up to Jiminez and Vetere to RECOMMEND players to Keegan, who then buys as he wants, and he can also put in his own RECOMMENDATIONS to the board.


    Sadly, it appears not to have worked like this and that's why we are where we are.


    It is a stupid structure because managers don't want to be told how to run things, and this is not just Keegan I'm talking about. All it does is make people pull in different directions within the club and cause unrest. If they did need someone to tell them how to run things, then they more than likely wouldn't have made their name in management to begin with, would they. FFS man.


    The actual structure isn't stupid.


    The way that it's been implemented in this case is.

  5. Might as well make it Shearer.


    If we don't make it him, there'll forever be a shadow lingering over whoever takes the job.


    If we take him and he makes it, yeah, great, we'll have a manager that will be us for a long time, loves the club, and that the fans love.


    If he fails, we'll still love him, and there will no longer be that shadow.

  6. The thing is though, it's not a stupid structure.


    It's got us 4 very good players so far this summer, with 2 still yet to be proven.


    Better strike rate than previous years anyway.


    The only downside of the structure is that it quite obviously hasn't worked properly. It should be up to Jiminez and Vetere to RECOMMEND players to Keegan, who then buys as he wants, and he can also put in his own RECOMMENDATIONS to the board.


    Sadly, it appears not to have worked like this and that's why we are where we are.

  7. Did he make a complete pigs ear of it though?


    I don't think Mike Ashley is really the problem, it seems to me that it's more Dennis Wise that Keegan has the problem with.


    Still, Mike Ashley did appoint Wise I suppose.


    Anyway, if Keegan couldn't manage under the current set-up, I'm glad he's left.


    No point having an unhappy manager.


    No!, it was actually Keegan who chose Wise, Ashley gave him list to choose from, he chose Wise.


    Yeah, but come on, the list could've consisted of Tom, Dick and Harry for all we know.


    If Dennis Wise was the best choice, I hate to think who was on the list.

  8. Did he make a complete pigs ear of it though?


    I don't think Mike Ashley is really the problem, it seems to me that it's more Dennis Wise that Keegan has the problem with.


    Still, Mike Ashley did appoint Wise I suppose.


    Anyway, if Keegan couldn't manage under the current set-up, I'm glad he's left.


    No point having an unhappy manager.


    The point is that most people given a choice between that setup, especially with the impression of the people involved, and Kev staying would choose Kev.


    I know, and it's understandable.


    But even though I'll get shot down in flames, Keegan isn't a great manager.


    The advantages he has are that he knows the town, knows how to get people excited, plays attacking football and most importantly, had success with us before.


    However, that was the past, hopefully the board of directors can do something good for once, and make his successor a big named foreign manager.

  9. I really don't understand all of this nonsense with Ashley.


    He's got a vision for the club, and it's different to Keegan's. That's what's causing the problems, nothing else.


    As for the arabs taking over, do you really want to become the next Chelsea? I've despised them for what they've done to the game.

  10. Wouldn't like it.


    Look, we're having more than enough problems as it is, but if this group were to take over, you think they'd just give Keegan lots of money and let him manage?


    Absolutely no chance, they'd want input as well.

  11. They won't go down, but I must admit I have been thinking to myself that they could be in strife if they were to get relegated.


    Still, if they got relegated they could just sell off all of their players, and the Sunderland fans are fairly loyal anyway, so they should still get decent attendances in the Championship.

  12. He's not very good anyway.


    I'd prefer Smith.


    You're joking?!?! :-0


    About which part?


    Andy Carroll has proved nothing more to me than the fact that he's a human battering ram.


    Even when he went out on loan to the Championship, his record was pretty pathetic.


    Don't see why so many rate him tbh.

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