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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. Typical Geordie way eh?


    Blame the manager every time we don't get a result. And we wonder why we're bottom of the pile.


    The only mistake JK made was starting Ameobi ahead of Owen, but some of the criticism he gets is ridiculous.


    He's lost 2 games in 7, considering the sort of form we were in that's a fair effort. Keegan would have done no better. Want me to point out the record he had as manager the second time around?


    You don't think Keegan would have amassed more than 1 point against Sunderland, Fulham and a ten-man Wigan? Gerraway man.


    No, I don't.


    That's the plain truth.


    Keegan was also guilty of losing winnable games and playing players that shouldn't have played etc.


    But since he's the messiah we're not allowed to criticise him, right?


    Get to f*** with that f***ing attitude man. Sick of reading that sort of s****. Are we not allowed to have a debate about Keegan with that same old line being shovelled?


    For what it's worth, i blame Keegan as much as i blame Ashley for the state we're in at the moment. Not that that's of any relevance to this particular discussion; i just feel more comfortable assuring you of that - so we can kick off the argument on an even keel.


    Anyhow, Keegan's tenure started absolutely s****... but such is the tenacity and ambition of the man was that he did something risky to change our fortunes. It was risky yet executed with absolute precision. I'm on about the formation change, obviously.


    In the space of two games, we went from being 4-4-2, slogging it out, no shape, no determination, no confidence, no nowt. No specific player roles, no corner routines, no set piece routines. No identification in terms of where to cross, when to cross, when wing-backs should push up, when wingers should drop deep, where strikers should be, etc etc.


    There was the Liverpool 0-3 at Anfield, then the transition at Birmingham, then the explosion of quality at Spurs. all of a sudden, we've got a dynamic strike-force, a combative and versatile midfield, and wing-backs that could attack and assist.


    Keegan started slowly but he had what it took to make a big decision and do it right. He had the motivation aswell, from kick-off n'all - not a half-time "you're all s***, get better".


    Keegan knew exactly what he was doing and we would not be down here if he was still manager.

    Well presumably if he was still manager, the fans wouldn't have protested, the owner wouldn't be selling, and we'd be excited at the best squad we've had for a few good years.


    Absolutely, mate.


    Probably why Shearer is now one of the only few alternatives for the job.


    I mean, I thought Keegan coming back was a mistake, but it lifted everyone's spirits and even when things weren't going his way, people didn't jump onto his back like they are with JK.


    He was given time, which managers need.


    That's been our problem really, fans are too quick to jump on the managers back, meaning they're sacked or they "resign" and we start the cycle all over again.


    We need stability, and the only way we'll get that is if the fans approve of the next manager of the club.


    Who, other than Shearer, is able to achieve that?

  2. Typical Geordie way eh?


    Blame the manager every time we don't get a result. And we wonder why we're bottom of the pile.


    The only mistake JK made was starting Ameobi ahead of Owen, but some of the criticism he gets is ridiculous.


    He's lost 2 games in 7, considering the sort of form we were in that's a fair effort. Keegan would have done no better. Want me to point out the record he had as manager the second time around?


    You don't think Keegan would have amassed more than 1 point against Sunderland, Fulham and a ten-man Wigan? Gerraway man.


    No, I don't.


    That's the plain truth.


    Keegan was also guilty of losing winnable games and playing players that shouldn't have played etc.


    But since he's the messiah we're not allowed to criticise him, right?



  3. Typical Geordie way eh?


    Blame the manager every time we don't get a result. And we wonder why we're bottom of the pile.


    The only mistake JK made was starting Ameobi ahead of Owen, but some of the criticism he gets is ridiculous.


    He's lost 2 games in 7, considering the sort of form we were in that's a fair effort. Keegan would have done no better. Want me to point out the record he had as manager the second time around?

  4. I'd almost be satisfied with a draw out of this.


    I mean, sure, Fulham is a winnable game, but if we go there and try to win and only come out with a draw I'll be happy enough.


    Keep us ticking over, not the easiest place to go, and with our last 2 games being wins we can afford to drop points, assuming we beat Wigan.

  5. :clap: he's doing a fantastic job, I'm sure he won't have any problems finding work after this.


    It's a win-win for him now.


    If he doesn't get the job with us, he'll have no problems getting a job elsewhere anyway.


    Can't lose.

  6. The points we have picked up, I don't know where they've come from to be honest because in general the team has been poor to average and are not performing any differently really or rather do not appear to be playing to some kind of Joe Kinnear inspired game plan. I think his actual appointment itself rather than he himself has had the biggest impact on the team in that there is some stability leaving the players to err, get on with their jobs of playing football. He still scares the s*** out of me I'm afraid and I fear what will happen the longer he does stay. He's certainly doing himself some good though in terms of his career after all this or at least I hope so anyway because I do like him as a character and the game needs people like him I feel.


    So we should bring Keegan back, eh?


    Aye, because that's exactly what I'm saying  :idiot2:


    Well, you've said it about 500 times so I just figured that's what you were getting at.

  7. Oh and the ref and linesmen were a disgrace to the profession never mind the game. Inept doesn't do their performance justice. Awful and the FA need to act quickly because the standard of refereeing in our game is appalling.


    What did they do wrong?


    Booking Shola for Laursen running into his elbow, giving fouls against Barton whenever he's made contact in a tackle/held off a player, while being inconsistent on top of that (knee on Barton's face, Laursen's elbow on Shola)


    The booking for Shola was probably there (FIFA directives to book people using their arms as a tool), Barton's yellow was also fair enough.


    Bennett is a fussy ref, but everyone knows that.

  8. The points we have picked up, I don't know where they've come from to be honest because in general the team has been poor to average and are not performing any differently really or rather do not appear to be playing to some kind of Joe Kinnear inspired game plan. I think his actual appointment itself rather than he himself has had the biggest impact on the team in that there is some stability leaving the players to err, get on with their jobs of playing football. He still scares the shit out of me I'm afraid and I fear what will happen the longer he does stay. He's certainly doing himself some good though in terms of his career after all this or at least I hope so anyway because I do like him as a character and the game needs people like him I feel.


    So we should bring Keegan back, eh?

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