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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. what page is the original post on from thomo??


    Here is Thommos original post


    I know someone who works at the club in operations, Lambais has been at the club today with Lee Charnley and clubs solicitors, he has been told by a senior source that the takeover would be completed within the next three days, it is a consortium from Dubai, he thinks it may be DIC, they are busy completing the terms of agreement within the next 24hours. There is no truth in this Iranian guy taking over



    cheers. Going to be a long day for the lad....

  2. My god how embarrassing is this thread ffs :-[ Man United have the best away support in the business. Do you think they like seeing these idiots embarrassing their club. They hate them more than we do. Grow up

  3. That mido has a bomb song was hilarious imo.


    That's a fine opinion you have there sire. Cretinous and downright pathetic, but still. Racists ARE people afterall


    Come on. Do you think Mido cried himself to sleep after that chant? Have a little humour. I'm sure mido does.


    So, you're arguing that Mido probably doesn't mind being the victims of racism? That's doubtful.


    Personally, I can't believe that anybody on this message board would try to defend racist chants.

    agreed but then i wouldn't think anyone would not be bothered about sick paedophilia chants. Funny ole world
  4. Nile Ranger's dad.


    The only man worthy to have such an honour bestowed upon him.


    Jeff decided he wanted a black kid so he had a word with his Brother. God.

      :lol: :lol: :lol:mint
  5. Kinnear spreading Ashley's lies yet again then. f***ing pathetic.

    Kinnear is a grade a c***, let's hope he gets aids


    Quite the moron aren't you? Seriously though, grow up.


    Not really sure what people expected from Kinnear really. He's always been an average manager and he's dealing with an unmotivated bunch of has beens and cast offs. Given that, he's pretty much done as expected.


    I just dont understand the hate or shock that he's not getting better results, he was the only one we could get and was on a hiding to nothing.

    He is acting as Ashleys underpants, it's getting right on my tits, why come out with a load of shite like he has? I appreciate he is trying his best with the team itself but i fucking hate paying alot of£££££ to be lied to. Like
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