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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. There was a 10 second period when i thaught the Gutierez song was song to kick off but when it just died suddenly, i tried to keep it going but no fucker around me knew thw words

    was that when richardson was lining up the free kick? loads of people seemed to knew the words around me, definitely a song that seems to have caught on.
  2. My bus was laughing aswell, so f*** tbh. Not the end of the world, especially seeing the way those mackem c***s went on made me feel so much better. I can live with it once every 28 years. I also went out and enjoyed myself after the game.

    If people didn't laugh they would either cry or do summit stupid in a rage. Grow up kev
  3. I went to watch my brother today, and his team got stuffed 5-1 he didn't get on till bout 60 minutes god knows why the lad he replaced he was piss poor. Now they were like us yesterday lacking of passion, but I thought. They have no relation to the team just like the majority of our lads. I imagine most hadn't heard of us before we came in for them.


    But what about personal pride? You know that old "Hang on lads were getting made to look like f***ing mugs here?" I mean the opposition today were going "Nor nor I want to score next like" and I tried to convey that to them that they are embarassing you, but no avail, but then their coach is useless.


    But surely if things aren't going well the lads band together and say right lets sort this out, it just seems like too many are content to lull, its weird to me, surely your own pride comes into it?

    How old is he?, if you don't mind me asking like. I agree with what you say like, to many players in our squad are just to quiet to pipe up and lead or quite happy to let someone else take responsibility.
  4. I can see them going down the same route as spuds soon mind, all the young english players spurs played got them to fifth in the league, they then decided to get to big for there boots and start spending loads on pish foreigners to try and get them up to 4th instantly, they would of been better of building with the young english players instead of trying to instantly break the top 4

  5. The Sunderland train came over the hill and it blew,

    The Sunderland train came over the hill and it blew,

    The Sunderland train came over the hill, the wheels fell off, they all got killed


    any meaning about this song or just wishful thinking? :lol:
  6. Given

    Beye Coloccini Bassong Enrique

    Jonas Guthrie Barton N'Zogbia

    Martins Xisco


    for me.

    Huge game for us i would drop Bassong completely he is disgraceful, i would be tempted to play Cacapa alongside colo and shola for Xisco, Apart from that looks alreet to me. This really is a massive next couple of weeks for us if we lose these 2 we are really are in the sh*t




    Bassong disgraceful? WUM surely?


    Anyway, I'm going to be just as nervous watching this one as I was watching yesterday against the Mackems. It might not be a derby, but it's an extremely important game for us, and should we fail to win, we'd be in some trouble.

    usually i do like to wind up people. But how many flaming times did bassong let the ball bounce infront of him, Malbranue tore him a new arsehole, he never won a header and to top it off he never passed the half way line when we had the ball
  7. Given

    Beye Coloccini Bassong Enrique

    Jonas Guthrie Barton N'Zogbia

    Martins Xisco


    for me.

    Huge game for us i would drop Bassong completely he is disgraceful, i would be tempted to play Cacapa alongside colo and shola for Xisco, Apart from that looks alreet to me. This really is a massive next couple of weeks for us if we lose these 2 we are really are in the sh*t
  8. on a general note about policing at games. at SJP until a couple of years ago the cops had it sussed,particularly against the inbreds but recently it seems like they've been a shambles.


    do northumbria or durham constabulary do games at the sty ?


    Cleveland police were there as well I think as Northumbria's horses are out of action for a long time so the cleveland horses are being used up here (they were used after Sunderland v Boro and Sunderland Arsenal anyway).

    Kinda explains the mayhem if anyone else has ever witnessed the stupidity at Boro with the horses.



    at the station heard some bloke talking to a copper and he said that there was alot of west  yorkshire and cleveland police as well as northumbria on duty.
  9. The coins were shocking,  horrible people, I have haerd from my mackem pal that it was the Newcastle fans that tried to get at the Sunderlnd fans.


    Load of crap that is. The sunderland fans were on the pitch running towards the Newcastle fans as soon as the final whistle blew. Yes, some numpties from our end charged at them, but they came at us first. Also saw chairs and bottles going both ways, and coins coming towards us. No need for it man.

    of course they is, they f***ing s*** themselves when some of our fans ran back at them, f*** em


    My pal aint scum mate, he is a good lad and is always honest as he can be.

    never said scum it was meant to say sh*t, wasn't calling him that
  10. The coins were shocking,  horrible people, I have haerd from my mackem pal that it was the Newcastle fans that tried to get at the Sunderlnd fans.


    Load of crap that is. The sunderland fans were on the pitch running towards the Newcastle fans as soon as the final whistle blew. Yes, some numpties from our end charged at them, but they came at us first. Also saw chairs and bottles going both ways, and coins coming towards us. No need for it man.

    of course they is, they fucking shit themselves when some of our fans ran back at them, fuck em
  11. Did anyone see the scrap on the TV just after the final whistle when it showed the Mackems leaving the field and one take a few hits before running away from a Toon fan, then after the police chased the Newcastle fan, the Mackem then decided he would go after him?

    seen this like he ended up getting a good kicking in the newcastle end
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