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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. What's Pompey's away following usually like? They must have brought less than 50 fans when they played the Mackems recently.


    Its decent. I wouldnt consider it as one of the better followings who make their way to SJP, but their OK. Average numbers and decent noise.


    I think they brought 1,000 or so to the mackems.

    320 odd they took to sunlun, they will bring 400 here at most.
  2. I just hope everyone stays focused and this doesn't unsettle the team all over again in the new year.


    Joe is obviously very popular with the players, so if they do decide to change managers again, they had better have someone who everyone would back form the outset in mind.

    depending on the timing of the takeover i would be tempted to keep JFK til the end of the season just to stabalise it short term, then next summer start from scratch AGAIN.
  3. i saw cisse a couple of weeks  back coming out of tesco @ kingston park a couple of days before the derby, should have charged him with my trolley if i knew he was going to score past us lol

    should of heckled him to why he beats kids and women, and why he can't do his shopping in Sunderland the mackem cunt
  4. People need to realise we arnt dead and buried, a win puts us to 14th in the league, ahead of Sunderland aswell.

    WOW!!!1 another thing just how shit are man citehs fans 30 minute  journey one of the cheapest grounds in the league billionaire owner galacticos playing yet the self proclaimed massive club can barely fill half there allocation
  5. He didn't want any of the jobs tbf, none of the clubs who came in for him are big or good enough for him. He will be taking over man united when Fergie retires and will carry on playing his winning brand of football.

  6. last few posts aren't what the thread's about imo, shitting yourself and going a bit quiet coz the team drops deep to protect a one goal lead for half an hour is different to barracking a player in the first five minutes for mis-placing a pass, booing their name before they play or while they come on (we've seen this with owen as well as shola) or one of my personal favourites, getting irate because one of our players takes too long to take a throw in. one of the biggest problems i reckon is most of them have either never played football before or have forgotten what its like, they're totally un-realistic.

    ^^^^^what he said, i also agree with mofo to an extent
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