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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. ---------------------------------given-------------------------------------- beye---------cacapa-----------------------rozehnal---------enrique milner-------barton-------------------------emre----------n'zogbia ---------------owen--------------------------smith--------------------- subs harper faye geremi butt martins we will twat them 3-0 btw
  2. important that we don't look forward to the mackem game before this one but to be fair that is more to do with the fans than the players
  3. Tell all the boys you know, That we'll follow the toon wherever they go, I'll travel the land with a pint in my hand, and i'll follow the toon wherever they go. i also like this one to the tune of nick nack paddy whack Midget Gems Chocolate Drops Chopras dad has got 4 shops he sees a corner he builds on it Michael Chopra's fucking shit!!!
  4. good luck glenn a proper man what he has done to get back into football from his deathbed is unbelievable
  5. keano wanks his labrador duh duh duh duh duh tune ring of fire
  6. mini hitler's tbh do you reckon they will reduce our allocation for next year? No, they just won't serve you beer. To be honest the behaviour of the stewards is a disgrace. I wanna see the day that terraces are rebuilt and we can all stand again. at least i will know not to get to the ground until kick off next year then
  7. jack j

    Nicky Butt

    how do you work out it's the easiest position ? he play's as a holding midfielder not an out and out centre midfielder So why, if it's the easiest position, does Celestine Babayaro play left back? because he is a left back
  8. jack j

    Nicky Butt

    how do you work out it's the easiest position ? he play's as a holding midfielder not an out and out centre midfielder
  9. mini hitler's tbh do you reckon they will reduce our allocation for next year?
  10. jack j

    Nicky Butt

    he play's in the easiest position on the park and he offers one thing we need 2 dimensional midfielders in the middle if we are going to play 2 in the centre if we play 3 in the middle then we can afford to play him similar to chelsea don't play makele when they play a 4-4-2 but they do if they play 4-3-3
  11. Maybe cos its actuallly against the law to attend a designated football match whilst drunk? But the lads weren't drunk, they had been drinking but they weren't drunk and disordely and fallen all over the place. sofuck if they were drunk it doesn't stop you at any other away games unless you are totally hammered
  12. yup i walked about 2 mile to the nearest bar and it was a holiday inn so you can imagine how extortianate the prices were
  13. he said to me have you been drinking i said yes i have just had a bottle of pop he snarled i thought he was going to nut me jobsworth bastards >
  14. mini hitlers trying to get people to sit down anarl mackems.gif jobsworths and there was nee beer in the ground
  15. def*****g impressing and he says we are always good with attacking set plays mackems.gif
  16. we want jimmy jimmy milner on the pitch to the tune of terry hibbitt on the wing ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK just a couple for fat samuel to ponder
  17. oboy! Please can´t you stop with comments like that? He has been her in 5 months now and already you want to replace manager. That is not the solotion! It feels it was yeasterday everyone complaine at roeder, it feels it was yeasterday everyone wanted Souness out... I hope Sam don´t get sacked. In fact I hope he at least run out his contract at three years. I definitley thinks hes the one. If don´t it want be better to sack him now! Give him time like everyone other PL clubs gives their managers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it leaves you sick in the pit of your stomach when you have to travel that far back after that shite and i can tell you alot of older more experienced fans than me can't stand allardyce and his ways. he will not last long if that is his approach ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK
  18. that was one of the most inept performances i have seen from a newcastle team even worse than roeder. you play for a draw and you get nothing fat sam. Also why can't he see that our best performances are when we have 2 wingers not 2 central midfielders playing on the wing. He will not be here long if that his attitude you just had to listen to people who have followed the toon for years yesterday and you can tell not many will put up with that shiiite. Yesterday was more of fat corrupt sam's fault than the players Even worse was the fact that reading is a total shithole the stewards were like mini hitlers and in side the ground they didn't serve beer FAT SAM OUT
  19. seriously man no way if this happens i think this will mean the end for alot of proper fans
  20. he's big he's czech he'll break your fcuking neck rozehnal rozehnal
  21. --------------------------given---------------------------- beye---------faye-----------------cacapa---------enrique milner-------butt------------------barton---------n'zogbia ---------------owen-----------------martins-------------- subs harper rozehnal smith emre geremi This is assuming that viduka is injured like. Also i wouldn't play emre away from home because he goes missing to much maybe we could use him as an impact player from the bench. For me it is a straight battle with butt and geremi for one place and for me you just can't drop butt and i don't rate geremi out on the wing so i would drop him.
  22. give owa man if they had tried to play barca at football they would have got murdered they played to their strengths and there is nowt wrong with that
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