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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. 4 minutes ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

    No idea if it was visible in the stadium and he'd just opened his jacket as walking by the strawberry, tbf. 


    England is canny unique for home/away vitriol. Plenty of places over the continent and in other cultures, it's very normal to have fans mix without issue in the same end. Milan/Inter derby they now mix etc.

    England is probably one of the safest places for a football fan thesedays


  2. 30 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:


    Ffs made me waste 5 minutes of my precious morning going back 8 pages ???


    I was over it instantly. The match, I mean, not that exchange ?


    Absolutely gutted we had it in our grasp but this adventure has arrived before we're ready and it'll be a very steep learning curve. 

    Besides the Xmas schedule means we HAVE to get straight back on the ride and push on. 


    If I have any anger towards anyone over our CL demise it's at our £55m fruit machine who sat and watched his boyhood club progress on. 


    It'll pass tho, now I've typed it ????

    The anger towards Tonali is growing the more games we lose/ the more injuries we get and more tired our players get.

    I understand it like. He best be fucking elite next season

  3. My 7 year old daughter has seen her team play in the champions league live more than any of them inbred bastards


    Are they seriously trying to take the piss out of us[emoji38]

  4. Our lack of cynical fouls does my head in. Not just today either but the amount of times a player could drag someone down like them 2 milan players did today, yet we just let them run through. Longstaff is the worst for it

    Bruno didn't get booked did he? Must have missed that?

  5. 5 minutes ago, ryanegg said:

    Weirdest thing is, I’ve seen him hit some absolute belters on his right during warm-ups.

    I watched him in the warm ups today

    They do this passing thing where they are in a diamond

    Pretty basic stuff to get their touch going. I never once seen him use his right foot

  6. 24 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    Forgot their owner hoyed 10k in. Jesus christ man, they can't even match that. They really are just shit at everything aren't they? ???

    Displays must be mag behaviour

  7. Just now, Fezzle said:

    Because Liv has been good and we play better going forward? Ian is allowed an opinion, take it up with him. Theres zero people anywhere arguing your second point

    I have already said Livramento is our first choice left back now. You said he had a good reason for not wanting Burn back at all. Hence why I'm replying to you.

    Just found it bizarre that when our squad is struggling as much as it is that he wouldn't want a player who done a more than adequate job for us last season back fit.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Fezzle said:

    I mean its one person and he gives a good reason for it :lol:

    What is the good reason for not wanting him back at all???


    Burn played every match last season , we finished 4th and he was part of a very good defensive unit

    Most people wouldn't have him in their first 11s anymore with the emergence of livramento which is fine, but he is more than adequate enough to fill in especially when there are players dead on their feet


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