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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. Anyone got a video of him going radge in front of the away end when he blocked a clearance


    In fact is there anyway I can rewatch the whole game again?

  2. I Was upper tier. The celebrations for that first goal were unreal. Didn't seem to be many singing at times but fuck it I was and I loved every second of giving them cunts if

    Was back outside SJP for 16.15 ad well quicker than I've ever got home off the metro

  3. 45 minutes ago, Paully said:

    One thing that is 100% certain is that NP will be praying that it isn't a draw!


    6000 red and whiters making a bubble journey to SJP on a Tuesday or Wednesday night would be absolute bedlam! They'd probably need to arrive at their place from about 3pm and it'll clash with people finishing work!

    They'll get 1800 on police advice

    Imagine the fewm

  4. 31 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:

    We were flat before the match. In the pubs, walking to the ground and In the concourse beforehand. I remember saying to my nephew the fans weren't up for it. Looked around and most people were in their 50s and 60s. It was like going to a home match in the Leazes End.


    Hated every minute of it.

    I remember walking down Wembley way and loads of them giving it cheer up alan shearer. Barely owt coming back from wor fans. Too busy taking selfies.


    Edit just realised you said that in ur other post

    They were rowdy as fuck

  5. 1 hour ago, Wandy said:

    Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if Saturday's effort is pitiful, considering the numbers going.

    Hopefully it's like man utd away and not like Wembley. People getting telt to sit down and that.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    I think we were pretty confident of Neto in summer, but I get the feeling lack of CL might prevent that.

    We can't even afford to shop in netto nevermind neto

  7. 8 minutes ago, Slim said:

    How would they stop people getting the metro home if they want.

    Id Imagine they'll be escorting the away fans to the bus areas as thats what people who had purchased match tickets had agreed to do. 6 thousand is a lot and I imagine a few will escape the net so to speak, can see it causing a bit bother once people are sick of waiting and they're being stopped from going other ways though...


  8. 14 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Not sure what the issue is? Free safe return transport. Alcohol on sale for those who feel they must have it. I get the first batch of buses are departing early is not ideal (I’m on one!) but that aside can’t see what’s to complain about. No different to the arrangements we used to have in the 00’s.

    Don't think people will mind the early start but can see people getting pissed off after the game if they're stuck waiting for the later batch of busses

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