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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. Didnt sound anything out of the ordinary on the telly like

    Then again when I watched the PSG game back it didn't sound that good

    Yet when I walked out the stadium I thought it was the best atmosphere I've been in at SJP

  2. 2 minutes ago, SteV said:

    Yeah, it was PSG away she attended.


    The club could really have helped her out by telling her to amend her statement a bit before it went public. Surely someone could have foreseen what the reaction was going to be?


    Which was my original point. You'd think the club would have realised

    They're either oblivious or not fussed

    Who knows

  3. 5 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Very middle class and nouveau riche fan’s representation there, my thoughts where fucked as a fanbase and it’s happened sooner than I ever imagined.



    To be fair a load of them have had season tickets for years. So it's probably been fucked for years. Ashley was just a convenient excuse for it being shite

  4. 4 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    How many tickets go to international members? If it's a small handful I don't see an issue and I say that as someone who is missing out in ballots, etc. 

    Is there an international ballot for away games? I know there is for home games. Didnt realise there was for away games

    Then again nobody knows the breakdown of away tickets hence the anger from loads

  5. 2 minutes ago, OCOCOL said:

    It’s definitely “we”. Remember it’s from a different era when pagga was unfortunately part and parcel of attending football. 

    The greatest pity though is that we again don’t sing the whole song. The verses referencing Joe Harvey (the last manager to actually win a bloody cup, I’m not having the intertoto whatever UEFA say) and beating Spaniards by the score. 

    The corner still sings the bring on ya hearts ya hibs ya celtic etc verse like

  6. The club aren't helping themselves here mind


    I understand the need and want for new fans but the fact shes gotta ticket for psg with the rules as they are is gonna just get peoples backs right up

  7. 1 hour ago, Choppy Chop Chop said:

    Don't know why  "Sunderland will never die they've never lived that's the reason why" to the red flag tune is not sung at Derby matches   

    Be lucky if there was 200 of the 6000 there on Saturday knew that one

    Pal started singinging mackems on a string and he got looked at in disgust

  8. Who put the ball in the mackems net

    Who put the ball in the mackems net

    Who put the ball in the mackems net

    Alexander Isak

    Super super Al


    Rehash of their sewpa kev shite. Should get right on their tits

  9. 3 minutes ago, Ed210 said:


    most of them would be working their day off for a lieu day in return. 

    So they're still getting what they're entitled to?

    Fair enough most them mightnt wanna work it but they know what they're signing up for

    But there was probably more than ever working due to it being a bubble trip. I seen police from Cheshire and North Yorkshire ffs. Pure overkill.

  10. Not for me like

    Queuing starting round the old barker and Stonehouse. Took 45 mins before getting to the bus. Stopped on Scotswood road for an age. Escort barely reaching 20mph

    Herded into a cramped concourse with overpriced food/drinks with still 2 hours til kick off


    Think all this added to the sanitised atmosphere.

    Easy money for the coppers


    Coming back I was one of the lucky ones was back for just after 20 past 4 so was pleased with that mind


  11. 10 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Never thought I’d see the day a derby goal was celebrated through a mobile phone. Some of the folk going to away games this season haven’t got a clue and are ruining our reputation as a great away support.

    I've just seen a lad on Facebook who has went for years posting a video of the penalty and then himself.

    Would never have seen him do that years ago.

    He won't be the only one either. Its a sign of the times. Even the ones who whinge on twitter all the time about the new fans have their selfie after every game


    Another thing with our fans is we can't keep a song going

    Remember singing the o brien song there for ages last time we were there. This time everything just dies straight out

  12. Just now, Kid Icarus said:

    Definitely had his cheekiness back today. No surprise that he dealt with Clarke considering he did the same to Mbappe like :lol:




    Think them daft fuckers giving him abit stick chirped him up abit early doors.

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