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About Coxaux

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    TAFKA Bellers
  1. Ashleyite five, who's with me: http://brendanbourdage.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/toddfive.jpg I just can't take that title seriously.
  2. Ashleyite? *Cringe* Edit: Actually reading the post now.
  3. Whats with over-dramatics people, chillax, football has been a business for a long time now. I dunno Yorkie spilling his guts Kev jumping off the Tyne Bridge (although that may not be a negative) GM and Brummie writing off people I suggest you sit down, crack open a beer, and allow the stick to slide from between your clenched cheeks.
  4. Because the mods are power hungry bastard who've taken power from the people (see the Keegan thread).
  5. Coxaux

    Dennis Wise

    He coaches Barton, not noticed the marked improvement in his left arm hook recently.
  6. Aye because Manchester United will sell their best player to their City rivals.
  7. Sack the mods I say, going behind our backs making changes. Jeez, they'll be employing ex-thugs to recruit new members soon. Will N-O ever be the same again? I'm thinking about giving up on it personally.
  8. Surely after today no one believes what those shit spinners have to say after today of all days, they know about as much as we do.
  9. Those charvers believe it or not might just be aiding Keegan.
  10. Keegan wanted 3 or 4 players. He got 2 - a kid and a loanee... Wise and Co were supposed to go out and sign players as per their job description but didn't deliver. A bollock was dropped and Wise is at least partly to blame. He's got nothing to do with transfer's his job is to sort the academy.
  11. He's having a meat pie for tea while Newcastle burns to the ground.
  12. Nah, Decky got it absolutely right. You did well too, but he topped you. Decky made me mad on the internet for the first time ever. Oh is that right is it? We'll see won't we.
  13. Decky man learn from the master, you've got to do it when people least expect it. My master class from last night had people on red hot "Rick Roll" alert.
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