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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. 5 minutes ago, OverThere said:

    This thread is going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Billy Whitehurst will be mentioned soon.

    Peter Withe, Wyn Davies, Brian Pop Robson them were the days and of course Malcolm and Tudor 

  2. 3 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Time to move on to the next target.

    Agree need to pull the rug from under Lille's feet, if don't go ahead then there's gonna be animosity between him and his club over what could of been


  3. Would Howe actually be able to manage the calibre of players we are after, as I believe he ain't got a cat in hells chance that he can, would be out of his depth 

  4. 10 hours ago, Slim said:

    Think people underestimate how easy it is to sign quality players in January and how long it takes when teams want to maximise fees.

    There has to be a couple of championship strikers who can get us over the line if getting top ones are difficult, still need 2 up front ,2 in middle , 2 at back and get new keeper

  5. Think the owners will be quite secretive and also informing the sellers to say nowt, so stuff happening in the background , will be good to have surprises with unexpected signings .


  6. Was listening to talkshite this morning, god they don't half hate us, every comment mentioned on there says he's only here for the money, and that's gonna be the thread throughout this particular window

  7. 1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:


    The entire Gallowgate standing would be just incredible!

    Been there in the 60' s standing couldn't see a damn thing sometimes, if youve never been in the stadium when was all standing it was horrendous if needed a slash at half time trying to get back to your sidekicks was murder.

  8. Got to put me hands up thought he was as much use as a chocolate fireguard , but whatever has happened to make him play in the manner he is fabulous and hope he don't get poached in January 

  9. still can't get my head round it.

    can sit outdoors for a concert, indoors in a pub, restaurants and even a thatre/cinema ffs. but not outdoors in a stadium 10 feet away from anyone else.

    why not more media pressure for the government to explain the discrepancy?



    It's what happens ourside the ground, try the metro at finishing time or the rush to get out of the ground at final whistle no chance of social distancing

  10. Silence more often than not means that everything has stopped and nothing is happening.

    You're setting yourself up for further disappointment.


    Respectfully disagree all signs suggest to me this is ongoing and far from over. People can choose to bail out mentally if they haven’t got the stomach anymore, but it’s not going away and she’ll be in charge by xmas.


    won't happen if Ashley buisineses are recovering which appears to be the case.

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