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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. It will be interesting to see if the consortium go after the premier league, and also leaves the PL in a difficult position. The chinese cannot go after a PL club, Leicester owners aren't exactly squeaky clean,bearing in mind the previous controversy around those people so it's been stated. I believe there maybe other such owners also, they will also need to  go down the route of sponsorship and see whether those people are fit and proper.I think the PL have opened up one hell of a can of worms here.

  2. A fan of another club on another forum posted that this was a good thing. I bit...


    “It’s fucking dreadful news. The American linked with us is a Qatari-sponsored Stewart Donald in a cowboy hat.


    Liverpool, Spurs, Qatar and the PL have fucked us over.


    And now we’re stuck with Mike Fucking Ashley, Steve fucking Bruce and a patronising media that tells us to be grateful every season we aren’t relegated.


    Well fuck that. I’m finished with football“


    gonna be interesting next season see how many turn up once the corona pop issue is over with.

  3. when does the transfer window open and could we miss it with delays in the takeover, I guess we cannot get anything remotely lined up should it happen, think we're on a sticky wicket here.


  4. once it starts teams will have to be quick out of the blocks to ensure they're ok, few months break may not seem much, but who knows how the teams will react, some are usually very good at the beginning and fade others take a while to get going, which could be detrimental.I think there are a few twists and turns yet to come.

  5. Absolutely ludicrous to even consider finishing the season, surprised Angela sanctioned it in Germany.


    The aversion to binning it off and starting again in September is bizarre.


    Was reading an article on the Bundesliga, one of the major reasons why they need to complete the season is in order to get the final payment from the TV rights - if they don’t get this, then a number of German clubs will go insolvent


    Don’t know where the PL is up to with payments? Think they have their final instalment?


    The PL I believe have to pay TV mopney back to the sponsors , hence the panic over where we are with when and it should be finnished


  6. The obvious solution to all this nonsense is, Liverpool champs, no relegations in any league, followed by only promotions. The following season reduce number of promotions, increase the relegation pro rota thus by the end of the 20/21 season the books will be balanced.


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