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Posts posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. In Paris and the big coloured French barman in the bar I'm at for the match is a massive mag. Doubt he's even heard of Sunderland the small time c***s


    A forrin mag marra? There worst nightmare


    a) do you mean black? b) why is it even relevant?


    Because they hate any non whites marra especially non white mags



  2. In Paris and the big coloured French barman in the bar I'm at for the match is a massive mag. Doubt he's even heard of Sunderland the small time cunts


    A forrin mag marra? There worst nightmare


    a) do you mean black? b) why is it even relevant?

  3. Exactly, unfortunately what he has apologised for is not a criminal offence. The others in the area are friends of his so would presumably not corroborate my version of events.


    He has denied using the homophobic language - he said "fucking puffs" at least three times throughout the game - and as others have said on that point it is one persons word against another. As the club have pointed out, I could report that as a criminal offence.

  4. It is 100% lip service from the club. They have no real interest in equality or mental health.


    That's not really fair. And it's actually a stupid attitude, as what you are saying is, their is no point complaining because the club will do nowt. You can't blame the club for this. As far as we are aware the club have received ONE complaint, which has been denied. Nowt the club can do if nobody corroborates the claim.


    Durham did right to complain, but the names of a few willing witnesses would have helped his, and the club's cause.


    Agree, if he denies it then it is a case of one person's word against another so the club can't really do anything. However, given that he has continued to maintain his view that the rainbow flags (and therefore in my view is saying that LGBQT) has no place at SJP, the fact that he has been sent a leaflet doesn't feel good enough. If he were, for example, banned from the Liverpool game, that would have had a greater impact in my view.

  5. whats with the nufc scarf on our shirt today?




    Great win. The bloke sat next to me walked in as the teams were coming out - he took one look at the rainbow flag, described it as sad and then  made a derogatory comment (which he then repeated twice during the game). Feels a bit sad I've got his seat number and am going to report it. No one likes a tell tale but equally I feel that if I just let it go then people will just continue to get away with it.


    Get it done :thup:


    I did end up reporting this but am a little disappointed with the club's response. The chap has denied using the words I reported, so I understand that it is a difficult one. At the same time he apologised (although I am not sure what for) and maintains that the rainbow flags have no place in football. The club have told me they can't start a 'covert operation' because there is only one game left. They also say that they don't want to beat someone with a stick and have responded proportionately by writing to him and sending him the united as one leaflet.


    I am not sure what i expected, but I think given he was maintaining his view I wanted more. I just feel the club has been a little weak, particularly as it happened on the day that they launched an inclusivity initiative. They are encouraging people to report incidents yet there doesn't seem to be a deterrent - he will be sat in his seat tomorrow, so there is no real consequence to his actions. Either they are committed to making SJP an inclusive, safe and welcoming space for all or they aren't. To me it seems they aren't.


    As I said I do appreciate it is a difficult situation, and am trying to decide whether to express my disappointment to them or just move on. Perhaps time to let this one go?



  6. whats with the nufc scarf on our shirt today?




    Great win. The bloke sat next to me walked in as the teams were coming out - he took one look at the rainbow flag, described it as sad and then  made a derogatory comment (which he then repeated twice during the game). Feels a bit sad I've got his seat number and am going to report it. No one likes a tell tale but equally I feel that if I just let it go then people will just continue to get away with it.


    Get it done :thup:


    Please do, as a gay fan love seeing the rainbow flag, football stadiums can sometimes feel a bit like enemy territory.


    I will do mate don't worry - its got to be eradicated and the only way to do that is to ensure there are consequences. I will confess I bottled it a bit - I could and should have said something to him/a steward but didn't.

  7. whats with the nufc scarf on our shirt today?




    Great win. The bloke sat next to me walked in as the teams were coming out - he took one look at the rainbow flag, described it as sad and then  made a derogatory comment (which he then repeated twice during the game). Feels a bit sad I've got his seat number and am going to report it. No one likes a tell tale but equally I feel that if I just let it go then people will just continue to get away with it.

  8. Just realised I have left my ticket back in Newcastle.  Is there anyway I can get a duplicate ticket? Would the club send Southampton a list of those they have sold tickets to?


    Yes. Contract Southampton box office tomorrow morning and they will contact NUFC and then print a duplicate for you to collect.


    NUFC box office will be closed tomorrow.


    Contact [email protected] - they have someone working on match days (including away) to cover situations like this.

    That’s good to hear. Wasn’t sure with it being a Sunday. Thanks.

  9. In terms of positional awareness you'd think he would be better than Mbemba as a left back. Probably offers more overlapping going forward as well. Don't get me wrong he is far from a perfect solution, but I think of the two he is probably better placed to deal with out and out wingers.

  10. Can quite believe it. Rafa picks the 18 on a game by game basis. I can't imagine Mbemba would have fared well as a full back against the pace of Salah (or Mane if they switched), plus Liverpool's weakness is supposedly at the back. Having Manquillo with Gamez as back up makes perfect sense. And Lejeune is clearly ahead of Mbemba in the CB pecking order. 

  11. Is it just me or does Foster not get a touch of the ball?


    Aye I thought that, I thought there was a tiny deflection off his glove. Assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me


    I saw the same thing, but none of the BT lot seems to have picked up on it.

  12. Just got tickets for the Europa League Final. Out in Stockholm anyway visiting family. Hoping Manchester United get to the final and then get turned over by Lyon or something similar.

    Fucks sake, didn't even know they were on sale yet and the application period is over. Really fancied going. How much are you paying for them?


    Think it works out at 60 quid each. Category 3 (out of 4) behind the goals but not right at top or bottom I think so not bad.

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