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Posts posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. neither of the two above.


    Why not start him against Southampton if fit? He came back against Spurs at home after missing most of preseason and still looked like our fittest player on the pitch.

    just the standard thing of not starting players who've been out for months.


    Maybe usually, but given we have a game in the middle of nowhere 2 days earlier it would make sense to know that we have at least Hatem, Gouffran and Debuchy to come in totally fresh.

  2. For as much as Tiote is wrongfully booked/sent off due to reputation, YoCabs gets away with murder. Nothing malicious but that tackle near the end.....


    Sorry if i have mis-interpreted what you were trying to say, but i'd argue there was plenty of malice in that tackle at the end.


    Thought it was just late and a bad tackle. Don't think he meant to hurt Dembele.


    I guess, but you don't go into a tackle like that without knowing theres every chance you are going to hurt the player. I know what you mean that - I don't think he has thought 'I'm going to do him here', but he is well aware he is going to be late.

  3. For as much as Tiote is wrongfully booked/sent off due to reputation, YoCabs gets away with murder. Nothing malicious but that tackle near the end.....


    Sorry if i have mis-interpreted what you were trying to say, but i'd argue there was plenty of malice in that tackle at the end.

  4. Not worried about Cisse at all. He'll score plenty of goals in this side.


    Did you copy paste that from a couple of weeks ago? I keep reading these votes of confidence, and people expected Cisse to pick it up after Ba left, but it hasn't really happened for him so far, has it? I predicted him to score 20-25 earlier in that poll, now I'd be ecstatic if he gets half that.


    He's scored three times in the last couple of weeks. He's still off the form of last season, but that was ridiculous form to be honest. 20-25 Premier League goals would have probably seen us challenging for the title btw, it happens that rarely.


    Exactly. Hope he gets a start on Thursday though. He could do with one or two for a bit of confidence.

  5. Don't understand why Anita's out in the cold.


    I think he's a bit knackered. It may seem bizarre for a professional athlete to be tired after half a season, but he looked it in his last couple of appearances.


    It is odd given actually out of all our players, he's been the one that's turned in some big performances against the big side - was excellent at Old Trafford and pretty decent at the Emirates?


    Good to know the likes of him, Tiote, Marv, Mapou etc will all play on Thursday.

  6. Still getting used to the intensity of the league. Played almost a full game midweek as well. 4 games in the last 15 days - 3 of which will have been of an intensity he's rarely experienced. Not surprising he's running out of puff a bit.

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